McGill Alert / Alerte de McGill

Updated: Mon, 07/15/2024 - 16:07

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

Current Courses

Fall 2024

Winter 2025


If you have questions about the course offerings or registration, please refer to our Course Registration FAQ and our Course Registration Guide.

Course Calendar 2023-2024

Will be updated later in Summer 2024. Information below is kept for historical purposes.

The courses below are listed in alphabetical order and are sorted based on program requirements (see our BCL/JD Program Structure and Requirements page):

1L Required Courses
2L Required Courses
Complementary Civil Law Immersion Courses
Complementary Common Law Immersion Courses
Complementary Principles of [Canadian] Administrative Law Courses
Complementary Social Diversity, Human Rights and Indigenous Law Courses
Elective Courses
Law Focus Week Workshops
Graduate Courses
Non-Course Credits 

1L Required Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Constitutional Law/ Droit constitutionnel (PUB2 101D1/D2)

6   Full-year
Section 001 Nichols
Section 002 Narain
Section 003 Pless (Fall)/Poirier (Winter)

Contractual Obligations/Obligations contractuelles (LAWG 100D1/D2 )

6   Full-year
Section 001 Dedek
Section 002 Boulanger-Bonnelly (Fall)/Farahat (Winter)
Section 003 Boulanger-Bonnelly

Criminal Justice/Justice pénale (LAWG 102D1/D2)

6   Full-year
Section 001 Weisbord
Section 002 Klein
Section 003 Manikis

Ex-Contractual Obligations/Obligations extra-contractuelles (LAWG 101D1/D2)

6   Full-year
Section 001 Janda
Section 002 Von Schütz
Section 003 Jodoin

Foundations/Fondements du droit (PUB3 116)

3   Winter
Section 001 Raso
Section 002 Riley Case
Section 003 Provost
Section 004 Muniz-Fraticelli

Indigenous Legal Traditions/Traditions Juridiques Autochtones (LAWG 103)

3   Fall
Section 001 Mills
Section 002 Sloan
Section 003 Ledoux

Integration Workshop (LAWG 110D1/D2)

3 Jukier Full-year
Section 001 (Workshop)

2L Required Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Advocacy (PRAC 200)

1 Dobrota Fall

Judicial Institutions & Civil Procedure/Droit judiciaire (PROC 124)

4   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Fall) Adamski Fall
Section 003 (Fall) Saumier
Section 001 (Winter)



Legal Ethics & Professionalism / Déontologie professionnelle (LAWG 210)

3   Winter
Section 001 Adamski
Section 002 Weinstock
Section 003 Gibeault

Property/Les biens (LAWG 220D1/D2)

6   Full-year
Section 001 Gupta
Section 002 Moyse
Section 003 Emerich

Complementary Civil Law Immersion Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Administration du bien d’autrui et fiducie (PRV4 548)

3 Cumyn Winter

Advanced Civil Law Obligations (PROC 200)

3   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Fall) Dedek Fall
Section 001 (Winter) Farahat Winter

Droit des personnes (PRV2 270)

3 Antaki Fall

Lease, Enterprise, Suretyship (PROC 549)




Complementary Common Law Immersion Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Advanced Common Law Obligations (PRV3 200)

3   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Fall) Bjorklund Fall
Section 002 (Fall) Gold
Section 001 (Winter) Ellis Winter

Complementary Principles of [Canadian] Administrative Law Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Communications Law (CMPL 577)

3 Handa Fall

Consumer Law (PRV5 483)

3 Saumier Winter

Employment Law (LEEL 570)

3 De Four-Wyre Fall

Faillite (BUS1 532)

3 Lachance Fall

Government Control of Business (CMPL 574)

3 Hinarejos Fall

Immigration and Refugee Law (PUB2 551)

3 Crépeau Fall

International Taxation (CMPL 539)

3 Christians Fall

Judicial Review of Admin Action/Contentieux administratifs (PUB2 401)

3   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Winter) Fox-Decent Winter
Section 003 (Fall) Kellam Fall

Labour Law (LEEL 369)

3 Blackett Winter

Healthcare Delivery and the Law (LAWG 581)

3 Khoury Winter

Law and Poverty (LEEL 582)

3 Gill Winter

Law and Practice of International Trade (CMPL 543)

3 Bjorklund Fall

Privacy Law (LAWG 561)

3 Cofone Fall

Securities Regulation (BUS2 504)

3 Morin Winter

The Administrative Process (PUB2 400)

3 Raso Fall

Complementary Social Diversity, Human Rights and Indigenous Law Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Civil Liberties (CMPL 573)

3 Eliadis Fall

Critical Engagements with Human Rights (LAWG 505)

3 Ramanujam Fall

Critical Race Theory (LAWG 507)

3 Riley Case Fall

Disability Law and Policy (LAWG 582)

