
Écoutez, partagez

L'acteur Serge Postigo a été le premier à monter sur la scène du Centre Bell lors de la conférence Apex 2016, en février dernier. J'ai bien aimé l'une de ses anecdotes.

Published: 3 Mar 2016

How learning at work has changed over the past decade

Professor Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University with Talking Management for The Globe and Mail talks with Michele Rigolizzo from the Harvard Business School.

Read full transcript: The Globe and Mail, 2 March, 2016 

Published: 3 Mar 2016

Socially responsible behavior boosts profit - if marketing is strong

That can complicate the situation for managers who must balance between doing good and keeping shareholders happy, said Sachin Modi, an associate professor in Iowa State University's College of Business. According to a new study by Modi and Saurabh Mishra, an associate professor at McGill University, a strong marketing department is crucial to helping a firm leverage its efforts to be socially responsible.

Published: 3 Mar 2016

CAE’s Sonya Branco appointed Chief Financial Officer

CAE today announced that it has appointed Sonya Branco as the Company's Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, effective May 23, 2016, after the Company has reported its fiscal 2016 year-end results. She succeeds Stephane Lefebvre who has recently accepted a leadership position with le Cirque du Soleil, a company held by private equity.


Published: 3 Mar 2016

L’avocate Marie-Laure Leclercq une fois de plus honorée par ses pairs

L’Association du Barreau canadien (ABC) vient d’annoncer que Marie Laure Leclercq est la lauréate 2016 du Prix de l’héroïne du Forum sur l’orientation et l’identité sexuelles.

Pionnière et pilier de la communauté LGBTB, Marie Laure Leclercq a, au moyen des travaux qu’elle a réalisés à l’ABC et auprès d’autres organisations communautaires, servi d’exemple et de modèle pour les nombreuses personnes transgenres qui cherchent à s’insérer dans un milieu professionnel hostile.

Published: 29 Feb 2016

Giving furniture a new home

Geoff Hancock loves the process of hunting for the perfect high-quality furniture and home decor items for Needful Things, the store he and his wife Kim own.

Once Geoff finds the pieces, Kim takes over and uses her love of staging and decorating to beautifully display everything from tables and couches to lamps in their store and helps customers find the perfect fit for them.

Published: 29 Feb 2016

Diversity Is Good for Business in Hollywood, according to UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Study

Films with multiple black actors in leading roles achieve significantly higher domestic box-office revenues than films with no black actors, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Published: 29 Feb 2016

BCom Students win Montreal CFA Valuation Challenge

BCom students Drew Allen, Peter Huo, Philippe Rich, Henri St-Pierre, and Kit-yuen Christie Wei won the Regional CFA Valuation Challenge in Montreal on Friday, February 19. They will compete in Chicago for the International Championships in April.  They are being coached by Professor Sebastien Betermier coached along with alumnus Cliff Isings, MBA'95,  now Manager – International Equities at CN.

Published: 26 Feb 2016

Why diversity never comes to some workplaces

Striving for greater diversity in the workplace – be it gender, race, age or experience levels among employees – is a long sought-after goal by business leaders looking for a competitive advantage.

Several studies show that companies with a diverse workforce are more likely to outperform others in the field. So, with so much on the line, why do so many firms still struggle with a lack of gender, race or age diversity within their ranks?

Published: 25 Feb 2016

Le ministre des Finances à McGill : « L’avenir du Québec passe par l’innovation »

C’est la première fois que le gouvernement provincial rencontre les étudiants et les professeurs d’une université dans le cadre d’une consultation prébudgétaire, a souligné le ministre des Finances du Québec, lors d’une rencontre qui a eu lieu à McGill le 15 février.

Published: 19 Feb 2016

Experts say governments need to support Bombardier in order to diversify economy

 Continued government support for global firms such as Bombardier Inc. is critical if Canada wants to diversify its economy beyond natural resources, say two business experts. 

Bombardier (TSX:BBD.B) announced Wednesday it's cutting 7,000 jobs over two years, including roughly 3,000 in Canada, months after the Quebec government pledged US$1 billion of public money for the firm.

Published: 19 Feb 2016

Sportlogiq réinvente l’analyse du hockey

Un an à peine après sa création, l’entreprise Sportlogiq, lancée par deux diplômés de McGill, compte déjà 10 équipes de la LNH parmi ses clients.

« Nous découvrons des choses au sujet de la façon de jouer au hockey que personne avant nous n’a découvertes », lance Craig Buntin, cofondateur de Sportlogiq.

Published: 19 Feb 2016

Specialty degrees reach out to non-business students

Specialty degrees are a fast-growing segment of graduate business education, targeting undergraduates who lack the academic prerequisites or work experience (or both) typically required for a traditional master of business administration program.

Published: 19 Feb 2016

Moore: Bombardier will get federal bailout despite contested share structure

McGill University's Professor of Business Strategy Karl Moore tells BNN why Bombardier will get support from Ottawa and why it's not all bad when it comes to the company's share structure.

Watch full video: Business News Network, 17 February, 2016

Published: 18 Feb 2016

Bombardier: «merci de donner un nouvel élan à la C Series»

Bombardier a reçu un important vote de confiance pour sa C Series, hier, avec la décision d'Air Canada d'acquérir 45 avions CS300 de 130 places. Il s'agit de la première commande en près d'un an et demi pour cette nouvelle gamme d'avions qui représente une bonne partie de l'avenir du constructeur québécois.

Published: 18 Feb 2016


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