A series of research papers on various topics
No. 21: Patterns of Living; Architectural Research in India: Volume 2 - Case study of a traditional Indian village, McGill University School of Architecture, 208 ps., July 1994
No. 20: Patterns of Living; Architectural Research in India: Volume 1 - Case study of an Indian Industrial township, McGill University School of Architecture, 168 ps., June 1993
No. 19: L'habitat autochtone et le genre: une approche sensible de la population Crie de Chisasibi, V. Bhatt & M. Chagny, 103 ps., 2003
No. 18: Fingers of Hope, McGill University School of Architecture & RAIC-CIDA Youth Program in Architecture, 52 ps., 1996
No. 17: Making the Edible Campus, Minimum Cost Housing Group, 26 ps., February 2008.
No. 16: Catalogue: Edible Landscape Tools, Minimum Cost Housing Group, 50 ps., May 2005.
No. 15: Housing a Billion: Volume 2- Village Upgrading: Jianlu, China, Vikram Bhatt et al., 65 ps., December 1993.
No. 14: Housing a Billion: Volume 1- Urban Upgrading: Design Ideals for Rural China, Vikram Bhatt et al., 70 ps., January 1993.
No. 12: How the Other Half Builds: Volume 3 - The Self-Selection Process, Vikram Bhatt et al. 44 ps., March 1990.
An illustration (using Indian data) of a new method that allows low-income users to lay out their own plots in large urban sites and services projects.
(Out of print.)
No. 11: Patterns of Space and Human Activity in an Unplanned Settlement, Waldo Pons and Witold Rybczynski 11ps., March 1988.
(Out of print.)
No. 10: How the Other Half Builds: Volume 2 - Plots, Carlos Barquin et al. 53 ps., June 1986.
No. 9: How the Other Half Builds: Volume 1 - Space, Witold Rybczynski et al. 86 ps., December 1984.
No. 8: Double-Vault Composting Toilets: A-State-of-the-Art Review, Witold Rybczynski, 27 ps., December 1981.
(Out of print.)
No. 7: Sites, Services and Supports (S/S/S), Sigrid Diehl et al.,58 ps., August 1978.
(Out of print.)
No. 5: A Low Cost Garbage Bag Solar Water Heater, V.S. Nataraj & V. Bhatt, 12 ps., August 1980.
(Out of print.)
No. 4: Energy Conservation in Greenhouses Through the Use of Retractable Insulation, W. Rybczynski & V. Bhatt, 76 ps., July 1980.
(Out of print.)
No. 2: Users Making Choices: Water and Waste Management in Small Northern Communities, T. Jackson et al., 84 ps., August 1978.
(Out of print.)
No. 1: Servicing Options for African Low-Cost Housing, Mahendra Shah, 115 ps., April 1980.
(Out of print.)