Winter/Spring 2005

Catalogue: Edible Landscape Tools

Edible Landscape Tools

During the winter/spring 2005 semester, the students at the Minimum Cost Housing studio created a How-To brochure entitled Edible Landscape Tools. Delivered to each of the city partners, it gives a simple set of instructions on the basics of integrating urban agriculture into and around the home, and throughout the community. Areas explored include street furniture as planters, water reclamation, basic site planning and composting. Though tailored to the partner cities, it’s a useful document for UA novices. The concept behind developing a catalogue came about early this year due to the interest of the local Rosario team in specific design interventions. In this case, the McGill student work was incorporated in the local participatory workshops. Also, the Colombo team became very interested in using this work for training and community awareness, thinking in translating it to the native language so that it could be use with the local community.

The project team was formed by the following McGill staff: Prof. Vikram Bhatt, Rune Kongshaug, Prof. Jeanne Wolfe, Francois Emond, Clara Murgueitio, and McGill students: Jingfeng Cai, Lorena Rodriguez, Amal Jamal, Faiza Moatasim, Felipe Ochoa, Shannon Pirie, Li Ran, Yalda Rastegar, Guy Villemure and Nicholas Vreeland.



Part 1.1: Site Level

Part 1.2: Cluster Level

Part 1.3: Housing Level

Part 2.1: Apply and Explore Tools

Part 2.2: Kampala Scheme 2


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