Meet the grads, Spring 2024: Raymond Tolentino

As part of our Spring Convocation 2024 coverage, we asked graduates to share their experiences of completing a degree at McGill's Department of Family Medicine Here, we meet Class of 2024 member Raymond Tolentino who completed his MSc in Family Medicine and receives his degree at the Spring Convocation Ceremony on May 28. Congratulations Raymond!    

Name: Raymond Tolentino 

Degree: Master of Science in Family Medicine (Medical Education Concentration) 

Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario

What was your thesis topic ? 

My thesis, titled The Development of a Postgraduate Family Medicine Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Framework, focused on curricula development, artificial intelligence and postgraduate training. 

Please share a particularly proud moment from your degree? 

I was especially proud when I finally submitted my thesis for final submission. 

Your fave hangout/study spot? 

 Thomson House 

Any shoutouts?  

I would like to shoutout my supervisor Dr. Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi for her guidance throughout my master’s degree and a shoutout to Dr. Pierre Pluye, my supportive co-supervisor, who passed away in 2023. 

Top tip for incoming students in your program?  

To the incoming students entering my program, I would say to surround yourself with a good team (other students, lab members, advisors, librarians, etc.), who can contribute in unique and helpful ways. Also, I would tell incoming students not to worry, and that everyone’s timeline, topic and experience is unique. Your work is worthy, and your timeline is perfect for you.

Anything you’ll miss? 

I am going to miss the amazing staff, faculty and students that I’ve met at McGill’s Department of Family Medicine. 

What’s next for you?  

I am currently working as a researcher in Montreal and will potentially move onto a PhD after. 


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