*This institution is not available for Fall 2025/Full year exchange applications*

Université Catholique de Louvain

Location 🌎

Language of instruction 💬

Eligible faculty 🎓

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium French and English


Engineering, including Architecture





UC Louvain is a private institution founded in 1425 and is Belgium's leading French-speaking university. The university welcomes 32,000 students in seven locations in Brussels and Wallonia. Its main campus is in the pedestrianised city of Louvain-la-Neuve. “Openness to the world” has been at the core of the UC Louvain’s missions in teaching and research. You will have access to courses from the Faculty of Economics, Social, Political Sciences and Communication. 

Important Information

Term dates

Semester 1

Semester 2

September - January January - June

*Semester and exam dates may vary from year to year. Please consult the Host institution's fact sheet, the Host institution's website, or the Host institution directly to confirm.

Contact information

International Programs Department
Place des Sciences, 1 
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve 
Phone :+32 10 47 28 15

international-loci [at] uclouvain.be

Incoming Students Coordinators

The list of coordinators by Faculty is listed here:






The information on this page is drawn from either the institution's fact sheet or their website as linked above.

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