John H.S. Lee

John Lee


Ph.D. McGill University

M.Sc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

B.Eng. McGill University

Macdonald Engineering Building, Rm 460 Map

External Website

514 398 6301 [office]

john.lee [at] (Email)

Research Interests

Primary Research Theme: Combustion and Energy Systems
Secondary Research Theme: Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Research Group/Lab: Shockwave Physics Group

Combustion and Shock Wave Physics: Combustion is an amalgam of thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and fluid dynamics and deals with the conversion of chemical to thermal energy by oxidation of fuels. Shock wave physics investigates the thermodynamics of the adiabatically compressed shocked state and the dynamics of the non-steady shock propagation. These research topics find extensive practical applications in energy conversion and propulsion systems.

Current Research Projects

  • Current projects are mainly in the study of the fundamental propagation mechanisms of detonation.
  • High-speed deflagration waves.
  • Manifestation of the non-linear interactions between chemical kinetics, turbulence and shock waves.
  • Projects all involve experimental, analytical, as well as numerical simulations.

Most Significant Publication

  • The Detonation Phenomenon" published by Cambridge University Press (2008).
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