Trends and Prospects in Development (2023)


Trends and Prospects in Development Poster

























A Conference organized by the Institute for the Study of International Development

McGill University

Thomson House Ballroom

30-31 March 2023


30 March 2023


Opening Remarks



Roundtable – Trends and Prospects in Development


Michael Brown, Professor of Practice, ISID, McGill University

Neil Buhne, Professor of Practice, ISID, McGill University

Timothy Hodges, Professor of Practice, ISID, McGill University

Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, Professor of Practice, ISID, McGill University


Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Director, ISID, McGill University



31 March 2023


Panel 1 – Migration and Displacement



“The Afterlives of Refugeehood: Transgender Refugees, the Politics of Refusal, and the Sex Worker Movement of 1970-1990 in Kolkata, India”

Sarah Nandi, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, McGill University


“Paradox of ‘Alternatives’? Illiberal Effects of ‘Alternatives to Immigration Detention’ in Japan”

Kazue Takamura, Senior Faculty Lecturer, ISID, McGill University


“Through the Localization Looking Glass: Seeing Subaltern Power in the Refugee Regime”

Merve Erdilmen, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, McGill University

Megan Bradley, Associate Professor, ISID and Department of Political Science, McGill University

James Milner, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Carleton University


Chair and Discussant:

Luna Vives, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Université de Montréal


Coffee Break



Panel 2 – Forms of Presence: Living Archives of Palestinian Displacement



Diana Allan, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and ISID

Cynthia Kraichati, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology

Ariane Lorrain, M.A. Candidate, Department of Anthropology


Chair and Discussant:






Panel 3 – Politics and Development



“Decolonising Humanitarian Action: An Applied Approach”

Rachel Kiddell-Monroe, ISID Professor of Practice, McGill University


“Small Parties, Big Organization:

Islamic Political Parties and Mobilization in Pakistan (1947-2023)”

Bilal Shakir, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, McGill University


“Pro-Abortion and Anti-Gender-based Violence Movements in Argentina:

The Politics of Feminist Coalition-Building”

Rose Chabot, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science, McGill University


Chair and Discussant:



Coffee Break



Panel 4 – Economy, Land, and Development



“Collaborative Learning between Impact Investors and Small and Medium Enterprises: Sustainability-Driven Knowledge Creation in Global Value Chains”

Tommaso Ferretti, Assistant Professor, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa Paola Perez-Aleman, Associate Professor, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University


“Sending Money Home: The Mixed Impact of Remittances on Development and How Policy can Empower Remittance-Receivers”

Charlotte Mines, DSO M.A. Student, Department of Political Science, McGill University


“Mapping Changing Access to Land and Water in Deforestation Frontiers of the Gran Chaco”

Olivia del Giorgio, Ph.D. Student, Department of Geography, McGill University

Patrice Matthews, M.Sc. Student, Department of Geography, McGill University

Yann le Polain de Waroux, Assistant Professor, ISID and Department of Geography, McGill University


“Norm Shifting Interventions and Beliefs about Gender Norms: a Behavioral Study in Paraguay”

Sonia Laszlo, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, McGill University

Carolina de Miranda, Fundación Capital

Franque Grimard, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, McGill University

Tania Insfrán, Independent Researcher

Thomas Kokossou, Department of Economics, McGill University

Laura Mor’inigo, Fundación Capital

Jim Warnick, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, McGill Uinversity


Chair and Discussant:

Juan Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, McGill University


Reception to Follow

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