
Note: All of the following Tables and Plates are currently not available.

Appendix A: Background on Puerto Princesa, Palawan Province, Philippines

Table 1.a: Household Mobility Indicators

Table 1.b: Household Mobility Indicators per Community

Table 2: Household Monthly Income

Table 3: Households Dependent on Fishing Livelihood

Table 4: Population Per Community

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Appendix B: Supplementary Data on Field Survey Result

Plate 1: Location Maps of Interviewed Households in Barangay Matahimik and Barangay Pagkakaisa

Plate 2 : Respondent Profile Form

Plate 3 : Summary of Household Interview Results, Barangay Matahimik

Plate 4 : Summary of Household Interview Results, Barangay Pagkakaisa

Selected Households Interviewed

Plate 5: Household No. 89 Barangay Matahim

Location of House: The house is located along the first walkway which is parallel to the coastline in zone 1. Though the site is not reached by the water even during high tide, the soil condition is characterized by high groundwater level.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of five members, owns the house. They have been living in the area since 1984. The husband and wife are meat dealers in the public market. Access to the city proper made them settle in the area.

Water Supply: The household has water connection from the city waterlines. When pressure is low from the waterlines, they fetch water from the communal handpump. Water for bathing is stored in a large water container inside the toilet. Water for drinking is stored in plastic pitchers and jars.

Toilet Facility: The household has a pourflush toilet supported by concrete floor. The facility is located at the rear right hand corner of the house. At present, though the household has a toilet seat, there is no treatment facility. The human waste is directly disposed into the ground underneath the house. The household is hesitant in investing their money for the construction of the septic tank because of their temporary tenure in the coastal area.

Wastewater Disposal: Wastewater from bathing and domestic washing is disposed of into the ground without treatment.

Solid Waste Collection: Garbage is collected by the household in plastic bags and is thrown into the trashcans along the concrete footpath for collection.

Plate 6: Household No. 131 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located at the end of the second walkway of zone 1 and is approximately 150 meters from the concrete footpath on land. It is built above the water and is supported by bamboo and mangrove stilts.

Occupancy Status: A family of seven members owns the house. They have been living in the area for four years. The husband is a fisherman and the wife is a market vendor. Access to source of livelihood made them stay in the community.

Water Supply: The household buys water from their neighbor with water connection from the city lines. They pay $0.02 (Canadian) for a ten-liter container of water and consumes approximately four to five containers per day. They also fetch water from the communal handpumps which is free of charge. The children travel almost 360 meters to fetch water from this source and bring it to their house.

Toilet Facility: The household toilet consists of an overhung toilet built as an extension at the rear of the house. It is made of bamboo and grass supported by bamboo and mangrove stilts. The flooring is of bamboo slats with a hole at the center. Human waste is directly disposed of into the water.

Wastewater Disposal: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is disposed into the water without treatment. Laundry is done on the walkway in front of the house.

Solid Waste Disposal: Household members throw their garbage, both bio-degradable and non-biodegradable into the water. Sometimes, the housewife uses garbage such as paper, cardboard and wood as cooking fuel.

Plate 7: Household No. 170 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located along the first walkway of zone 2. It is built on wet mudflat with the site submerged in water only during high tide. The house is about 12 meters from the concrete footpath on land.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of 5 members, owns the house. They have been living in the area since 1966. The husband is a tricycle operator (three-wheeled motorcycle for public transportation) and the wife manages their small convenience store. Access to the city proper for their livelihood made them settle in the area.

Water Supply:The household has waterline connection from the city lines. Rubber hose is used to collect water into water drums and pails. The household also fetches water from the nearby communal handpump.

Toilet Facility: The household's toilet facility consists of a pouflush toilet with a septic tank underneath for treatment. The facility has been built since March 1991. However, the site of the facility is characterized by very high groundwater level, thus, making the leaching of the septic tank effluent difficult. Manner of defecating is done in sitting position. Water is used for anal cleansing. When asked about communal toilet facilities, the household prefers a private facility.

Wastewater: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is disposed of into the ground without treatment. Laundry area is on the right front corner of the house.

Solid Waste Collection: Household member collects garbage in plastic bags and brings them to the trashcans along the concrete walkway for collection.