3 Beaudry Fall

Indigenous Peoples and the State (CMPL 500)

3 Sloan


Immigration and Refugee Law (PUB2 551)

3 Crépeau Fall

International Criminal Law (PUB2 502)

3 Mégret Winter

Labour Law (LEEL 369)

3 Blackett Winter

Law and Poverty (LEEL 582)

3 Gill Winter

Public International Law/Droit international public (PUB2 105)

3   Fall
Section 001 Riley Case
Section 003 Crépeau

Regulating AI (LAWG 562)

3 Cofone Fall

Women and Constitutions (LAWG 580)

3 Narain Winter

Elective Courses

Course Title and Number Credits Instructors Term

Accounting for Management (CACC 520)

3 Cecere Fall

Advanced Criminal Law (PUB2 501)

3 Ferraro Winter

Advanced Torts (PRV5 582)

2 Ellis Fall

Banking Law (BUS2 531)

3 Lemieux Fall

Business Associations/Droit des affaires (BUS2 365)

4   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Fall) Zumbansen Fall
Section 003 (Winter) Janda Winter

Canadian Legal History (CMPL 547)

3 Piper Fall

Canon Law (CMPL 502)

3 Muniz-Fraticelli Fall

Civil Litigation Workshop (PROC 459)

3 Woods Fall

Commercial Law (Sale) (LAWG 200)

3 Serry Winter

Comparative Federalism (PUB2 503)

3 Poirier


Corporate Finance (BUS2 505)

3 Barbeau Fall

Criminal Procedure (PUB2 422)

3 Kennedy Winter

Droit de la famille (LAWG 273)

3 Gibeault Fall

Entertainment Law (CMPL 524)

3 Mechanic Winter

European Union Law 1 (CMPL 536)

3 Hinarejos Fall

Evidence (Criminal Matters) (LAWG 426)

3 Klein Winter

Family Property Law (LAWG 300)

3 Leckey Fall

Faillite/Bankruptcy and Insolvency (BUS1 532)

3 Lachance Fall

Intellectual and Industrial Property (BUS2 502)

3 Gold Fall

International Environmental Law and Politics (CMPL 546)

3 Ellis Winter

International Investment Disputes (LAWG 585)

3 Bjorklund Winter

Law and Healthcare (CMPL 642)

3 Khoury Winter

Legal Education Seminar (LAWG 625)

3 Jukier Winter

Legal Theory (CMPL 506)

3 Nichols Winter

Legal Traditions (CMPL 600)

3 Howes Winter

Preuve civile (LAWG 415)

3 Ferland Winter

Private International Law/Droit intl prive (LAWG 316)

3   Fall & Winter
Section 001 (Fall) Walsh Fall
Section 003 (Winter) Saumier Winter

Responsabilité médicale (CMPL 522)

3 Khoury Fall

Secured Transactions (LAWG 400)

4 Walsh Fall

Sentencing in Canadian Law (PUB2 504)

3 Manikis Fall

Science Technology and Law (CMPL 576)

3 Raso Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 4 (LAWG 514) - Aviation Finance (Winter)

3 Hanley Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 5 (LAWG 515) - Slavery and the Law (Winter)

3 Blackett Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 6 (LAWG 516) - Mediation (Winter)

3 Péch Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 7 (LAWG 517) - Personal Injury Law (Fall)

3 Wechsler Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 7 (LAWG 517) - Prison Law, Policy and Reform (Winter)

Kennedy Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 9 (LAWG 519) - Legal Profession (Fall)

3 Headon Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 9 (LAWG 519) - Space Security (Winter)

Harrington Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 10 (LAWG 520) - Droit de logement (Winter)

3 Searle Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 11 (LAWG 530) - Anatomy of a Murder Trial (Fall)

3 Cohen Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 11 (LAWG 530) - Tax Litigation Seminar (Winter)

Raizenne Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 12 (LAWG 531) - Criminal Trial Advocacy (Fall)

3 Israel Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 12 (LAWG 531) - Transnational Commercial Law (Winter)

Walsh Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 13 (LAWG 532) - Securities Regulation Practice (Fall)

3 Stratiev Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 13 (LAWG 532) - Law, Race, and Capitalism (Winter)

Gupta Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 14 (LAWG 533) - Profilage racial (Fall)

3 Belton Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 14 (LAWG 533) - Foundational Transactional Skills (Winter)

3 Ertman Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 16 (LAWG 535) - Public Health Law & Policy (Fall)

3 Khoury Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 16 (LAWG 535) - Advanced Topics in Business Law (Winter)

Zumbansen Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 17 (LAWG 536) - Internet Law (Fall)

