Dr. Kimiz Dalkir of the McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) has been selected as a leader in the development of the Quartier de l’Innovation’s “Montreal Creativity Hub.”

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 18 Feb 2014

The McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) is pleased to welcome postdoctoral researchers Dr. Cédric Camier and Dr. Jochen Steffens, both undertaking research at the Multimodal Interaction Laboratory (MIL) with Prof. Catherine Guastavino.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 31 Jan 2014

The McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) is strongly represented at the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) 76th Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-5 in Montreal.

The conference is co-chaired by Dr. France Bouthillier, SIS Director and faculty member. Faculty, affiliated researchers, and students are participating in panels and workshops and presenting papers and posters.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News, Student News, PhD News
Published on: 1 Nov 2013

The McGill School of Information Studies (SIS) is pleased to participate in ICKM 2013, the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management held November 1-2 in Montreal.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 1 Nov 2013

Professor France Bouthillier, Director of the School of Information Studies (SIS) is pleased to welcome three new faculty members:

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 10 Sep 2013

Dr. Charles-Antoine Julien, School of Information Studies Assistant Professor, has received the following research grants:

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 6 Jun 2013

Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Guastavino on her 5-year NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Discovery Grant for research on auditory motion perception.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 5 Jun 2013


School of Information Studies (SIS) faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino is co-organizing the second international conference "Tracking the Creative Process in Music" in Montreal on Oct 10-12, 2013.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 14 May 2013

Les Cahiers du Numérique has published a special thematic issue on the preservation of digital cultural artifacts, prepared by School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Catherine Guastavino and recent PhD graduate Guillaume Boutard, guest editors.

View a summary of contents at Les Cahiers du Numérique, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2012).

Classified as: SIS, Faculty News, Student News
Published on: 13 May 2013

School of Information Studies faculty member Professor Peter McNally has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his outstanding contribution to the community.

Marc Garneau, MP for Westmount-Ville-Marie, will be presenting Prof. McNally with his medal at a ceremony on February 23, 2013.

Congratulations Professor McNally!

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 22 Jan 2013

Congratulations to School of Information Studies professors Dr. Jamshid Beheshti and Dr. Andrew Large, editors of the newly published book: "The Information Behavior of a New Generation: Children and Teens in the 21st Century".

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 16 Nov 2012
American Psychological Association

Congratulations to Dept. of Educational & Counselling Psychology faculty member Dr. Martin Drapeau, Chair-Elect on the Executive Committee of the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association.

Classified as: Faculty of Education, ECP, Faculty News
Published on: 10 Oct 2012

Congratulations to School of Information Studies students and faculty who presented at the "#Influence12 - Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media" in Halifax, Nova Scotia September 28-29, 2012.

Paper presentation: Nouf Khashman (PhD candidate). "We are all Khaled Said" Page on Facebook: Exploring its Influence on the Egyptian Revolution.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News, Student News
Published on: 9 Oct 2012

The Association pour l’avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED) has just published a special thematic issue on documentation standards.

This July-September edition of its quarterly journal Documentation et bibliothèques (Vol. 58 no. 3) was prepared by McGill School of Information Studies faculty member Dr. Elaine Ménard, guest editor.

Classified as: SIS, Faculty of Education, Faculty News
Published on: 2 Oct 2012
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