Paul Zanazanian

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor

Paul Zanazanian
Contact Information
Email address: 
paul.zanazanian [at]
514-398-4527 Ext 094453
514-398-4527 Ext 094763
Areas of expertise: 
  • Historical consciousness
  • Social studies/history teaching and curriculum
  • The politics of history teaching
  • Informal/ formal processes of education
  • Teacher identity and agency
  • Narrative analysis and metaphor
  • English-speaking Quebec and community vitality/ development
Tenure-Track Professors
Current research: 

My research is multifaceted and interdisciplinary, bringing together different aspects of history, sociology, cognitive/ cultural psychology and education. It is theoretical and empirical in nature, and presents concrete outcomes in terms of pedagogical mindsets and tools. Cognizant of my privileged position as a scholar and seeking to assist those in need, my work as an educationist also comprises an important social justice component. I seek to develop empirically-based strategies to overcome obstacles that limit fundamental rights and freedoms, human dignity and authenticity as well as all forms of cooperation that lead to improving the quality of common future life.

I am interested in the notion of historical consciousness and how individuals and current-day societies use it for organizing their knowledge of the world and their presence in it. I view historical consciousness as a mode of sense production that influences the underlying decisions individuals make when giving meaning to the past for navigating social reality. My concern lies in the concept’s role and importance for life orientation purposes, particularly regarding how understandings of its uses are processed and mobilized for taking action.

The bulk of my empirical work takes place within the Quebec context, with a particular focus on the province’s historic English-speaking minority. My research on historical consciousness, intergroup attitudes among Francophones and Anglophones, and the English-speaking community’s quest for vitality has given me a specialized expertise in problems of history, community and identity in such complex societies as Quebec.

Concretely, my work addresses the underlying politics of history in schools and society. It looks at the power dynamics behind issues of narrative control and influence, and how these affect students’, teachers’, and everyday citizens’ understandings of the world. I research the relationship between individuals’ historical consciousness and the structuring of group boundaries in majority-minority group contexts, as well as the interplay between the transmission of official state narratives and sentiments of inclusion and exclusion. I study historical consciousness’ role in helping strengthen minority communities that are weakening and seek regeneration. And I focus on how group members’ personal rapports with the past can help foster understandings of identity, commonality, belonging, and responsibility for civic engagement. Given history teachers’ and community leaders’ centrality in these processes, my research further looks at the workings of such authority figures’ cultural toolkits, and how their understandings of the past affect their social posture in their public role as educators. I examine these individuals’ societal impact in forming minds and setting trends, to see how their epistemological knowledge of reality influences their understanding of the world and how they believe they can use history to bring about positive change.


Research Grants

2021-2024: Co-Applicant (as co-editor and partner university representative). Principal Applicant: M. Waldis (University of Teacher Education at University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland). Funding to establish a new international and interdisciplinary journal, Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education. Swiss Universities. 2021-2024 Open Science Program. Partners include: S. Barsch (University of Kiel, Germany), C. Kühberger (University of Salzburg, Austria), L. A. Ferrer (University of Murcia, Spain), M. Nitzsche (University of Basel, Switzerland).

2019-2026: Co-Applicant. Principal Investigator: C. Peck. Teaching Historically for Canada's Future. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant. Partners include 18 universities and 28 education and history organizations, along with 31 other co-applicants from different universities.

2019-2022: Co-Applicant. Principal Investigator: H. Äström Elmersjö. Teaching Rival Histories: History Teachers’ Epistemological Stances and Epistemic Switching. The Swedish Research Council.

2017-2022:  Co-Applicant, (with J. Lebrun, and S. Hirsch). Principal Investigator: S. Moisan. La pluralité des expériences historiques dans le passé national et son enseignement: représentations des historiens, des enseignants et des futurs enseignants du secondaire / The Plurality of Historical Experiences of the National Past and Its Teaching: Representations of Historians, Teachers, and Future Secondary School Teachers. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant.

2016-19: Principal Investigator, La conscience historique et l’enseignement de l’histoire: Comment les enseignants de langue anglaise interagissent avec le récit national québécois et intègrent leurs étudiants / Historical Consciousness and History Teaching: How English-Speaking Teachers Interact with Québec’s National Narrative and Integrate their Students. Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC). Établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs.

2013-2016: Principal Investigator, (collaborators: S. Thompson and L. O’Donnell). Historical Consciousness and Community Education: How English-Speaking Community Leaders in Quebec Make Sense of the Past for Fostering Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Insight Development Grant.

