Machine learning tutors affect learners in unforeseen ways, both positive and negative

Virtual reality simulators can help learners improve their technical skills faster and with no risk to patients. In the field of neurosurgery, they allow medical students to practice complex operations before using a scalpel on a real patient. When combined with artificial intelligence, these tutoring systems can offer tailored feedback like a human instructor, identifying areas where the students need to improve and making suggestions on how to achieve expert performance.

Classified as: Neuro, rolando del maestro, neurosurgery, Artificial intelligence
Published on: 19 Sep 2023

Tal Arbel - pioneering researcher challenges gender stereotypes, as reported by the McGill Reporter

Classified as: computer vision, Neurology, neurosurgery, women in science
Published on: 18 Nov 2017

A foray into plant biology led one researcher to discover that a natural molecule can repair axons, the thread-like projections that carry electrical signals between cells. Axonal damage is the major culprit underlying disability in conditions such as spinal cord injury and stroke. 

Classified as: Biology, brain injury, neurosurgery, Neurology, axons, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Fusicoccin-A, Andrew Kaplan, Alyson Fournier, spinal injury
Published on: 8 Mar 2017

Saturday, March 26 is Purple Day, a time to recognize the effect epilepsy has on millions of people around the world. It is estimated that 1 in a 100 people worldwide have epilepsy. Of those, one in three require surgery to prevent a lifetime of seizures.  Purple Day was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a girl from Nova Scotia, to get people talking about epilepsy in an effort to dispel myths and inform those with seizures that they are not alone.

Classified as: epilepsy, neurosurgery, Andrea Bernasconi, Martin Veilleux, Andre Olivier, Jean Gotman, Jeffrey Hall, Eliane Kobayashi, Eva Andermann, Neda Ladbon-Bernasconi, Francois Dubeau
Published on: 24 Mar 2016
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