The Law Class of 2000 (and friends from 1999 and 2001) will be gathering for a virtual cocktail party to celebrate and reconnect with classmates./lawCategory: Faculty of Law
The Law Class of ‘90 (and friends from '89 and '91) will be gathering for a virtual cocktail party to celebrate and reconnect with classmates./lawCategory: Faculty of Law
The McGill Law Young Alumni Board - Montreal Region, is proud to host its annual Young Alumni Cocktail in Montreal. 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA/lawCategory: Faculty of Law
Come connect with your fellow Law Alumni from the Greater Toronto Area over drinks and noshes! Joignez-vous à nous pour un cocktail en compagnie du doyen Robert Leckey....
Please join your fellow McGill Law alumni at Métropolitain Brasserie for a warm get-together.Metropolitain Brasserie, 700 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, QC, K1N 1K4, CA/lawCategory: Faculty of Law
Join Dean Robert Leckey and your fellow McGill Law grads in New York at the annual NYC Coffeehouse cocktail, which will take place at HighTower's offices, for some great conversation and even...
The Young Alumni Board invites you to attend its annual cocktail in Toronto, with special guest Dean Robert Leckey.Toronto, ON, CA/lawCategory: Faculty of Law