This message is sent on behalf of Chitra Sewsagur, Director, Application Services.

Ce message est envoyé au nom de Chitra Sewsagur, Directrice, Services Applicatifs.

La version française suit.

Good afternoon,

An issue is affecting the FOAPAL synch integration, the function that sends new and changed Funds and Activity codes from Banner to Workday. Presently, none of the changes or newly created Funds and Activity codes are being sent to Workday.

Classified as: FOAPAL, Funds, activity, Codes, Banner, workday
Published on: 21 Mar 2024

Fifty projects covering broad range of health research topics receive support

By Neale McDevitt, Editor, McGill Reporter

JANUARY 30, 2020

CIHR awarded 385 health research projects across the country totalling approximately $275 million. Fifty of the projects awarded research grants are led by McGill researchers.

Classified as: Funds, McGill, CIHR
Published on: 22 Sep 2023
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