287 M.Sc. Graduates 1980 - 2024

Class of 2024

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2024 287 ROBITAILLE, Maude
Development of a Dynamic Shield for Intensity-modulated Brachytherapy for Vaginal Cancer
Development of geometcial parameters to describe anatomical changes and predict the need for radiotherapy replanning in head and neck cancer patients
285 RAHBARAN, Maryam
Patient-specific Intravascular Brachytherapy Dosimetry
284 KONERMANN, Sarah
(Pater, Hijal, Bernier)
Conversion of Cardiac Voltage Maps into DICOM for Retroscpective Dosimetric-Voltage Analysis and Prospective Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning in Patients undergoing Stereotactic Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia
283 KALINOWSKI, Jonathan
Clinical translation of intensity modulated brachytherapy for rectal cancer
282 FAUCHER, Jules
Using colour image segmentation with Magnetic Resonance Images for Computed Tomographyy Synthesis
281 BIDER, Renée-Claude
(Levesque, Fortier)
Towards a relaxation-based MR-oximetry technique for the measurement of tumor hypoxia

Class of 2023

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2023 280 USHIO, Shogo
(Levesque, Fortier, Pater)
Dosimetric evaluation of an improved algorithm for computed tomography synthesis
279 REID, Jake
Development of Selenium-75 as a brachytherapy source
278 CIOBANU, Cristian
(Levesque, Fortier)
Evaluation of complex fitting for longitudinal relaxation mapping in fat with magnetic resonance imaging
277 AHN, Hailey
Development of a small, cost-efficient scintillation detector for use in automated synthesis of PET radiopharmaceuticals


Class of 2022

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2022 276 ZOU, Yujing
Predictive modeling of post-radiation-therapy recurrence for gynecological cancer patients using clinical and histopathology imaging features
Image registration for dose accumulation between external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy for cervical cancer: Comparison to clinical practice
274 YADAV, Ranjan
(Seuntjens, Serban, Vallières, Ybarra)
Cone-beam computed tomography image-based radiomics analysis of early tumor changes after radiotherapy in an orthotopic lung cancer mouse model
273 TAI, Yee Man
Quality assurance for mixed electron-photon beam radiation therapy using treatment log files and MapCHECK
272 MACKAY, Norman
Experimental evaluation of stability with the Aerrow graphite calorimetry system
271 JAFARZADEH, Hossein
Bayesian optimization in multi-criteria treatment planning of high-dose rate brachytherapy
Towards robust dosimetry for alpha diffusing radiotherapy​
(Popovic, Serban)
Commissioning of deformable image registration for lung re-irradiation
268 BIAN, Jingyi
Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter in the very low dose-per-pulse regime as well as Geant4-DNA simulation of water radiolysis
267 BADALAN, Alexandru
Shape recognition for MRI-based prediction of treatment outcomes in neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer


Class of 2021

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
Development of a dynamic-shielding intensity modulated brachytherapy applicator for the treatment of rectal cancer
265 PATEL, Dipal
Using pattern recognition algorithms in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
Design and development of a novel infrastructure to securely share medical physics and radiation therapy data through patient data donation
263 MANALAD, James
On the Monte Carlo simulation of neutron-induced indirect DNA damage to estimate neutron carcinogenic potential
262 FORTIN, Marc-Antoine
Evaluation of fast volumetric brain T1 mapping techniques
An investigation of predictors for prostate motion in image-guided intensity-modulated prostate radiotherapy
Measurement of magnetic susceptibility in brain cortical tissue by magnetic resonance imaging
259 BUI, Alaina
Developing the hydrated electron dosimeter and investigation of the G-value of hydrated electrons


Class of 2020

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2020 258 YEO, Jonathan
Characterizing the mutational signature of photons through single-cell whole genome sequencing
Standardization of CSI treatment planning and its evaluation using a DVH registry
256 LEFEBVRE, Thierry
(Savadjiev, Seuntjens)
Computational methodologies for solid tumor characterization and outcome prediction in volumetric medical images
255 KOLOKOTRONIS, Anastasia
Robust characterization of longitudinal magnetic resonance relaxation with application to novel nanoparticles
254 KESZTI, Federico
Development of the "Aerrow Mini": A miniature graphite calorimeter for absolute clinical dosimetry of high-energy photon beams
253 ENSWORTH, Alex
Development of magnetic resonance imaging methods to quantify cortical damage in brain injury
252 DECUNHA, Joseph
Microdosimetric evaluation of photon emitting brachytherapy sources in tissue-specific models
Exploration of potential parameters that influence when to replan head and neck cancer patients during radiotherapy


