
McIntyre post-fire update - July 26

Published: 27 July 2018

To all members of the Faculty of Medicine,

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has confirmed thatstarting Friday, July 27, 7:00 a.m., McIntyre Floors 7 to 13 will reopen for all faculty and staff members and students, with the exceptions identified below. New air filters have been successfully installed in three of the four main HVAC systems serving these floors. All are functioning properly, and temperatures are dropping. Please enter via the 6th Floor Pine entrance, as barriers have been installed to isolate the top floors from those below. The 6th floor Pine entrance must also be used by the ARC.

Please note that fire and emergency exit/evacuation routes for Floors 7 to 13, as well as 14 to 16, are explained here. It is important that you read and familiarize yourself with these instructions.

We recommend that you ease into normal operations, limiting the number of individuals who return on the first day to allow temperatures to continue to decrease and stabilize.


  • We continue to work closely with lab supervisors and members to clean three labs on Floors 7 to 13 (Rooms 713, 800 and 1236). Once the cleanup protocol is completed, these spaces will be reopened and lab members will be notified.
  • Office space occupied by Administrative Excellence Centre 12 remains closed; AEC 12 staff were relocated earlier this week to the 13th floor at 2001 McGill College.

Rooms served by the fourth HVAC system:

While rooms on Floors 7 to 13 served by the fourth HVAC system will also reopen Friday, July 27, 7:00 a.m., work will continue on the ventilation through next week. It is important to note that, while these rooms are safe, they will not be ventilated, so conditions will be warm and suboptimal. These rooms are identified here. The protocol to clean this more heavily impacted HVAC unit is being finalized, and may involve additional temporary closures on a floor-by-floor basis.

1st floor laboratories:

The EOC expects to receive the scope of work for Floor 1 next week. In the interim, we have begun developing a Plan B to relocate the labs located on this floor, if deemed necessary, while demolition and reconstruction ensues. In the meantime, the protocol for one-hour access to Floor 1 labs remains the same, and you will continue to use the 1st floor entrance.

If you have concerns regarding temperatures and freezer/refrigeration units in your labs, email [at] without delay to request a mobile air cooling unit.


Please watch for the next update, which will include a summary of questions and answers from today’s special information session in the Strathcona amphitheatre. Thank you to everyone who came to the session to raise the important concerns in your areas, and to all who are dedicated to this major effort.

Thank you, in advance, for circulating these updates to students and others in your McIntyre labs, as needed, to ensure all are aware of the work in progress.




David Eidelman, MDCM

Vice-Principal (Health Affairs)

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

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