Selected publications: 

Peer-reviewed special issue

Zanazanian, P. & Nordgren, K. (2019). Revisiting Historical Consciousness as a Theoretical Construct and Exploring its Broad Understanding for Contemporary Education and Educational Research. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51 (6), 771-868.

Peer-reviewed journals

Åström Elmersjö, H. & Zanazanian, P. (2022) History teachers and historical knowledge in Quebec and Sweden: Epistemic beliefs in distinguishing the past from history and its teaching. Historical Encounters, 9(1), 181-195.

Moisan, S., Warren, J.-P., Zanazanian, P., Hirsch, S., & Maltais-Landry, A. (2020) La pluralité des expériences historiques dans le passé du Québec et du Canada : points de vue des historiennes et historiens universitaires. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, vol. 74, 1-2, été-automne, 103-127.

Zanazanian, P. & Nordgren, K. (2019). Introduction. Special issue: Revisiting Historical Consciousness as a Theoretical Construct and Exploring its Broad Understanding for Contemporary Education and Educational Research.  Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51 (6), 771-778.

Zanazanian, P. (2019). Examining Historical Consciousness Through History-As-Interpretive-Filter Templates: Implications for Research and Education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51 (6), 850-868.

Zanazanian, P. (2019). Mobilizing Historical Consciousness for Concerted Social Action: English-speaking Quebec’s Community Leaders and Their Quest for Group Vitality. Canadian Ethnic Studies/ Études ethniques au Canada, 51(1), 111-133.

Zanazanian, P. & Popa, N. (2018). Using a Narrative Tool to Help Quebec English-Speaking Students Produce Personal Histories of Belonging. Special Issue: Teaching and Learning with Stories. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 11(2), 365-379. 

Zanazanian, P. (2017). Vers un schéma narratif pour donner une place à la minorité anglophone dans l’enseignement de l’histoire au Québec. Didactica Historica, 3, 1-13 (on-line version).

Zanazanian P. (2016) History Teaching and Narrative Tools: Towards Integrating English-Speaking Youth into Quebec’s Social Fabric,” Minorités linguistiques et société/ Linguistic Minorities and SocietySpecial issue: Diversité, éducation et frontières linguistiques au Québec, 7, 70-96.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and Metaphor: Charting New Directions for Grasping Human Historical Sense-Making Patterns for Knowing and Acting in Time. Historical Encounters Journal, 2(1), 16-33.

Zanazanian, P. (2015) Historical Consciousness and Being Quebecois: Exploring Young English-Speaking Students' Interactions with Quebec’s Master Historical Narrative. Canadian Ethnic Studies/ Études ethniques au Canada, 47(2), 113-135.

Lévesque, S. & Zanazanian P. (2015) ‘History is a Verb: We Learn it Best When We Are Doing It!’: French and English Canadian Prospective Teachers and History. Revista de Estudios Sociales, April-June, 32-51.

Lévesque, S. & Zanazanian, P. (2015). Developing Historical Consciousness and a Community of History Practitioners: A Survey of Prospective History Teachers across Canada. McGill Journal of Education. Special Issue: New Paths in Research and Practice in History, Geography and Citizenship Education,50(2/3), 389-412.

Zanazanian, P. (2014) ‘History is a Treasure Chest’: Theorizing a Historical Metaphor for Initiating Teachers to History and Assisting Them to Open Up Possibilities of Change for English-Speaking Youth in Quebec. Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, 43(fall), 27-46.

Zanazanian P. & Moisan S. (2012). Harmonizing Two of History Teaching’s Main Social Functions: Franco-Québécois History Teachers and Their Predispositions to Catering to Narrative Diversity. Education Sciences. Special issue: History Curriculum, Geschichtsdidaktik, and the Problem of the Nation. 2(4), 255-275.

Zanazanian, P. 2012. Historical Consciousness and the Structuring of Group Boundaries: A look at Two Francophone School History Teachers Regarding Quebec’s Anglophone Minority. Curriculum Inquiry, 42(2), 215-239.

Zanazanian, P. (2011). Towards Developing an ‘Anglo-Québécois’ Information Resource Book for School History Teachers in Quebec: Thoughts from a Qualitative Study.  Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, 36(spring), 69-95.

Zanazanian, P. (2010). Historical consciousness and Ethnicity: How Signifying the Past Influences the Fluctuations in Ethnic Boundary Maintenance. Ethnic Studies Review, 33(2).

Zanazanian, P. (2008). Historical Consciousness and the ‘French-English’ Divide Among Quebec History Teachers. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 40(3), 109-130.

