CHARLab students conduct data collection for a research study.


See below for a selection of our CHARLab publications. For a complete list of publications, visit the NIH website.

  1. The effects of sex and menstrual cycle phase on sympathetic action potential recruitment patterns during hypercapnic-hypoxic apnea.
    • Lead author: Yasmine Coovadia (CHARLab PhD Student)
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    • Citation: Coovadia Y, Shoemaker JK, Usselman CW. The effects of sex and menstrual cycle phase on sympathetic action potential recruitment patterns during hypercapnic-hypoxic apnea. Auton Neurosci 247: 103093, 2023.
  2. Health-related physical fitness in women with polycystic ovary syndrome versus controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    • Lead author: Domenica Cirone (CHARLab MSc Student)
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    • Citation: Cirone D, Berbrier DE, Gibbs JC, Usselman CW. Health-related physical fitness in women with polycystic ovary syndrome versus controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet (online ahead of print).
  3. Effects of androgen excess and body mass index on endothelial function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
    • Lead author: Danielle Berbrier (CHARLab MSc Student)
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    • Citation: Berbrier DE, Leone CA, Adler TE, Bender JR, Taylor HS, Stachenfeld NS, Usselman CW. Effects of androgen excess and body mass index on endothelial function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Appl Physiol 134: 868-78, 2023.
  4. Correlations between salivary- and blood-derived gonadal hormone assessments and implications for inclusion of female participants in research studies.
    • Lead author: Seasy Huang (CHARLab MSc Student)
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    • Citation: Huang T, Howse FM, Stachenfeld NS, Usselman CW. Correlations between salivary- and blood-derived gonadal hormone assessments and implications for inclusion of female participants in research studies. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 324(1): H33-46, 2023.
  5. Sex differences in sympathetic neurovascular and neurohemodynamic relationships during cold pressor test
    • Lead author: Yasmine Coovadia (CHARLab PhD student)
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    • Citation: Coovadia Y, Adler TE, Martin-Arrowsmith PW, Usselman CW. Sex differences in sympathetic neurovascular and neurohemodynamic relationships during cold pressor test. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 322(5): R411-20, 2022.
  6. Sex differences in dynamic blood pressure regulation: beat-by-beat responses to muscle sympathetic nerve activity
    • Lead author: Seasy Huang (CHARLab MSc student)
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    • Citation: Coovadia Y, Adler TE, Steinback CD, Fraser GM, Usselman CW. Sex differences in dynamic blood pressure regulation: beat-by-beat responses to muscle sympathetic nerve activity. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 319(3): H531-8, 2020

      !!PODCAST ALERT!! The back story behind Yaz’s journey from data collection to publication of this paper was the focus of the first ever Untitled CHARLab Podcast! Ever wonder what it’s like to be a grad student in a brand new lab with malfunctioning equipment and a newly minted assistant professor as a supervisor?? Throw in an insatiable desire to understand the nature of sex differences in the regulation of blood pressure, and you’ve got Yasmine Coovadia’s MSc story!! Give this video podcast a watch to hear her story and to learn more about the etiology of the term “balls to the wall” and why grad students eat chicken nuggets but profs eat chicken tenders!

  7. Device-guided slow breathing reduces blood pressure and sympathetic activity in young normotensive individuals of both sexes
    • Lead author: Tessa Adler (CHARLab MSc student)
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    • Citation: Adler TE, Coovadia Y, Cirone D, Khemakhem ML, Usselman CW. Device-guided slow breathing reduces blood pressure and sympathetic activity in young normotensive individuals of both sexes. J Appl Physiol, 127(4): 1042-9, 2019

      !!PODCAST ALERT!! In this episode of our series going behind the scenes of graduate student publications, we chat with Tessa Adler, M.Sc. (soon to be M.D.!!!)! Tessa and Charlotte go WAY back to their Yale days, and in this podcast they cover the whole 9 yards! What’s it like to go from being fellow trainees to supervisor and grad student?? What’s the secret to training your peers in a new lab while also trying to become friends with them?? What’s Tessa’s advice as a Human Who has Inched Human Knowledge Forward?? And what the heck is this “slow breathing” thing all about anyway?? Listen to find out!!!

  8. A recent history of preeclampsia is associated with elevated central pulse wave velocity and muscle sympathetic outflow
    • Lead author: Charlotte Usselman (CHARLab Principal Investigator; this paper summarized her work as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Nina Stachenfeld)
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    • Citation: Usselman CW, Adler TE, Coovadia Y, Leone C, Paidas MJ, Stachenfeld NS. A recent history of preeclampsia is associated with elevated central pulse wave velocity and muscle sympathetic outflow. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 318(1): 581-9, 2020
  9. Androgens drive microvascular endothelial dysfunction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: role of the endothelin B receptor
    • Lead author: Charlotte Usselman (CHARLab Principal Investigator; this paper summarized her work as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Nina Stachenfeld)
    • Link to the Article (access is free!) 
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    • Citation: Usselman CW, Yarovinsky T, Steele FE, Leone CA, Taylor HS, Bender JR, Stachenfeld NS. Androgens drive microvascular endothelial dysfunction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Role of the endothelin B receptor. J Physiol, 597(11): 2853-2865, 2019


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