A response to the threat of Bill 20 to the training of future family doctors: A position statement from the four chairs of family medicine in Québec presented to the National Assembly Commission

On March 16, 2015, a position statement by the university Chairs of the four Québec Departments of Family Medicine was submitted to the Commission de la santé et des services sociaux.

In this document, entitled Family medicine teachers: An essential contribution to the service of the population, the four chairs of family medicine highlight the threat that Bill 20 is presenting to family medicine teaching and propose five possible solutions to improve access to family doctors.

It was submitted to the National Assembly by Dr. Jean Pelletier, representative of the Board of Directors of Departments of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine of Québec, Director of the Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at the University of Montreal, for and on behalf of his fellow directors of departments of medicine:
• Dr. Guy Béland, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University
• Dr. Howard Bergman, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
• Dr. Marie Giroux, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke
• Dr. Jean Pelletier, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal

The position statement to the Commission de la santé et des services sociaux with respect to Bill 20: "Family medicine teachers:An essential contribution to the service of the population"
Read here in French
Read here in English

To see the video of the presentation and discussion of the statement at the National Assembly click here (presented in French)

To read the press release, click here

Other related links:
Current version of Bill 20 not supported
Position statement from the four university Deans of Medicine



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