May the force be with you: detecting ultrafast light by its force

Published: 5 August 2020

A McGill research team has developed a new technique to detect nano-sized imperfections in materials. They believe this discovery will lead to improvements in the optical detectors used in a wide...

Vertebrate biodiversity- a glimmer of hope

Published: 18 November 2020

Vertebrate populations - from birds and fish to antelope - are not, in general, declining. Despite what has previously been thought and said.

When dinosaurs disappeared, forests thrived

Published: 15 December 2020

It’s known that the primary cause of the mass extinction of dinosaurs, about 66 million years ago, was a meteorite impact. But the exact mechanisms that linked the meteorite impact to mass...

Identifying Canada’s key conservation hot spots highlights problem

Published: 5 January 2021

To stop biodiversity loss, Canada recently committed to protecting 30% of its land and sea by 2030. But making conservation decisions about where to locate new protected areas is complicated. It...

As oceans warm, large fish struggle

Published: 13 January 2021

Warming ocean waters could reduce the ability of fish, especially large ones, to extract the oxygen they need from their environment. Animals require oxygen to generate energy for movement, growth...

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