Viacheslav Adamchuk

Viacheslav Adamchuk

Academic title(s): Professor; Chair, Bioresource Engineering
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Emerging tools for plant and animal production, Engineering, Plant production, Soil, Sustainable management systems
Chandra Madramootoo

Chandra Madramootoo

Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Carbon management, Climate change, Environment, Food security, Greenhouse gases, Soil and water systems, Water
Shiv Prasher

Shiv Prasher

Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Carbon management, Climate change, Contaminants, Ecosystems, Engineering, Environment, Gene-environment interactions, Microbiome, Soil, Soil and water systems, Sustainable management systems, Value addition, Waste management, Water
Zhiming Qi

Zhiming Qi

Academic title(s): Brace Professorship in Irrigation
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Climate change, Environment, Soil and water systems, Water
Shangpeng Sun

Shangpeng Sun

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Animal production, Biomass, Engineering
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