LACONDA workshops | Initiation à l’analyse de textes assistée par ordinateur (in French only)

Friday, February 4, 2022toFriday, June 3, 2022

Le Laboratoire d’analyse des discours et des récits collectifs (LADIREC) offrira, à l’hiver et au printemps 2022, sept ateliers d’initiation aux méthodes et outils d’analyse de tex/pds-dshCategory:...

Preparing Your First Publication in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 09:00to10:30

/involvementCategory: Communicate Ideas—Public Speaking...

Marin Dacos (Aix-Marseille): Can we reach Open Access in the Humanities and the Social Sciences?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 15:00to16:30

Marin Dacos (Aix-Marseille): Can we reach Open Access in the Humanities and the Social Sciences?...

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