Éthier, M.-A., Lanthéaume, F., Lefrançois, D., Zanazanian, P. (2008). L’enseignement au Québec et en France des questions controversées en histoire: tensions entre politique du passé et politique de la reconnaissance dans les curricula. Éducation et francophonie. Special issue. 34(1), 65-86.

Refereed book chapters

Zanazanian, P. (2022) Le programme de formation à l’histoire du Québec comme objet difficile : témoignages d’enseignantes anglophones sur leur sentiment d’exclusion et la fermeture d’esprit (pp.140-163). In S. Moisan, S. Hirsch, M.-A. Éthier, &. D. Lefrançois (Eds.). Objets difficiles, thèmes sensibles et enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales. Montréal : FIDES éducation.

Zanazanian, P. & Gani, R. (2021) L’histoire des communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise telle que raconté par quarante leaders : une mémoire historique en tension. In L. O’Donnell, P. Donovan, & B. Lewis (Eds.) The Charter: Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec/ La charte: La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise. Quebec City: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

Kobiela, M. & Zanazanian, P. (2020) Crossing Disciplinary Borders in Pre-Service Teacher Education: Historical Consciousness as a Tool to Develop Awareness of Mathematical Positionality to Achieve Epistemic Change. In N. Radakovic, & L. Jao (Eds.). Borders in Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education (pp. 47-74). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Moisan, S., Zanazanian, P., & Maltais-Landry, A. (2020) Enseigner l’histoire de son pays. Quelles postures et pratiques d’enseignants québécois à l’égard de la prise en compte de la pluralité des expériences? In N. Fink, M. Furrer, & P. Gautschi (Eds.). The Teaching of the History of One’s Own Country (pp. 207-232). Frankfurt: Wochenschau Verlag.

Zanazanian, P. (2017). Teaching History for Narrative Space and Vitality: Historical Consciousness, Templates, and English-Speaking Quebec. In H. Å. Elmersjö, A. Clark M., & Vinterek (Eds). Teaching Rival Histories: Pedagogical Responses to the History Culture Wars (pp. 107-131). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapters

Zanazanian, P. (2018). A Narrative Template for Making Room and Vitalizing English-Speaking Quebec. In E. Hasebe-Ludt & C. Leggo (Eds.). Canadian Curriculum Studies: A Métissage of Inspiration/ Imagination/ Interconnection (pp. 290-292). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Harmoniser le récit national et la pensée historique. In C.A. Stan (Ed.). L’histoire nationale telle quelle est enseignée dans nos écoles (pp.177-182). Québec City: Presses de l’université Laval.

Duquette, C. & Zanazanian, P. (2014). La différentiation pédagogique en sciences sociales. In M.-A. Éthier, D. Lefrançois & S. Demers (Eds.), L’univers social au primaire et au secondaire (pp. 359-380). Montréal: Éditions Multimondes.

Zanazanian, P. (2014). Le ‘conflit Anglais-Français’ et la salle de classe d’histoire nationale: vers une compréhension des attitudes des Franco-québécois envers les anglophones et un premier pas pour s’ouvrir à leurs réalités et à leurs expériences. In A. Pilote (Ed.), Francophones et citoyens du monde : Éduction, identité, et engagement. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Zanazanian, P. (2011). La conscience historique des enseignants d’histoire francophone à l’égard des Anglo-québécois : quelques regards sur une étude qualitative. In M.-A. Éthier, D. Lefrançois & J.-F. Cardin (Eds.), Enseigner et apprendre l’histoire: Manuels, enseignants, élèves (pp. 239-261). Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Book reviews

Zanazanian, P. (2016). [Review of the book Becoming a History Teacher: Sustaining Practices in Historical Thinking and Knowing, eds., R. Sandwell & A. von Heyking]. Historical Studies in Education/ Revue d’histoire de l’éducation, 28(1), 139-141.

Other journals and scholarly works

Zanazanian, P. (2017). Un outil narratif pour vitaliser la minorité anglophone dans l’enseignement de l’histoire au Québec. Didactica Historica, 3, 63-69 (hard copy journal – shorter version of the peer-reviewed longer, on-line one).

Professional journals

Zanazanian, P. & O’Donnell, L. (2012). “Quelle place pour les anglophones dans le grand récit des Québécois? Rapport d’une journée d’étude.” Enjeux de l’univers social, 8(1), 9-10

Zanazanian, P. (2011). Franco-Québécois Historical Consciousness and the ‘French-English Conflict’: Towards Two Recommendations for Integrating Anglophone Realities and Experiences in Quebec’s National History Classroom. Canadian Issues (summer), 69-74.

