Marc Afilalo

Marc Afilalo

Title: Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine & Director, JGH Emergency Department
Academic title(s): Professor
Sara Rebecca Ahronheim

Sara Rebecca Ahronheim

Title: Attending Physician
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, McGill University

Jennifer Alper

Kamy Apkarian

Rafael Aroutiunian

Rafael Aroutiunian

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor

Alan Azuelos

Marie-Renée B-Lajoie

Haran Balendra

Amelie Bellemare

David Benyayer

Julia Bernard

Evan Blauer

Paul Brisebois

Paul Brisebois

Academic title(s): Faculty Lecturer

Mark Buch

Arzu Chaudhry

Wayne Choi

Jonathan Cooperman

Jerrald Dankoff

Michael Lamson Engo

Katya Ghannoum

Willis B Grad

Lars Grant

Lars Grant

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor

Alex Guttman

Dahlia Guttman

Alexis Haligua

Alexander Hart

Devin Hopkins

Devin Hopkins

Title: Website Committee - Academic Lead
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor

Tan Le

Gregory Marton

Jonathan Minz

Emily Moras

Paola Moresoli

Eleena Pearson

Academic title(s): Faculty Lecturer

Shuo Peng

Laurie Robichaud

Laurie Robichaud

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor

Stephen E Rosenthal

Mitchell Schipper

Eli Segal

Didier Mathias Serero

Jonathan Martin Simons

Jerome Stasiak

Mitchell H Stendel

Errol Stern

Errol Stern

Title: Director of Simulation
Academic title(s): Associate Professor

Thu-Hang Tran

Joel Philip Turner

Joel Philip Turner

Title: Fellowship Director - Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Fellowship
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine

Bernard Unger

Marta Yesgat

Madelaine Yona

David Zlotnick

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