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Yasemin Kahyaoglu

Course Lecturer
Contact Information
Email address: 
yasemin.kahyaoglu [at]
SCS Course Lecturers

Dr. Yasemin Kahyaoglu holds an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a PhD from the Industrial Engineering Department at Middle East Technical University in Turkey.

She has been teaching for over 10 years in Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Risk Management, Production/Operations Management and Statistics at McGill University, Concordia University, Bogazici University (Turkey) and University of Science and Technology of China.

Dr. Kahyaoglu has been published in internationally-recognized journals, including the International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, and Risk Management. She has made conference presentations in association with the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Euro-Informs and CAUCE (Canadian Association for University Continuing Education), among others.

She served as the principal contributor on the program development committee for developing new curricula for the Certificate in Supply Chain Management and Logistics and the Diploma in Supply Chain and Operations Management at McGill's School of Continuing Studies.

Dr. Kahyaoglu earned her CSCP designation in July 2014. She is a member of the APICS Montreal Chapter. She also serves on the board of FEEL Canada, a non-profit organization established to promote emotional intelligence.

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