Mia Alunik Fischlin

Administrative Student Affairs Coordinator, Indigenous Studies Program (MISC)
Mia Alunik Fischlin
Contact Information
Email address: 
mia.fischlin [at] mcgill.ca

Mia Alunik Fischlin is Inuvialuk, Dene and Settler from the NorthWest Territories. She holds a college degree in Cinema, Video and Communications from Dawson College, a bachelor’s degree in Human Relations from Concordia, and a diploma in Human Resources Management from McGill University. Prior to McGill, Mia worked as a proposal writer at Acosys Consulting Services Inc., an Indigenous consulting firm, where she wrote proposals for a variety of organizations including NPAAMB (Indigenous Youth and Employment Training), McGill University (Facilitating and Communication with Indigenous Communities for the New Vic Pavillon), and Natural Resources Canada. She has volunteered with a wide range of groups and organizations for many years and is passionate about empowering the next generation to imagine and create new horizons.

Faculty of Arts: Indigenous Studies Program
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