2010 - 2019

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2019 250 MÉGROURÈCHE, Julien
Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter for radiotherapy applications: A proof of concept
249 MATHEW, Felix
Measurement of neutron fluence spectra using a passive Nested Neutron Spectrometer with gold foils
248 LUND, Christopher
A microdosimetric analysis of the interactions of mono-energetic neutrons with human tissue
247 HENG, Jean
Dose-to-outcome modeling for lung robotic stereotactic body radiation therapy
246 CÔTÉ, Benjamin
Numerical design and development of a probe-format graphite absorbed dose calorimeter for use in small-field radiotherapy
245 CARROLL, Liam
Non-invasive positron detector to monitor the arterial input function in dynamic PET
244 BANCHERI, Julien
Calculation of kilovoltage beam radiotherapy ionization chamber correction factors
243 AYALA ALVAREZ, Santiago
Dosimetric studies on the INTRABEAM electronic brachytherapy source
2018 242 TURGEON, Vincent
Non-invasive positron detector to monitor the arterial input function in Positron Emission Tomography
241 PATRICK, Haley
Development of a DVH registry for plan evaluation, dose accumulation, and cohort analysis
240 ALBERS, Julia
Software development for prospective and retrospective analysis of lung stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment
2017 239 OSUNKWOR, Emmanuel
Commissioning of an optically-stimulated luminescence dosimetry (OSLD) system for in-vivo dosimetry
238 MODCHALINGAM, Mithunan
Distortion field quantification and multi-echo gradient optimization for radiation therapy planning images
237 ALMAKDESSI, Georges
Secondary neutrons around clinical electron and proton beams
2016 236 VALLIÈRES, Simon
Nanoparticle-enhanced radiation therapy using gold-doxorubicin
235 SIMARD, Mikaël
Quantitative magnetization transfer evaluation of the knee joint in magnetic resonance imaging
234 SCHNEIDER, James
Decomposition of FDG-PET based differential uptake volume histograms in rectal cancer patients
233 O’GRADY, Kyle
Monte Carlo modeling of the Varian TrueBeam, with chamber effects included in determination of the source parameters
Validation of the national system for incident report - Radiation therapy
231 JOSEPH, Ackeem
Predicting waiting times in radiation oncology using machine learning
230 FORTIER, Véronique
Implementation and validation of a quantitative susceptibility mapping approach
229 FAMULARI, Gabriel
Production and evaluation of novel brachytherapy sources
228 DOBRI, Simon
An exploration of the radiation-induced electro-optic effect and its suitability as the basis for a novel medical radiation dosimeter
Modeling lung SBRT treatment outcomes using Bayesian network averaging
2015 226 XING, Stella
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the characterization of soft tissue sarcoma
Investigation of the uncertainties involved in the low energy proton interactions in Geant
(Vandervoort, Seuntjens)
Calculation of correction factors for three detectors in small composite clinical fields for the CyberKnife radiosurgery system
223 AHMED, Zaki
Quantitative perfusion mapping using a novel reference region-based model for DCE-MRI
2014 222 WANG, Judy
(El Naqa)
Theory of heavy-hole spin-echo dynamics
221 QUINTERO MATEUS, Chrystian
(Tomic, Devic, Seuntjens)
Radiochromic film dosimetry system for clinical CTDI measurements
220 NOVOSAD, Philip
Atlas-based segmentation for HRRT brain PET
219 MULLINS, Joel
Evaluation of eclipse dose calculations and TrueBeam couch positional accuracy in the context of dynamic couch trajectories
218 MAGLIERI, Robert
(Kildea, Seuntjens)
A study of photoneutron spectra around high-energy medical linear accelerators using Monte Carlo simulations and measurements
217 HICKLING, Susannah
(El Naqa)
Feasibility of x-ray acoustic computed tomography as a relative and in vivo dosimeter in radiotherapy applications
216 GUILLET, Dominique
Use of the Microsoft kinect for applications of patient surface data to radiotherapy
215 DESROCHES, Joannie
(Leblond, Seuntjens)
Intraoperative use of Raman spectroscopy for brain tumor resection guidance
(Syme, Devic)
Patient-specific quality assurance tool for high-dose rate brachytherapy for rectal cancer patients
2013 213 ZLATEVA, Yana
(El Naqa)
Investigation of Cherenkov emission with applications in dosimetry, image guidance and intensity modulation in radiation therapy
212 RENAUD, Marc-André
Pre-calculated track Monte Carlo dose calculation engine
