Jeffrey McKenzie, Chair
Ph.D. Syracuse University
Hydrogeology, Cryohydrogeology, Groundwater modelling, Heat transport
EPSC 549 - Hydrogeology
Chen, L., C.I. Voss, D. Fortier, J.M. McKenzie, 2021, Surface energy balance of sub-Arctic roads with varying snow regimes and properties in permafrost regions, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2021:1-21. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.2129
Mateo, E.I., B.G. Mark, R.Å. Hellström, M. Baraer, J.M. McKenzie, T. Condom, A.Rapre, G. Gonzales, J. Gómez, R. Encarnación, 2021, High temporal resolution hydrometeorological data collected in the tropical Cordillera Blanca, Peru (2004–2020), Earth System Science Data Discussions. DOI: 10.4211/hs.059794371790407abd749576df8fd121
Wu, R., V. Martin, J.M. McKenzie, S. Broda, B. Bussière, J. Selker, M. Aubertin, 2021, Fiber Optic Protocol to Monitor Water Flow and Moisture Content in a Waste Rock Pile, Groundwater. DOI: 10.1111/gwat.13075
McKenzie, J.M., B.K. Kurylyk, M.A. Walvoord, V.F. Bense, D. Fortier, C. Spence, C. Grenier, 2020, Invited Perspective: What Lies Beneath a Changing Arctic?, The Cryosphere Discussions. DOI: 10.5194/tc-2020-132.
Somers, L.D., J.M. McKenzie, 2020, Groundwater in high mountain environments, WIREs Water. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1475.
Lamontagne-Hallé, P., J.M. McKenzie, B.L. Kurylyk, J. Molson, L. Lyon, 2020, Guidelines for cold regions groundwater numerical modelling, WIREs Water, e1467. DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1467.