April 8, 2022 | Across interviews with Global News Morning Toronto, CBC News, and iPolitics, professor Kevin Page gave his expertise on the recently unveiled Canadian federal budget for 2022-2023.

"It's really not a lot of spending relative to past budgets. Actually, it's a pretty slim budget for the size of our economy," said Kevin Page, president and CEO of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy at the University of Ottawa. "It's just not a big-spending budget."

Classified as: fiscal budget, budget, Canada, Kevin Page
Published on: 8 Apr 2022

April 7, 2022 | As Canadians wait to hear Ottawa's spending plans in today's budget, there are conflicting views worldwide over whether countries should be producing more oil and gas to help Europe — or saving the world from climate change and leaving fossil fuels in the ground. Director Chris Ragan comments in this article from CBC News that believes governments have to be risk-takers by helping to stimulate investment in new climate friendly technology.

Read the article in full here.

Classified as: chris ragan, carbon tax, Canada, budget, fiscal budget, climate change
Published on: 7 Apr 2022

Finance Minister Bill Morneau will introduce the federal government's latest budget on March 22, 2017.

Richard Gold, Faculty of Law, McGill University

His area of expertise is innovation policy, the clusters the government is announcing, and other programs they may mention to bolster how Canadian firms can become world players. He teaches in the area of intellectual property, international intellectual property, comparative intellectual property, innovation policy and intellectual property management.

Classified as: faculty of medicine, budget, innovation, federal budget, Faculty of Law, Richard Gold, mark ware, cannabis
Published on: 20 Mar 2017

"The Liberal government is now forecasting larger than expected deficits for the next two years even before adding billions in promised spending in its first budget, which will be tabled on March 22." (CTV News)

Classified as: tom velk, budget, federal budget, experts, McGill experts, 2016, saeed mirza
Published on: 18 Mar 2016

"The City of Montreal's 2016 budget includes another increase in residential property taxes, a smaller increase in non-residential property taxes and an increase in overall expenditures of 2.4 per cent." (Source: CBC)

Classified as: budget, Montreal, Richard Shearmur
Published on: 25 Nov 2015

To all Finance users,

Budget carry forward balances for all applicable funds have been posted to May of fiscal year 16 (2015/16). This budget appears in account code 700421, 700422 or 700428 (depending on the Fund Type), and carries a document number starting with ‘CF’. 

Information relating to the carry forwards is available in the Budget Carry Forward Information Bulletin found in our Knowledge Base.

[Message sent out over the FIS listserv June 2, 2015]

Classified as: Financial Services, budget, year end, carry forward
Published on: 4 Jun 2015
Classified as: antonia maioni, budget, Quebec, Politics
Published on: 21 Apr 2015
Classified as: budget, Quebec
Published on: 20 Mar 2015
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