Plate 8: Household No.191 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located at the end of the first walkway of zone 2 which is about 120 meters from the concrete footpath on land. The distance between the water level and the floor level of the house is about 1.5 meters and decreases to 0.50 meter during high tide.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of four members, owns the house. They have been living in the community for six years.

Water Supply: The household shares waterline with their neighbor. They pay half of the monthly fee that is approximately $2.82 (Canadian). Manner of connecting waterline to their house is through a rubber hose installed from the main faucet of the neighbor. The hose is suspended underneath the house and the walkways leading to the kitchen. When pressure is low from the city waterlines, the household fetches water from the communal handpump. The household member travels at least 240 meters to fetch water from the nearest handpump.

Toilet Facility: The toilet is simply a makeshift overhung toilet, made of grass and bamboo, supported by stilts. Floor is made with bamboo slats with a hole at the center. No treatment is done to the excreta and is disposed of directly into the bay. The toilet is located at a separate structure at the back of the house. Defecation is done on a squatting position. Water is used for anal cleansing.

Wastewater and Animal Waste: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is directly disposed of into the bay. Laundry and bathing are done at the rear extension beside the toilet.

Solid Waste and Animal Waste:Garbage from the house is collected in plastic bags and is brought by a household member to the trashcans in the mainland for collection. Animal waste is directly disposed of into the bay.

Plate 9: Household No. 236-A Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located at the end of the first walkway of Zone 3. It is built above the water and is approximately 200 meters from the concrete footpath on land.

Status of Occupancy: The household is composed of a couple with a one-year old son. They leases a 3-room unit at the left rear corner of the house that is only 16.00 square meters in area. They have been staying in the area for only three months. Another family leases the unit at the right rear corner. The owner of the house occupies the front part of the house.

Water Supply: The family buys water from their tenant and pays $0.01 (Canadian) for an 8-liter pail. The household consumes about 6-8 pails per day for both drinking and domestic use. They do not fetch water from the handpump since their house is too far from the facility.

Toilet Facility: The household shares a communal toilet with the owner and the family leasing the other unit. The toilet is a separate structure at the left rear corner of the house. It is simply an overhung toilet made of bamboo and grass, supported on stilts. The floor is made of bamboo slats with a hole at the center. Waste is directly disposed of into the water.

Wastewater Disposal: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and washing is directly disposed of into the bay.

Plate10: Household 256 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located along the third walkway of zone 3. It is approximately 24 meters from the concrete footpath. It is built above the mudflat, which is submerged in water only during high tide.

Occupancy Status: Two households occupy the house. The owner occupies the upper floor while a related family leases the lower floor. The owners have been living in the area since 1947. Access to the city proper made them stay in the community.

Water Supply: The household has waterline connection from the city lines and pays an average fee of $13.00 (Canadian) per month. To retrieve the part of the expenses allotted to water supply, the family sells water to their neighbors.

Toilet: The toilet is a pourflush toilet with septic tank underneath. The facility is located at the right rear corner of the house at the lower floor. It is being shared by the two families.

Wastewater Disposal: Laundry area is located at the right side of the house. Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is not treated and is disposed of directly to the ground.

Solid Waste Disposal: The household collects garbage in plastic bags and brings them to the trashcans along the concrete footpath for collection.

Plate 11: Household No. 300 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located at the end of fifth walkway of Zone 3. It is the last house along the walkway and is approximately 100 meters from the concrete footpath on land.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of 6 members, owns the house. They have been living in the area for four years. The husband is a security guard in a bank while the wife is a midwife. Access to their jobs in city proper and to the public schools of their children made them settle in the community.

Water Supply: The household relies mainly on water fetching from the communal handpumps. The husband fetches water everyday and travels at least 400 meters to fetch water and bring it to the house. The household consumes 10 eight-liter pails of water per day. When two pails of water is fetched in one time, it means that the husband travels 2 kilometers per day to supply water. Water from the deepwell is consumed for domestic washing as well as for drinking.

Toilet Facility: The household has an overhung toilet at the rear extension of the house. The toilet is simply a small cubicle with bamboo and grass walls supported by stilts. The flooring of the toilet is made of bamboo slats and has a hole at the middle.

Wastewater Disposal: Laundry is normally done by the daughter in front of the house. This location is found to be convenient since there is no need to bring water inside the house. Wastewater from laundry washing, kitchen and bathing is disposed of into the bay.

