Why is the media on the left? Why the contempt for workers?

Published: 5 December 2016

I spent the first fourteen years of my life under communism. When my parents got out in 1962, I realized to my utter astonishment that much of academia was on the left, praising communism,...

American discontent stems from the pretense of caring

Published: 4 November 2016

"If we can prevent the Government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy,” Thomas Jefferson said....

Spotkanie i debata z prof. Reuvenem Brennerem

Published: 21 June 2016

„Na czym powinna polegać skuteczna polityka proinnowacyjna?” – to temat wykładu profesora Reuvena Brennera, który we wtorek został zorganizowany dla członków Narodowej Rady Rozwoju oraz ekspertów z...

Obama: ‘No difference between capitalism and communism’

Published: 6 April 2016

Hard to know what is more shocking: A president of the United States stating in a Buenos Aires speech last week that there is “no difference between capitalism and communism, choose whatever works”...

How government destroys parenthood: Reuven Brenner

Published: 30 March 2016

Learning from their whooping crane failure? Birth rates in western countries have declined to far below replacement levels of 2.1. Why did these countries’ last few generations give up having kids?

How Donald Trump became Adam Smith’s street-fighting man

Published: 16 March 2016

Despite being an icon of economic liberty, Smith did not think that government intervention was always bad: it depended on the circumstances

Forget What Trump Can Do, Voters Likely Won't Allow It

Published: 3 March 2016

What are the main issues that David Cameron negotiated with the EU and put up for the coming referendum?


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