Zanazanian, P. (2010). La conscience historique et l’identité nationale : les enseignants d’histoire Francophone à l’égard des Anglo-québécois. Enjeux de l’univers social, 6(4), 18-21.

Selected talks and presentations: 

Keynote and other talks

Zanazanian, P. (May 2021). La conscience historique et la réflexivité. Keynote presentation for symposium session 553: (Trans)former la pensée sur le monde : portrait des recherches menées pas des étudiant.e.s aux cycles supérieurs en enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales. 88e congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS).

Zanazanian, P. (December 2016). Historical Consciousness and Social Change: Towards Rethinking the Link Between History and Human Agency. Symposium: Historical Consciousness in Contemporary Research. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education, Stockholm University. Stockholm, Sweden.

Zanazanian, P. (2016). Strengthening English-Speaking Québec Vitality: Moving Forward with a Usable History. Keynote presentation for the 10th anniversary of the Community Learning Centers (CLC) of Learn Quebec entitled,A Community School Network: Celebrating A Decade of Partnerships. Held at the Marriott Chateau Champlain – Salle Cartier, 1 Place du Canada, Montreal on Tuesday January 19th 2016. Presented at 1:15 pm.

Zanazanian, P. (2014). Comparing and Contrasting Three Main Strands of Conversation for Integrating English-speaking Quebec Through the Teaching of National History. Talk presented for the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies’ (CACS) Presidential Panel session entitled: Place et statut des programmes scolaires au Canada: Enseignement de l’histoire et de la citoyenneté dans les contextes québécois francophone et anglophone/ Placing and Positioning Curriculum in Canada: History and Citizenship Education in Francophone and Anglophone Québécois Contexts. Held at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)/ Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) within the framework of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS). Brock University, Saint Catharines, Ontario. Sunday, May 25th 2014.

Conference presentations

Zanazanian, P. (September 2022) Presenting a practical life methodology for historical consciousness: Its relevance for (English-speaking) history teachers and the integration of their students (into Quebec society). The 6th Conference of the International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education (IRAHSSE). Université du Québec à Trois Rivières, Trois Rivières, Québec.

Zanazanian, P. (September 2022) Presenting a practical life methodology for historical consciousness: Its relevance for history teachers and their construction of historical knowledge. Section D: Can historical consciousness (still) be researched? Epistemological challenges in research historical consciousness (Sebastian Barsch & Martin Nitsche), organized by the German History Didactics Association (KGD) Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik. Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.

Zanazanian, P. (September 2021) Historical consciousness and self-reflexivity: Some thoughts regarding “why history education?” Panel 9 of the “Why History Education?” Conference, organized by the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), the PH LUZERN Pädagogische Hochschule, and Haute école pédagogique (HEP). Luzern, Switzerland. (Presentation via Zoom).

Moisan, S. & Zanazanian, P. (September 2021) The teaching of “national” history in turmoil – a discipline in search of a new legitimacy? Panel 13 of the “Why History Education?” Conference, organized by the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), the PH LUZERN Pädagogische Hochschule, and Haute école pédagogique (HEP). Luzern, Switzerland. (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian. P. (September 2021) Applying a comprehensive methodology to examine the workings of social actors’ historical consciousness and how they influence their social positionalities: Part 1. Panel (organized and chaired by P. Zanazanian) Historical Sense-Making in an International Context. On-line/ Virtual Annual Conference 2021 of the History Educators International Research Network (HEIRNET). Based in England. (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian. P. (June 2021) Applying a comprehensive methodology to examine the workings of social actors’ historical consciousness and how they influence their social positionalities. Panel (organized and chaired by P. Zanazanian) History Education and Multiculturality. Annual conference of the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE). Conference theme: Intercultural education in an age of information and disinformation. Organized by the Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology, and the Arts. Tel Aviv, Israel. (Presentation via Zoom).

Legault, D. & Zanazanian, P. (April 2021) L’inclusion des groupes minoritaires au sein du cours d’Histoire du Québec et du Canada selon la théorie des communautés de pratique de Wenger. For the session, Les groupes minoritaires au sein du programme d’Histoire du Québec et du Canada au secondaire : les principaux obstacles d’un vivre-ensemble inachevé. 8e colloque international en éducation : enjeux actuels et futurs de la formation et de la profession enseignante. Le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE). (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian, P. (November 2020). Operationalizing a ‘Comprehensive’ Methodology that Examines Historical Consciousness and Its Impact on Epistemic Positioning for Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding. Section II: Historical Thinking in Intercultural Perspective I. Conference: Historical Consciousness, Historical Thinking, Historical Culture: Core Concepts of History Didactics and Historical Education in Intercultural Perspectives. Reflections on Achievements – Challenges for the New Generation. University of Graz, Austria.