3 Mendelsohn Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 18 (LAWG 537) - Intro to Corporate Transactions

3 Claxton Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 18 (LAWG 537) - Animal Law (Winter)

3 Ménard Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 19 (LAWG 538) - Transnational Law: Case Studies (Fall)

3 Zumbansen Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 19 (LAWG 538) - State Accountability and Social Change (Winter)

3 Daniel Winter

Specialized Topics in Law 20 (LAWG 539) - Corporate Governance (Fall)

3 Rosenblum Fall

Specialized Topics in Law 20 (LAWG 539) - EU Law II (Winter)

3 Hinarejos Winter

Statutory Interpretation (PUB2 505)

3 Christians Fall

Student Initiated Seminar 1 (LAWG 521) - Municipal Law and Public Advocacy (Fall)

3 Raso Fall

Student Initiated Seminar 1 (LAWG 521) - Youth Criminal Justice (Winter)

Klein Winter

Student Initiated Seminar 2 (LAWG 522) - Introduction to Art Law (Winter)

3 Van Praagh Winter

Talmudic Law (CMPL 513)

3 Whitman Winter

Taxation (PUB2 313)

4 Christians Fall

Trial Advocacy (PUB2 420)

3 Omer


Law Focus Week Workshops

The Faculty of Law would like to acknowledge the McCarthy Tétrault Fund for Innovative Legal Education in support of Focus Week Workshops. 

The one-credit workshops are taught in an intensive period and offer an opportunity to critically analyze and develop relevant skills for experts in the law, such as negotiation, mediation, project management, community mobilization, policy analysis, empirical research, entrepreneurship, financial analysis, and the like. Due to the intensive nature of the Focus Week Workshops, attendance is mandatory. 

Focus Week Workshops are graded pass/fail. 

All other courses (except 1st year courses) are suspended during the week. Fall 2023 Focus Week will take place October 16-20, 2023 & Winter 2024 Focus Week will take place February 26-March 1, 2024. 
Focus Week Workshop courses for the Fall term will open on August 10, 2023 at 1pm.

Focus Week Workshop courses for the Winter term will open on December 4, 2023 at 2pm.

Students must drop Winter FWW by the add/drop deadline, January 16, 2024 at 11:59pm. Alternatively, if you see available spaces, please e-mail us at [at] to be added manually to the course, no later than February 22, 2024 at 3pm. 

Please note that due to high demand, limited availability and potentially conflicting scheduling, students wishing to take more than one Focus Week course in any given term should request approval from the SAO before Add/Drop deadline - Email: [at] 

Law Focus Week Workshop 1 (LAWG 550)

1   Fall & Winter
Transaction Diligence Simulation Singh Fall
The Right to Black Life Under International Human Rights Law Morgan Winter

Law Focus Week Workshop 2 (LAWG 551)

1   Fall & Winter
Build Your Professional Success with Emotional Intelligence Reichman Van Toch Fall
Space and Satellite Finance Nesgos Winter

Law Focus Week Workshop 3 (LAWG 552)

1   Fall & Winter
Sustainable Finance and the Energy Transition Toulouse Fall
Trans People and the Law Singer Winter

Law Focus Week Workshop 4 (LAWG 553)

1   Fall & Winter
Anatomy of a Deal Struthers Fall
Recours collectifs en contexte autochtone D'Aoust Winter

Law Focus Week Workshop 5 (LAWG 554)

1   Fall & Winter
La justice climatique: analyse critique d’un enjeu global sous l’angle socio-juridique Khoury Fall
Criminal Defence (in-depth: R.c. G.G., 2023 QCCA 305 (CanLII)) - The Fundamentals of Sentence Representation Sandiford Winter


Graduate Courses

Graduate courses are open to BCL/JD students by approval. Students must complete the Course Change Form. 

For more information about registering for Graduate Courses, including the complete procedure please see the Course Registration Guide. 

Airline Business and Law (ASPL 614)

3 Petsikas Winter

Communication 1 (LAWG 601)

1.5 Abram Fall

Communication 2 (LAWG 602)

1.5 Abram Winter

Government Regulation of Air Transport (ASPL 613)

3 Correia Fall

Government Regulation of Space Activities (ASPL 639)

3 Harrington Winter

Law and Health Care (CMPL 642)

3 Khoury Winter

Legal Education Seminar (LAWG 625)

3 Jukier Winter

Legal Research Methodology 1 (CMPL 610)

1.5 Mégret Fall

Legal Research Methodology 2 (CMPL 611)

1.5 Mégret Winter

Legal Research Methodology for DCL (LAWG 702)

2 Mégret Fall

Public International Air Law (ASPL 633)

3 Correia


Private International Air Law (ASPL 636)

3 Weber Fall

Space Law: General Principles (ASPL 637)

3 Jakhu Fall

Theoretical Approaches to Law (CMPL 641)

3   Fall
Section 009 Antaki Fall
Section 010 Provost Fall
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