Preparing for Your Presentation
1. Potential conflict of interest disclosure (CoI) slide: Include a CoI slide at the beginning of your presentation (oral and visual disclosure slide mandatory). Consult COI Guideline document.
2. Learning objectives (LO): Include a slide indicating the Learning Objectives you have created that align with the content covered in your presentation and with the overall course Learning Objectives.
- LOs must be created using the following criteria: Bloom Taxonomy - Action Verbs / Royal College - Quick Tips on Learning Objectives / CFPC - Quick Tips on Learning Objectives (By the end of this course, the learner will be able to …)
3. CanMEDS Framework: As a presenter you are encouraged to discuss CanMEDS competencies outside of the Medical Expert Role during your talk. Please include a slide listing the CanMEDS competencies you will be addressing:
CanMEDS Roles Overview / Royal College - CanMEDS Framework / CFPC - CanMEDS Family Medicine Framework
4. Use your own materials: Avoid copying images, videos, tables, cartoons, and graphs from copyright publications.
- If you do need to do so, it is best to redraw graphs and tables and fully reference the source on the slides
- No patients’ images permitted, unless you have written consent and/or the patient cannot be identified. Also there should be no names, hospital numbers or other patient IDs on your content
5. Promotion: Do not use company logos or commercial product/device names throughout the presentation. Only generic names are to be used. If brand names must be used, place the name in parentheses after the generic name.
6. Please ensure content is scientifically valid and include full references on each slide.
7. Off-Label Use: Information claims or recommendations for use of a drug, therapeutic agents, or medical devices that are not approved in Canada or differ in any way from the product monograph must be declared verbally and on printed materials. In addition, the content must provide information concerning limited evidence for a recommendation and possible harm from products, drugs or devices.
8. Interactivity: Please ensure that at least 25% of the presentation is conducted in an interactive manner.
During Your Presentation
- Disclosure statement: Include a slide with affiliations covering the past two years. At the beginning of your presentation, ensure to declare to the audience the nature of the affiliations, the names of the for-profit/not for-profit organizations and the duration of the relationship (oral and visual disclosure slide required). Consult Conflict of Interest Form.
- Learning objectives: Verbally and with slide notify the audience of the learning objectives aligned to your presentation. Consult Template COI and Learning Objectives.
- CanMEDS Framework: Verbally notify the audience of the CanMED competencies that will be identified during your presentation.
- Inform the audience of the limited evidence for a recommendation and/or possible harm from products, drugs or devices.
- Advise the audience of the barriers to practice/physician change and the means to overcome these.
- Ensure that at least 25% of the presentation is conducted in an interactive manner.
To ensure CPD/CME compliance, read the following documentation:
- College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC): Understanding MAINPRO+ Certification - CFPC - Understanding MAINPRO+ Certification
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC): Maintenance of Certification (MOC) - RCPSC - Maintenance of Certification
- National Standards for Support of Accredited CPD Activities: National Standards - Accredited CPD Activities
- Canadian Medical Association’s (CMA) Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions with Industry - CMA Guidelines - Physicians in Interactions with Industry
- Le Conseil Québécois de développement professionnel continu des médecins (CQDPCM): 2016 Code of Ethics for parties involved in Continuing Medical Education CQDPCM - 2016 Code of Ethics