Web-based system for quality assurance of radiation oncology equipment and procedures
210 GERARD, Ian
An analysis of tracking error in image-guided neurosurgery
209 FAN, Michael
(Stroian, DeBlois)
Web application in radiotherapy: The standardization of treatment planning and development of quantitative plan metrics
208 BOURQUE, Alexandra
(Carrier, Seuntjens)
A stoichiometric calibration method for dual-energy computed tomography
207 ALDOSARY, Ghada
The measurement of the linear energy transfer of various radiotherapeutic beams in the clinic: A feasibility study
2012 206 WATSON, Peter
Scatter artifact correction in cone-beam CT images
205 NASONKIN, Sergey
Characterization of scintillating optical fibres
(Kildea, Evans)
Monte Carlo simulations and physical measurements of neutron equivalent dose in the maze area of linac bunkers
203 DYESS, Amanda
Patient dose verification for image-guided radiation therapy using a deformable registration tool
(El Naqa)
Outcome prediction of sarcoma tumors using PET/MR imaging
201 BEKERAT, Hamed
(Devic, Sarfehnia)
Improving the energy response of external beam therapy (EBT) Gafchromic dosimetry fils at low energies (s100keV)
Validation of XiO's electron Monte Carlo module in heterogeneous phantoms
199 TOLTZ, Allison
(Parker, Seuntjens)
Prediction of risks of cardiac mortality and secondary cancers after thoracic radiotherapy in adolescents and young adults
198 THAKUR, Varun
Planning and delivery comparison of six Linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery techniques
197 SINGH, Khushdeep
Investigating of the energy response of EBT-2 GAFCHROMIC®¸ film model
196 RENAUD, James
Development of a graphite probe calorimeter for absolute clinical dosimetry: numerical design optimization, prototyping and experimental proof-of-concept
195 MILROY, Desmond
(Patrocinio, Seuntjens)
Validation of a commercial Monte Carlo algorithm for stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy
194 LETOURNEAU, Étienne
Impact of algorithm, iterations, post-smoothing, count-level and tracer distribution on single-frame PET quantification using a generalized image space reconstruction algorithm
193 LEDUC, Vincent
Beam data acquisition with the IC Profiler: A feasibility study
192 BERMAN, Avery
Development of a functional magnetic resonance imaging simulator: deterministic simulation of the transverse magnetization in microvasculature
2011 191 TWORK, Gregory
(H.J. Patrocinio)
Validation of the spatial accuracy of the ExacTrac® Adaptive Gating System
190 SHIN, Naomi
Modeling secondary cancer risk following paediatric radiotherapy: A comparison of intensity modulated proton therapy and photon therapy
(J. Seuntjens)
Modulated electron radiation therapy: An investigation on fast beam models and radiation-tolerant solutions for automated motion control of a few leaf electron collimator
188 MORCOS, Marc
(F. DeBlois)
Applications of deformable image registration: Automatic segmentation and deformable dose accumulation
187 MITROU, Ellis
(F. DeBlois)
Monte Carlo-based electron treatment planning and cutout output factor calculations
186 CARLINI, Lina
(J. Nadeau)
Quantum dots as photosynthesizers for photodynamic therapy
(G.B. Pike, I. Levesque)
The effect of caffeine on the whole brain oxygen extraction fraction (OEF)
2010 184 DELAGE, Patrick
(G. Hegyi, S. Devic)
Radiochromic film dosimetry system: From calibration to in vivo measurements and intensity-modulated radiation therapy quality assurance measurements
183 MOHAMMED, Huriyyah
(S. Devic)
Differential uptake volume histograms: A novel avenue towards delineation of biological target volumes (BTVs) in radiotherapy
182 LEE, Sangkyu
(J. Seuntjens)
Image-based dose correlation studies on radiation-induced lung...
181 JELESCU, Ileana
(G.B. Pike)
Measuring blood-brain barrier permeability in multiple sclerosis enhancing lesions
180 HOLMES, Joseph
(F. DeBlois)
Three-dimensional dose reconstruction using non-transmission and Monte Carlo calculations
179 GILES, Matt
(F. DeBlois)
Cone-beam computed tomography: Imaging dose during CBCT scan acquisition and accuracy of CBCT-based dose calculations
(S. Devic)
Reference dosimetry of HDR Ir-192 brachytherapy source using radiochromic film
177 KILDEA, John
(M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak)
An evaluation of NCRP Report No.151 - Radiation shielding design for radiotherapy facilities, and a feasibility study for 6 MV open-door treatments in an existing high-energy radiation therapy bunker