Zanazanian, P. (October 2020). Artful Inquiry Entry Points for Adapting a Comprehensive Methodology that Examines Community Leaders’ Historical Consciousness and Its Impact on Their Ability to Foster Positive Social Change. The 3rd International Symposium of the Artful Inquiry Research Group. McGill University, Canada.

Zanazanian, P. (June 2019). An Approach to Examining Historical Consciousness’ Impact on Epistemic Positioning: Implications for Research and Education. The 5th Conference of the International Research Association for History and Social Sciences Education (IRAHSSE). Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece.

Zanazanian, P. & Tisizi, E. (March 2019). Trendsetters’ Historical Consciousness of English-Speaking Quebec and Their Ability to Make Change: A Comparative Look at Community Leaders and English-Language History Teachers. The Eastern Townships Resource Centre’s (ETRC) 7th Colloquium on Quebec Studies. Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Zanazanian, P. (September 2018). A Holistic Approach to Examining Historical Consciousness and Its Implications for Research and Education. Panel Resurrecting Historical Consciousness and its Relevance for Contemporary Education and Educational Research. 15th Annual International Conference of the History Educators International Research Network (HEIRNET). The Ionian University, Corfu, Greece.

Moisan, S. & Zanazanian, P. (June 2018). La pluralité des expériences et perspectives historiques dans le passé national. Posture et pratiques d’enseignants d’histoire au secondaire au Québec .International Research Association for History and Social Science Education/ Association internationale de recherche en didactique de l’histoire et des sciences sociales. 4th International Conference. Citizenship, Identity and Otherness. Université de Paris Diderot France, Paris, France.

Zanazanian, P. (May 2018) How English-Speaking History Teachers Interact with Quebec’s Official State Narrative to Make Room for their Community and Integrate Their Students. Annual Conference of the CACS and the CSSE within the framework of the CHSS. Regina, Canada.

Zanazanian, P. (April 2018). How Minority Anglophone History Teachers Interact with Quebec’s Exclusionary Master Narrative and Integrate Their Students. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, USA.

Zanazanian, P. (November 2017). Presenting a Narrative Tool to Help Make Room and Vitalize English-Speaking Quebec for the History Classroom and Beyond. Annual Forum of the Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration & the Association for Canadian Studies:‘Measuring Identities, Diversity and Inclusion in Canada @ 150 and Beyond,’Aylmer Quebec.

Zanazanian, P. (November 2017). Peut-on faire une place pour une minorité historique dans l’enseignement de l’histoire du Québec?: les perspectives des enseignants dans le secteur Anglophone. Biennial Congress of Association of Canadian Studies (ACS) in collaboration with Association québécoise pour l’enseignement de l’univers social(AQEUS). Montreal, Canada.

Zanazanian, P. (May 2017). A Narrative Tool for Helping Vitalize English-Speaking Quebec. Annual Conference of the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), Concordia University, and the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM), University of Moncton, within the framework of the 85th Congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). McGill University, Montreal, Canada.  

Zanazanian, P. (February 2017). A Narrative Tool for Making Room and Helping Vitalize English-Speaking Quebec. The CACS’ 8th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Conference. Montreal, Canada.

Zanazanian, P. (2016). Historical Consciousness and Narrative Templates: Fostering Group Vitality and Civic Engagement Among Marginalized Historic Minorities. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). SIG Social Studies Research, Symposium, Session: Historical Consciousness and Conflict: The Challenge of History Education in Diverse Democracies. Held in Washington D.C. at the Marriot Marquis, Level Four, Independence Salon A. Monday, April 11th, 2016.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and Community Education: How Quebec English-Speaking Community Leaders’ Historical Sense-Making Fosters Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Assembly (IA) of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Roundtable Sessions, Table 5: Civic Engagement. Held in New Orleans at the New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center. Friday, November 13th, 2015.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and Community Education: How Quebec English-Speaking Community Leaders’ Historical Sense-Making Fosters Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Paper presented for the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)/ Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS) within the framework of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS). University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. June 2015.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and Community Education: Quebec English-Speaking Community Leaders Fostering Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the 83rd ACFAS Conference within the framework of the QUESCREN-CIRLM Conference: English-Speaking Communities of Quebec Outside Montreal, Then and Now: Portrait and Analysis. Part of session entitled: Outils et modèles pour la mobilisation communautaire, Université du Québec à Rimouski. May 26th 2015.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and Community Education: Quebec English-Speaking Community Leaders Fostering Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Division B, Section 5, Roundtable Session 6: Crossing Curriculum Borders: Global Issues in Curriculum Studies. Held in Chicago. Thursday, April 16th, 2015.

