This report, co-authored by Max Bell School Professor Jennifer Welsh, begins by summarizing a number of features of Canada’s population, economic power, and geographic and political position, which continue to call for international engagement.

Section Two then provides a strategic assessment of the current global environment and the most significant risks it poses to Canada’s interests and values.

Classified as: Jennifer Welsh, Global Engagement
Published on: 8 Sep 2020

The ten strategic questions set out in this report are based on a dialogue among a group of Canadian international policy experts co-chaired by Max Bell School Professor Jennifer Welsh. Their "dialogue was aimed not at recommending a single course of action for Canada, but rather at identifying a range of key strategic choices Canadian governments will need to make in order to advance the security and prosperity of Canadians and to contribute to shaping the world around us in the years ahead."

Classified as: Jennifer Welsh, Global Engagement
Published on: 8 Sep 2020

August 17, 2020 | Since the start of this year, there have been increasing calls for the Canadian government to impose a national moratorium on facial recognition technology. This demand arises from the possibility that law enforcement will use facial recognition to discriminate against certain demographics and worsen discrimination in the justice system. A moratorium would provide legislators time to develop a comprehensive and effective policy regulating  FR technology and the data it collects, uses, and shares.

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, taylor owen, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Tech Informed Policy
Published on: 26 Aug 2020

Scientists at McGill University have developed a solvent-free method for making oligonucleotides, short strands of DNA of growing significance in research and the pharmaceutical industry.

Classified as: Green Chemistry
Published on: 24 Aug 2020

The HCALM student program supports innovative research projects whose focus is to explore relationships between language and access to health care and related social services.

Proposals must be e-mailed by Friday October 2, 2020.

For all information, click here.



Classified as: HCALM Network, call for proposals, research projects
Published on: 11 Aug 2020

The HCALM Network issues regularly a call for proposals for research projects whose focus is to investigate the relationship between language and access to health care and related social services.

Proposals must be e-mailed by Friday October 2, 2020.

For all information, click here.

Classified as: HCALM Network, call for proposals, research projects
Published on: 10 Aug 2020

A new report released by the Centre for Media, Technology, and Democracy — set to launch this September — outlines an infrastructural approach to social media platforms, and has much to add to the policy space around platform governance of harmful content online. Written by Mike Ananny, Associate Professor of Communication and Journalism at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, the report outlines how companies employ specific infrastructural concepts in their models.

Classified as: Centre for Media Technology & Democarcy
Published on: 6 Aug 2020

Dr Suzanne Morin was awarded a FRQS Clinician Scientist Senior Career Award.

Published on: 16 Jul 2020

Dr Amal Bessissow was awarded an FRQS clinician scientist junior 1 career award.

Published on: 16 Jul 2020

Dr Maral Koolian received a JGH Department of Medicine Research Award for her QI research in venous thromboembolism and anticoagulant use.

Published on: 16 Jul 2020

For human beings, the ability to generalize – to extract broad principles from our experiences of the world and use these principles to help us make decisions in new situations – is an essential skill for navigating everyday life. But for those working in the field of artificial intelligence, getting machines to generalize in this way has been a notoriously difficult challenge.

Classified as: Artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning
Published on: 15 Jul 2020

Dr Kaberi Dasgupta won the MUHC Department of Medicine Mid-Career Staff Research Award 2020 in recognition of sustained excellence by a Department of Medicine staff member of more than 10 years up to 20 years.

Published on: 8 Jul 2020

Dr Emily McDonald won the MUHC Department of Medicine Early Career Staff Research Award 2020 in recognition of excellence in research by a Department of Medicine staff member within 10 years of completion of training.

Published on: 8 Jul 2020

Dr Natalie Dayan won the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine (CSIM) New Investigator Award 2020 in recognition of excellence in research in general internal medicine.

Published on: 8 Jul 2020

McGill University researchers are using cutting-edge computer simulations and analytical techniques to identify and validate promising compounds in the search for a treatment for COVID-19.

Nicolas Moitessier, a professor in the Department of Chemistry, is using computer simulation software that he has developed over the past 15 years to predict the properties of molecules that have yet to be made.

Classified as: covid-19
Published on: 23 Jun 2020


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