2000 - 2009

Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
2009 176 XU, Mark
(M. McEwen, S. Devic)
Commissioning of a GafChromic EBT film dosimetry protocol at Ionizing Radiation Standards group of NRC
175 THEBAUT, Jonathan
(F. DeBlois)
Measurement-driven, electron beam modeling and commissioning for Monte Carlo treatment planning system with improved accuracy
174 LANDRY, Guillaume
(F. DeBlois, F. Verhaegen)
ImaSim, A simulation software package for the teaching of medical X-ray imaging
173 EL-JABY, Samy
(J. Seuntjens, S. Devic)
An illustrated re-visitation of energy transfer and energy absorption in photon interactions with matter
172 CONNELL, Tanner
(J. Robar, E.B. Podgorsak)
Low-Z target optimization for spatial resolution improvement in planar imaging and cone-beam CT
171 COHALAN, Claire
(G.B. Pike)
Cerebral blood volume changes during human neuronal activation: A comparative study of VASO and VERVE
170 CHEN, Yong
(F. Verhaegen)
Daily 3D ultrasound imaging for Monte Carlo-based adaptive radiotherapy of prostate cancer
169 LAST, Jurgen
(F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens)
Cut-out manager - A stand-alone software system to calculate output factors for arbitrarily shaped inserts with the Monte Carlo technique
(B. Reniers)
Evaluation of Eclipse Monte Carlo dose calculation for clinical electron beams using heterogeneous phantoms
167 CHUNG, Eunah
(E.B. Podgorsak, W. Abdel-Rahman)
Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo-calculated peak scatter factors for 10x10 cm2 field size in 6 MV and 18 MV photon beams
166 CHAAL, Kahena
(W. Parker, R. Ruo)
Film dosimetry for intensity modulated beams quality assurance
165 SUTHERLAND, Justin
(J. Seuntjens)
Investigating techniques to accurately calibrate non-standard beam
164 STINSON, Eric
(G.B. Pike)
Distortion correction for diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images
163 PATER, Piotr
(H.J. Patrocinio, F. DeBlois)
Determination of internal organ motion in stereotactic body radiotherapy using electronic portal imaging
162 CURTIS, James
(G.B. Pike)
A novel MRI pulse sequence for quantitative 3D perfusion imaging in mice
(J-F. Carrier, F. Verhaegen)
Tomosynthesis-based intraoperative dosimetry for low dose rate prostate brachytherapy
160 AYLES, Michael
(G. Stroian, J. Seuntjens)
Minimizing errors in treatment planning and delivery during external beam radiotherapy for lung cancer patients
2008 159 YAN, Jason
(F. Verhaegen)
Dose distribution studies of rectal cancer patients treated with brachytherapy
158 SERRÉ, Luc
(W. Abdel-Rahman)
Transfer of ionization chamber calibration coefficients in linac MV x-ray beams
157 BENSON, Richard
(M.D.C. Evans)
A dosimetric analysis of the varian enhanced dynamic wedge for symmetric and asymmetric configurations
156 BERTRAND, Marie-Joelle
(F. Verhaegen, B. Reniers)
Interseed and tissue-composition effects in permanent low dose rate brachytherapy
155 ALDAHLAWI, Ismail
(W. Parker, J.P. Seuntjens)
Calibration of a radiobiological irradiator: The Faxitron cabinet x-ray system model CP160
2007 154 TANTOT, Laurent
(F. Verhaegen)
Modeling ionization chamber response to non-standard beam configurations
153 LIU, Derek
(F. Verhaegen)
Characterization of novel electronic brachytherapy system
152 CHIN, Erika
(F. Verhaegen, J.P. Seuntjens)
Calculation of water and graphite perturbation correction factors for the NACP-02 plane-parallel ionization chamber in high-energy electron beams
(E.B. Podgorsak, H. Patrocinio)
Dosimetric evaluation of four techniques used in stereotactic radiosurgery