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Historical Consciousness and the Construction of Intergroup Attitudes: Quebec English-Speaking Community Leaders’ Views of Francophones When Historicizing the Past For Defining their Sense of Purpose Regarding Community Vitality and Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the Conference entitled:  Ambiguous Encounters: Anglophone-Francophone Relations in Quebec, from the Conquest to the Quiet Revolution. Organized by Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises. Held at the Morrin Centre, Quebec City, March 28th 2015.

Zanazanian, P. (2014). Historical Consciousness and Schematic Narrative Templates: Towards a Pedagogical Tool for Bridging Group Differences in Quebec and Fostering Community Vitality Among its Historic English-Speaking Minority. Paper presented for the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) entitled Knowledge, Learning, and Expertise. Melbourne University, Melbourne, Monday, December 8th 2014.

Zanazanian, P. (2014). A Holistic Narrative Analysis Approach to Historical Consciousness: Examining Quebec’s English-Speaking Community Leaders as Educators. Paper presented for Session 139 – History and Education­for the Joint Conference between the Australian Association for Research in Education and the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (AARE-NZARE) entitled Speaking Back Through Research. Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane, Australia, Monday, December 1st 2014.

Zanazanian, P. (2014). Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Five English-Speaking Students and Québec’s National Narrative. Paper presented for the panel: Challenges to Living and Learning in Quebec. Part of the Second International and Domestic Colloquium on Quebec Studies entitled Quebec Past and Present. Organized by the Eastern Townships Resource Centre (ETRC), Bishop’s University. March 28th 2014, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Zanazanian, P. (2013). La métaphore « Histoire est un coffre au trésor » pour ouvrir des voix de possibilités pour les Anglo-Québécois. Paper presented for the panel: Enseigner l’histoire nationale aux anglophones et y souligner leur place: L’utilisation de la métaphore de « l’histoire est un coffre au trésor » pour ouvrir des voix de possibilités. Part of the Biennial Conference of the Teaching of History entitled: Identities and Engagement. Organized by the Association of Canadian Studies/ Association des études canadiennes in collaboration with Association québécoise pour l’enseignement de l’univers social (AQEUS). Château Bromont, Bromont, Canada. Friday, October 18th 2013.

Zanazanian, P. (2013). A Treasure Chest Full of Surprises’: Towards Initiating Practitioners to History through Metaphor and Opening up Possibilities of Change in the Process. Paper presented for the annual Canadian Historical Association – Société historique du Canada conference at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS). University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. Tuesday, June 4th 2013.

Zanazanian, P. (2013). Historical Consciousness, Identity, and Agency: Opening Possibilities of Change through the Teaching the History of Education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Division B, Section 5, Roundtable Session 37: History, Agency, and Collective Memory. Held in San Francisco. Monday, April 29th 2013.

Zanazanian, P. (2013). English-Speaking Quebec, Historical Consciousness, and Community Vitality:
Questions, Answers, and Possible Solutions?
 Paper presented at a conference entitled, Everyday People, for the session, Who were the Anglos? for the theme, Population. Organized by Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, at the Morrin Centre, Quebec City, Quebec. Saturday, March 2nd 2013.

Zanazanian, P. (2013). Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Exploring How Young English-Speakers Make Sense of Quebec’s Past and Interact with its Master Historical Narrative. At a two-day symposium: Education within a changing linguistic dynamic in Quebec: Transformations and challenges within English-speaking communities. Session 3 entitled: The experience of schooling in English language schools: Identities, language, and intergroup relations. Organized by the CEETUM, the QUESCREN, the CHEREUM, and the CLCs, at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. Friday, January 15th 2013.

Zanazanian, P. (2012). Conscience historique et vitalité communautaire : les jeunes Anglos, leurs souvenirs du passé québécois et la structuration des frontières intergroupes avec la majorité francophone. Paper presented at the 80th ACFAS Conference. Part of session entitled: “Lier la recherche sur les communautés d’expression anglaise du Québec à la politique et à l’intervention,” Palais de Congrès, Montreal. May 8th 2012.

