What is Graphos?
Graphos teaches graduate students and postdocs how to become accomplished scholarly communicators. Across the disciplines, writing is the common practice that all scholars must master. Writing is not simply an afterthought—it is the medium in which we do our intellectual work.
What can Graphos do for you?
Graphos offers different ways for graduate students to become more efficient, precise, and effective scholarly communicators. Some of these are also available to postdoctoral fellows.
Our offerings are designed to address three focal points of the graduate and postdoctoral experience: research, funding, and publication.
- Courses: 1-credit offerings that complement your degree program.
- Workshops: focused events on key writing strategies, conventions, topics, and genres.
- Fellowship Writing Groups: Banting or Vanier fellowship applicants who meet once to share and improve their fellowship applications - summer only.
- Writing Commons: a space in which we create conditions for you to write productively in the company of others during thesis retreats and related events.
- Tutorial Service: one-on-one sessions to improve your writing skills. (Offered by the McGill Writing Centre)
Graphos is housed within the McGill Writing Centre, the University's central resource for written communication.