Terms of Reference and Mandate for COSRRF

Committee for the Oversight of Shared Research Resource Facilities


A FMHS Shared Research Resource Facility (designated below as a “core facility” or “scientific platform”) is a unit located on the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences (FMHS) premises of the McGill Downtown Campus (not at affiliated hospitals and research institutes), operated by FMHS faculty members and staff. It provides access to instruments, technologies, services, expert consultation to scientific and clinical investigators based at McGill, external academic institutions and relevant commercial entities.


The Committee is mandated by the Dean of the FMHS and Vice-President, Health Affairs, and is responsible for providing strategic and operational recommendations to FMHS core facilities and performing the review of their annual report of activities. The Committee ensures equitable access to these resources to all eligible users and that they maintain high standards of operation and service. The Committee also advises the Dean of the FMHS on strategic planning, organization, access, finances, and policy development for core facilities.

Specific Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Advise the Dean of the FMHS on all aspects related to core facilities in the research infrastructure portfolio of the Faculty. This includes providing recommendations on prioritization for equipment acquisition, staffing, and coordination between core facilities.
  2. Oversee, in partnership with the core facility scientific directors, the FMHS portfolio of core facilities in terms of new strategic scientific areas and emerging technologies, building efficiency, avoiding redundancies and sunsetting units when appropriate.
  3. Develop and review policies and procedures related to the use and governance of core facilities, ensuring equitable access to facilities for all McGill users and external users when capacity allows for it.
  4. Review and evaluate the performances and utilization of core facilities, including via annual reports. Share relevant reports and reviews with the SBMS and hosting units (e.g., GCI).
  5. Make recommendations to the Dean for providing financial support to core facilities based on the merit of their annual reports or should urgent needs arise (e.g., critical repairs).
  6. Promote the coordination and efficiency of core facilities across the FMHS, including units located at affiliated institutions, in partnership with the scientific platform directors and the leadership of their hosting institutions.
  7. Promote the services and expertise of all core facilities across the FMHS, including those based at affiliated institutes.


The Committee is chaired by the Associate Dean (Research), and reports to the Vice-President Health Affairs, Dean of the FMHS.


Members are nominated by the Associate Dean (Research) of the FMHS (with one exception, noted below). Members are approved by the Deanery Executive Committee. The Committee’s membership is comprised of the following individuals, all of whom have voting privileges, except for the Secretary:


  • Associate Dean, Research, Chair

Named by the Chair:

  • Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SMBS), or delegate,
  • Manager of Operations of the SBMS,
  • 1 Expert Users from the SBMS,
  • 1 Expert User from another FMHS unit,
  • Scientific Platform Director of the RI-MUHC,
  • Scientific Platform Director of the LDI,
  • 1 representative of FMHS core facility staff members,
  • 1 Scientific Director of an external academic core facility,
  • Secretary.


Term of Office

Ex-officio members and the Director of the SBMS remain on the Committee for their respective terms of office. For all other members, the term of office is 3 years (renewable once).

Frequency and Format of Meetings

The Committee meets quarterly. Additional meetings may be called in response to specific needs. The meeting minutes are shared with the Dean and Vice-Dean (Research) of FMHS.


Quorum is achieved with 50% of members plus one, present in-person or remotely. Decisions cannot be made unless quorum is met. In the event of a failure to meet quorum, the meeting may be rescheduled, or decisions deferred to the next meeting.

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