Adapting for the future of work

Published: 21 July 2020

The recent shift to remote work is changing the types of skills graduates need to succeed in the workplace. According to Marie-José Beaudin, Executive Director of Career Services at the Desautels...

Language skills are key to success for international MBA students

Published: 19 January 2021

If international MBA students want to gain a competitive edge, they should learn the local language, says Marie José Beaudin, Executive Director of Career Services at the Desautels Faculty of...

Job recruitment continues in an unstable market

Published: 28 May 2020

Since COVID-19 transformed the way we do business in March, recruiters have been quick to move into virtual spaces. Marie-José Beaudin, Executive Director of Career Services at the Desautels...

Networking opportunities abound over coffee

Published: 17 September 2018

As students attempt to prepare for an ever-changing job market, Ten Thousand Coffees and leading Canadian schools like McGill University have partnered via RBC Future Launch to offer an...

Student-mentor programs hit their stride

Published: 28 April 2017

As students looking to start their careers realize the value of getting sound advice, the number of student-mentor pairings in Canada is growing at a rapid rate. The growth and evolution of the...

Peintres Etudiants, a vos Risques

Published: 7 November 2016

Bien des participants à ces programmes de franchises d’entreprises de peinture en sortent enchantés : ils font beaucoup d’argent et, en travaillant fort, apprennent plus en un été sur la gestion d...

Nouveaux défis, nouveaux programmes

Published: 2 October 2015

Refonte de programmes, développement de spécialités, formules d'enseignement revues, choix de nouveaux axes stratégiques, besoins récemment identifiés chez des employeurs: les MBA (Master of...

Trouver le bon emploi selon son profil

Published: 2 October 2015

Le MBA a la réputation d'être la voie d'accès aux promotions. Souvent, d'ailleurs, les universités calculent le salaire moyen de leurs diplômés quelques mois après la fin de leurs études, de même...

Évoluer pour affronter la concurrence

Published: 2 October 2014

Il y a quelques décennies, apposer les trois lettres MBA (Master of Business Administration) à son nom faisait le plus grand effet auprès des employeurs. Maintenant, les programmes se sont...


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