Zanazanian, P. (2011). Historical Memories of the ‘French-English Conflict’ and the Quebec History Classroom: Understanding Franco-Québécois Attitudes toward ‘Anglophones’. Paper presented at a one-day seminar entitled, What Place Should Anglophones Have in Quebec’s Collective Narrative? Organized by Paul Zanazanian and Lorraine O’Donnell on behalf of the CRC in the History of Contemporary Quebec, Université Laval, and QUESCREN, Concordia University. Concordia University, Montreal. February 11th 2011.

Zanazanian, P. (2010). La conscience historique et la structuration des frontières intergroupes des jeunes Québécois francophones et anglophones : vers une étude approfondie. Paper presented at a conference entitled, “Canada’s Diverse Histories.” Part of the workshop, Les jeunes et l’histoire: point de vue de terrains. Organized by OHASSTA and ACS-AEC. Holiday Inn Select – Toronto Airport, Toronto. November 5th 2010.

Zanazanian, P. (2010). La conscience historique et la structuration des frontières intergroupes : les enseignants d’histoire nationale Franco-québécois à l’égard de la minorité anglophone du Québec. Paper presented at the 78thACFAS conference. Part of the session entitled, “Communautés d’expression anglaise du Québec : enjeux actuels et tendances”, University of Montreal. Session organized by QUESCREN, Montreal. May 10th 2010.

Invited talks and presentations (other)

Zanazanian, P. (October 2022) Making Change with Historical Consciousness: The Case of English-Speaking Quebec. Led a PhD seminar, for a course entitled, History Education (Historiedidaktik). Organized by Dr. Henrik Åström Elmersjö, on behalf of the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.

Moisan, S. & Zanazanian, P. (November 2021) Inclure une pluralité d’expériences historiques dans l’enseignement de l’histoire « nationale » - représentations d’enseignant.e.s d’histoire au secondaire du Québec. For a History Didactics Workshop, organized by S. Doussot (Université de Nantes, France) and N. Fink (Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Switzerland). Workshop based at the Centre de recherche en éducation de Nantes (Unversité de Nantes, France). (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian, P. (November 2021) How English-speaking history teachers position themselves and integrate English-speaking youth into Quebec Society. Session 9c (organized and chaired by P. Zanazanian) Are teachers who teach history in English-language schools key for vitalizing English-speaking Quebec? Annual Education and Vitality Forum of the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN). (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian, P. (May 2021) Reflections on Exploring Collective Memory: rencontre à Grosse-Île. On-line Conference, Teaching the Great Hunger and Irish Famine in the United States and Exploring Collective Memory: rencontre à Grosse-Île Canada. Role: Post-show discussant for The Great Famine Voices Roadshow. Organized by the Irish Heritage Trust, Strokestown Park: House, Gardens & National Famine Museum, the Government of Ireland (Emigrant Support Programme). (Presentation via Zoom).

Zanazanian, P. (November 2019). Trendsetters, Historical Consciousness, and Community Development: A Comparative Look at English-Speaking Quebec’s Leadership and History Teachers. For a conference entitled: Officially 50! A Conference Marking Fifty Years of Linguistic Duality and Education in Canada. Organized by the Association for Canadian Studies, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, and Canadian Parents for French. Palais des congrès, Gatineau, Quebec.

Zanazanian, P. (June 2019) An Approach to Examining Historical Consciousness’ Impact on Epistemic Positioning: Implications for Research and Education. The School of STEM Education, Innovation, and Global Studies. Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

Zanazanian, P. (June 2019) An Approach to Examining Historical Consciousness’ Impact on Epistemic Positioning: Implications for Research and Education. The Israeli Institute of History Education. Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Zanazanian, P. (May 2019) Making Change Through the Use of Historical Consciousness: The Case of English-Speaking Quebec. Led a graduate seminar, for a course entitled, History Education (Historiedidaktik). Organized by Dr. Henrik Åström Elmersjö, on behalf of the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.

Moisan, S. & Zanazanian, P. (August 2018). The Complexity of Researching Teacher Beliefs in History Education. Panel: Subject-Specific Beliefs of History Teachers About the Teaching of the History of One’s Own Country in International Comparison. Conference, Teaching the History of One’s Own Country. Center for History Education and Memory Cultures. PH Luzern: University of Teacher Education, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Zanazanian, P. (December 2016). From an Overview of a Qualitative Study to a Concrete Remedial Tool: English-Speaking Quebec Community Leaders and the Uses of History. Talk given at Karlstads Univeristet Gästkontosystem, Karlstad, Sweden.

