Claudia Kleinman, PhD

Claudia Kleinman

Associate Professor
Lady Davis Institute
Jewish General Hospital

Phone icon:+1-514-340-8222 ext. 25139
Email icon: claudia.kleinman [at]
Github Logo:
Website icon: Website





  • Associate Professor in the Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, at McGill University; 
  • Full time Investigator at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research at the Jewish General Hospital; 
  • Associate Member of the McGill Centre for Translational Research in Cancer at the Segal Cancer Centre;
  • Co-Director, Genomics, Bioinformatics & Statistical Genetics, Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics & Mental Health.

Claudia Kleinman, PhD is a multi-qualified, transdisciplinary researcher who combines the application of molecular biology, computer science, statistics and evolutionary biology to study biological systems on multiple levels — from the molecular and single cell level to environmental influences on the genome (i.e. epigenetics). Her research aims to advance our understanding of cancers and brain disorders by decrypting the fundamental mechanisms regulating gene expression, and their interplay with genetic and epigenetic factors. In 2021, Science Quebec named her paper in Nature Genetics, Stalled developmental programs at the root of pediatric brain tumors, as one of Quebec’s top 10 research findings of 2020. Her current projects continue to explore how complex genetic and epigenetic interactions lead to specific diseases.  

Prof. Kleinman joined the Department of Human Genetics at McGill, and the Lady Davis Research Institute in 2014. She is also a mentor and lecturer in the interdisciplinary Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) PhD program offered jointly by the faculties of Medicine and Science at McGill. At the Ludmer Centre, Prof Kleinman provides key leadership for the Bioinformatics & Statistical Genetics research theme.

  • Visit Google Scholar for a list of publications.
  • Visit Github for a list of computational resources. 
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