Got questions about the timing of flu and Covid vaccines? Here’s what experts say

“It seems there’s a whole program in the T cells that makes them very efficient at responding in the day and being less efficient at night,” said Nicolas Cermakian, a chronobiologist at McGill University and the Douglas Research Centre in Montreal. In a 2019 PNAS study, his team showed that vaccines delivered during the day produced more T cell activation than those delivered at night.

Published on: 26 Oct 2022

Dr. Gustavo Turecki received the Philippe and Maria Halphen Prize from the Académie des sciences of France. This prize was awarded during an official ceremony at the Institut de France on October 18, 2022. The Philippe and Marie Halphen Prize is awarded to support the development of research projects concerning schizophrenia and severe depression. The Halphen Grand Prize of 20,000 € is awarded to a French-speaking scientist who has contributed to the identification of environmental and biological determinants of psychotic decompensation in adolescents. Congratulations Dr.

Published on: 21 Oct 2022

Drs. Corina Nagy and Rachel Rabin were awarded Brain and Behavior Research Fund Young Investigator Awards for 2022. The Brain Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF) Young Investigator Grants are awarded annually to enable promising investigators to either extend research fellowship training or begin careers as independent research faculty. Congratulations to both!

Read more

Published on: 21 Oct 2022

Is maternal instinct a myth? What the new science tells us about mom brains

Published on: 14 Oct 2022

Cannabis Act needs update to limit legal THC concentration

The task force that studied the legalization of cannabis in 2017-18 had proposed 10 per cent as an upper limit of THC concentration, but when the Cannabis Act was passed, there were no imposed limits, writes Gabriella Gobbi.

The Hill Times

Published on: 14 Oct 2022

Qui perd du poids gagne en matière grise
…Pour parvenir à ces conclusions, Andréanne Michaud et son équipe ont d’abord élaboré, en collaboration avec le professeur Yashar Zeighami, de l’Université McGill, un modèle qui sert à déterminer l’évolution de la densité de matière grise du cerveau en fonction de l’âge. « Nous avons utilisé des images cérébrales provenant de près de 600 adultes en santé âgés de 18 à 75 ans », souligne la directrice de recherche.

Published on: 11 Oct 2022

Mise en garde contre les effets pervers du mode de scrutin

Published on: 11 Oct 2022

Quels sont les effets de la consommation de cannabis à long terme?

Published on: 5 Oct 2022

Quand l’anxiété ronge les jeunes
Le nombre de jeunes souffrant d’anxiété ne cesse d’augmenter au Québec depuis 15 ans. Les ressources d’aide se font rares. À l’inverse, les prescriptions de médicaments sont en hausse. Comment venir en aide à ces enfants?
« Il faut s’attaquer aux causes qui font que les gens ne sont pas capables de gérer leurs émotions et sont de plus en plus anxieux. Et ça passe entre autres par la formation », croit la Dre Karine Igartua, cheffe du département de psychiatrie du CUSM.

Published on: 5 Oct 2022

Dr. Romina Mizrahi was among 15 McGill Professors who received a John R. Evans Leaders Fund. Through this program, the receives $262,301 from Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI), with matching funds contributed through the Quebec government, in support of her research program, Molecular Neuroimaging in Psychosis and Substance Use Disorders. Congratulations Dr. Mizrahi! Read more

Published on: 5 Oct 2022

Experts call for better dementia treatment in new report, saying most patients receive no care after diagnosis

Gauthier, a professor of neurology and psychiatry at McGill University and director of the Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research Unit in the McGill Center for Studies in Aging, described dementia as “a combination of decline in function in the cognitive abilities, usually memory.

Published on: 22 Sep 2022

How the U.K. model of postpartum depression care could guide Canada's treatment plan

Tuong-Vi Nguyen, an assistant professor in both the psychiatry and gynecology and obstetrics departments at McGill University, says the whole family suffers when the birthing parent experiences postpartum depression.

CBC Manitoba

Published on: 22 Sep 2022

Les orphelins de la COVID-19

L’autre élément important est la stigmatisation. « Avec le sida et l’Ebola, les orphelins sont souvent stigmatisés parce que ce sont des maladies qui font peur », explique Cécile Rousseau, psychiatre de l’Université McGill. « Je participe à un projet de recherche canadien sur les orphelins de l’Ebola et de la COVID-19 au Congo. »

La Presse

Published on: 19 Sep 2022

Doctors have stopped believing that 'chemical imbalance' causes depression. They didn't tell us

Psychiatry has known for some time that the “serotonin theory” of depression, the notion that too little of the brain chemical can be a cause of depression, a decades-old hypothesis and deeply entrenched trope in society that helped promote a class of antidepressants taken by millions of Canadians, is wrong, says Montreal psychiatrist Dr. Joel Paris.

The Province

Published on: 19 Sep 2022

Le bras de fer du pot, 18 ou 21 ans?

«Ce qui dit qu’une année de loi a diminué la consommation chez les jeunes de 7 %. Du point de vue statistique épidémiologique, c’est énorme!» commente la Dre Gabriella Gobbi, psychiatre et professeure à l’Université McGill. Dre Gobbi avait témoigné devant la commission parlementaire qui étudiait le projet de loi no 2, en 2019.

Le Droit

Published on: 14 Sep 2022


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