History Students' Association

The History Students’ Association (HSA) is an Arts Undergraduate Society departmental organization at McGill University comprised of those pursuing Minors, Majors, Honours, and Joint-Honours degrees in History. HSA’s two primary functions are to plan and execute history-related events throughout the academic year to foster a greater sense of community amongst members and to serve as a liaison between students and the administration.

We host Trivia Nights, Open Forums on Historical Events, Wine and Cheese Gatherings, Produce the A Piece of Work podcast, Run a Tutoring Service, and publish Historical Discourses, our annual journal for excellence in undergraduate research in History.

HSA Office: Room 629, Stephen Leacock Building



mcgill.hsa.president [at] gmail.com (President)

mcgill.hsa.academic [at] gmail.com (VP Academic)

mcgill.hsa.events [at] gmail.com (VP Events)

mcgill.hsa.communications [at] gmail.com (VP Communications)

mcgill.hsa.internal [at] gmail.com (VP Internal)

hsa.finance.mcgill [at] gmail.com (VP Finance)

mcgill.hsa.external [at] gmail.com (VP External )

mcgill.hsa.firstyearrep [at] gmail.com (First Year Representative)

Social Media:

HSA Website

HSA on Instagram

HSA on Facebook

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