Moisan, S. and Zanazanian, P. (December 2016). Intercultural Teaching Analyses of the History of One’s Own Country: The Canadian Example. Conference of the Center for History Education and Memory Cultures. PH Luzern: University of Teacher Education. Luzern, Switzerland.

Zanazanian, P. (2016). Strengthening English-Speaking Québec Vitality: Moving Forward with a Usable History.Presented in the Cours PLU 6040, Éducation et la construction des rapports ethniques, graduate seminar, taught by Professor Marie McAndrew, Université de Montréal. February 9th 2016

Zanazanian, P. (2015). Vers la conceptualisation d’un outil pédagogique pour favoriser une intégration positive des anglophones à travers l’enseignement de l’histoire national au QuébecPaper presented for the panel: Lier l’espace, la mémoire et l’enseignement de l’histoire. Part of the Biennial Congress of Association of Canadian Studies/ Association des études canadiennes (ACS-AEC) in collaboration with Association québécoise pour l’enseignement de l’univers social (AQEUS), entitled: Enseigner l’histoire et la géographie au 21e siècle: rôles, défies et perspectives. Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Friday, October 23rd 2015

Zanazanian, P. (2015) Are Francophones to Blame? English-Speaking Community Leaders’ Historical Memories and the Quest for Anglo-Quebec Vitality. Paper presented for the Speakers Series of Making History: Narratives and Collective Memory in Education, for the Educational Research Unit, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, March 30th2015

Zanazanian, P. (2014) Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Five English-Speaking Students and Quebec’s National Narrative. Paper presented for the panel: Challenges to Living and Learning in Quebec. Part of the Second International and Domestic Colloquium on Quebec Studies entitled Quebec Past and Present. Organized by The Eastern Townships Resource Centre (ETRC), Bishop’s University. March 28th and 29th 2014, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec

Zanazanian, P. (2013). La métaphore « Histoire est un coffre au trésor » pour ouvrir des voies de possibilités pour les Anglo-Québécois. Paper presented for the panel: Enseigner l’histoire nationale aux anglophones et y souligner leur place: L’utilisation de la métaphore de « l’histoire est un coffre au trésor » pour ouvrir des voies de possibilités. Part of the Biennial Conference of the Teaching of History entitled: Identities and Engagement. Organized by the Association of Canadian Studies/ Association des études canadiennes in collaboration with Association québécoise pour l’enseignement de l’univers social (AQEUS). Château Bromont, Bromont, Canada. Friday, October 18th 2013

Zanazanian, P. (2013). English-Speaking Quebec, Historical Consciousness, and Community Vitality: Questions, Answers, and Possible Solutions? Paper presented at a conference entitled, Everyday People, for the session, Who were the Anglos? for the theme, Population. Organized by Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, at the Morrin Centre, Quebec City, Quebec. Saturday, March 2nd 2013

Zanazanian, P. (2013). La conscience historique et être Québécois : Exploration de la manière dont les jeunes anglophones donnent sens au passe du Québec et interagissent avec le récit national. Presented in Éducation et la construction des rapports ethniques, graduate seminar, taught by Professor Marie McAndrew, Université de Montréal. April 10th 2013.    

Zanazanian, P. (2012). Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Exploring How Young English-Speakers Make Sense of Quebec’s Past and Structure Group Boundaries with the Province’s Francophone Majority. DISETalks, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University. December 13th 2012.

Zanazanian, P. (2011). Éduquer à l’histoire en contexte de société ‘divisée’: le cas Québécois et les rapports entre Francophones et Anglophones. Presented in Récit du passé et vivre ensemble, graduate seminar, hosted by Professor Jocelyn Létourneau, Université Laval. March 2nd 2011.

Zanazanian, P. (2011). Éduquer à l’histoire en contexte de société ‘divisée’: le cas Québécois et les rapports entre Francophones et Anglophones. Paper presented at the weekly “Conference-causerie” at the UQAM branch of the CELAT, Montreal. April 8th 2011.

Zanazanian, P. (2010). La conscience historique et la structuration des frontières intergroupes : les enseignants d’histoire nationale Franco-québécois à l’égard de la minorité anglophone du Québec. Presented for the session entitled: Histoire et citoyenneté : les enjeux en éducation in Francophones et citoyens du monde : identités, éducation et engagement, graduate seminar, taught by Professor Annie Pilote, Université Laval. October 8th 2010.

Professional activities: 
  • Co-Editor, Historical Thinking, Culture, and Education (HTCE). 
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