
McGill-Concordia Solar Decathlon team gets $250,000 boost from Hydro-Quebec

Published: 29 August 2017

TeamMTL, the joint McGill-Concordia team developing the Deep Performance Dwelling for the Solar Decathlon China, has just received $250,000 from Hydro-Quebec to help the team get to the competition in 2018. The money will be used to finish construction of the team’s entry, which is a row-house designed to be net-zero energy and sustainably built, yet affordable and comfortable to live in. The design is flexible to keep it relevant in current-day social and family contexts, so that as a family develops over time, so can the house.

The team is made up of students and faculty from McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, School of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering, plus Concordia’s John Molson School of Business and the faculties of Fine Arts, Computer Science and Engineering.

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