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Presenting a Narrative: Academia and Beyond

Thursday, October 24, 2024 17:00to18:00
 Academia and Beyond

How do you create a narrative that captures your scholarly work for diverse audiences? This workshop does a deep dive into the rhetorical strategies of effective presentations. We’ll start by introducing a framework to analyse audience, purpose, organization, and style in order to understand the unique characteristics of different presentation genres. Building on this foundation, the workshop then looks at the power of authentic story-telling to convey information in ways that are both engaging, rigorous and memorable. This workshop is part of SKILLSETS’ Presentation Skills series. Check our website for more workshops in this series.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand how to analyze research presentation genres through audience, purpose, organization, and style
  • Build connection, comprehension, and credibility to create a compelling presentation
  • Articulate your core message in clear, accessible language.
  • Develop and incorporate effective and authentic storytelling


Online Event Instructions

Zoom registration

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