Solid Waste Collection: Household collects garbage in plastic bags and brings them to the trash cans along concrete footpath for collection.

Plate 12: House No. 345 Barangay Matahimik

House Location: The house is located along the first walkway of zone 5. The site is within the transition zone and is approximately ten meters away from the concrete footpath.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of five members, owns the house. They have been living in the community since 1981. The wife is a market vendor and the husband works for a construction company as a contractual building painter. Access to the city proper made them settle in the area.

Water supply: The household has their connection from the city waterlines and pays monthly dues. A rubber hose is connected from the main faucet of the house to bring water to the kitchen area and laundry area.

Toilet Facility: The household has no toilet. The family members use the toilet of neighbor. Sharing toilet with the neighbor is acceptable to the household members as long as the facility is not very far.

Wastewater Disposal: Laundry is normally done on the front porch of the house. Water used is from the city waterlines. Wastewater from laundry is disposed of to the soil and bay without treatment.

Plate 13: Household No. 111 Barangay Pagakakaisa

Location of House: The house is the third house at the right side of the walkway of Zone 4. The site is submerged into the water during high tide and is dry during low tide. It is approximately 40 meters from the main access road of the community.

Occupancy Status: Two related households, currently occupies the house. With both families relying on fishing as a source of income, they prefer settling along the coast of the bay. They have been living in the area since 1973.

Source of Water: The households have waterline connection from the city lines and pays an average of $21.70 (Canadian) per month. They sell water to their neighbors. At present, more than 5 families buy water from them regularly. Water is sold in containers brought by the buyers. A 10-liter container is worth $0.02 (Canadian). Rubber hose is connected from the main faucet of the house and is brought in front, along the walkway, where the buyers fetch the water. Every morning, a queue of water containers and pails is seen in front of the house.

Toilet Facility: The households have two overhung toilets built as extensions at the rear of the house. The toilet is simply a small cubicle made of bamboo and palm leaves, supported by stilts. The floor is made of bamboo slats with a hole at the middle.

Wastewater Disposal: Laundry is normally done along the walkway in front of the house. Wastewater from laundry as well as other domestic washing is disposed of into the ground without treatment.

Solid Waste Disposal: Initially, the household collects the garbage in plastic bags and brings them to the trash receptacle along the street. However, according to the respondent, the collection of garbage along the street is not done regularly. Hence, they find it more convenient to throw the trash into the mudflat beneath their house.

Plate 14: Household No.114 Barangay Pagkakaisa

Location of House: The house is the 6th house at the right side of the walkway in Zone 4. It is approximately 60 meters from the east perimeter road of the community. The site is submerged in water during high tide.

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of six members owns the house. They have been living in the area since 1985. The husband is a fisherman while the wife works as a streetsweeper. Access to the bay and to the city proper made them settle in the community.

Water Supply: The household buys water from their neighbor, Household no.111, which is three houses away. They pay $0.02 (Canadian) per container.

Toilet Facility: The household, located above the water, has an overhung toilet. The facility is simply a small cubicle built as an extension at the back of the house. The cubicle is made of wood and palm leaves, with bamboo slats as flooring. At the middle of the cubicle is a small hole. Human waste is directly disposed of into mudflat underneath the toilet.

Wastewater Disposal: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is directly disposed of into the ground.

Solid Waste Collection: The household collects their garbage in a plastic bag and brings them to the trashcan along the road for truck collection.

Plate 15: Household No. 233 Barangay Matahimik

Location of House: The house is located along the southernmost walkway in zone 6. The site is still within the dry area and is approximately 30 meters from the main access road of the community. Hence, the house is built on concrete foundation

Occupancy Status: The household, composed of five members, owns the house. They have been living in the area since 1969. The husband is a carpenter and the wife is a market vendor. Access to the city proper for their livelihood is favorable to them.

Water Supply: The household has its connection from the city waterlines. They pay $5.6 (Canadian) per month. Having their own line, the household sells water to their neighbors. Ten liters of water costs $0.03 (Canadian).

Toilet Facility: The household has a pour-flush toilet seat supported on concrete flooring with septic tank for treatment built underneath. Water is used for anal cleansing.

Wastewater Disposal: Wastewater from laundry, bathing and domestic washing is disposed of into the ground without treatment.

Solid Waste Collection: The household brings their garbage along the perimeter road for truck collection.

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