150 WOCH, Katherine Marie
(C.J. Thompson)
Use of the Polaris Vicra for monitoring subject head movement during neurological PET scans
149 HANCOCK, Jason
(C.J. Thompson)
Evaluation of the timing characteristics of various PET detectors using a time alignment probe
148 SERBAN, Monica
(J.P. Seuntjens, G. Stroian)
A novel deformable phantom for 4D radiotherapy verification
147 REYNARD, Eric
(M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak)
Rotational total skin electron irradiation (RTSEI with a 6 MeV electron linear accelerator)
146 ASIEV, Krum
(W. Parker, S. Devic)
Validation of a Monte Carlo-based treatment planning system (TPS) for electron beams
2006 145 SUK, Joonyoung
(C.J. Thompson)
Improving the resolution of the MicroPET R4 scanner by wobbling the bed
144 LI, Rong Ding
(E.B. Podgorsak, W. Abdel-Rahman)
Dynamic electron arc therapy with the Clinac-21EX linac
143 FU, Luke
(D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike)
Automated analysis of multi-site MRI data for the NIHPD
142 ELLIOTT, Adam Spencer
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Investigation of properties of a new liquid ionization chamber for radiation dosimetry
141 ALEXANDER, Andrew
(J.P. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois)
MMCTP: A radiotherapy research environment for patient-treatment planning
140 ZAKIKHANI, Rumtin
(F. Verhaegen)
Calculated perturbation factors for the NACP-02 plane-parallel ionization chamber irradiated in water by megavoltage electron beams
139 SARFEHNIA, Arman
(E.B. Podgorsak)
The use of orthogonal bremsstrahlung beams for imaging in radiation therapy
138 CHIA, Charmaine
(G.B. Pike)
Evaluation of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging-based measurement of myelin water
137 DUCHESNE, Caroline
(W. Wierzbicki, M. Mondat)
Electron arc therapy on an Elekta SL-25 linear accelerator
2005 136 MARK, Clarisse
(F. Verhaegen)
Image-guided radiotherapy using 2D and 3D ultrasounds combined with Monte Carlo dose calculations in prostate treatments
135 LEMIRE, Matthieu
(G. Hegyi, F. Verhaegen)
Accurate surface dose measurements in CT examinations using high-sensitivity MOSFET dosimeters calibrated by Monte Carlo simulations
134 CEUSAN, Florin
(E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans)
An examination of peripheral dose in linac-based cancer treatment
133 STROIAN, Gabriela
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Optimized scanning procedures for 4D CT data acquisition in radiation therapy
132 ST-JAMES, Sara
(C.J. Thompson)
The effect of changing gamma-ray interaction depth on the "block effect" in PET
131 FRASER, Danielle J.
(W. Parker, J.P. Seuntjens)
Characterizing ionization chamber dosimetry in inverse planned IMRT fields
2004 130 HUANG, Vicky
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Validation of total skin electron therapy by the Monte Carlo technique
129 DAI, Jinxian
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Validation of Monte Carlo techniques for 3D-CRT of lung cancer patients and comparative evaluation of treatment plans
128 WANG, Yi Zhen
(E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans)
Photoneutrons and induced activity from medical linear accelerators
127 POON, Emily Sau-Chee
(F. Verhaegen)
Validation of the GEANT4 Monte Carlo code for radiotherapy applications
126 LIANG, Li Heng
(T. Falco)
Statistical analysis and biological effects of prostate motion in ultrasound image-guided external beam radiotherapy
125 HINSE, Martin
(C.J. Thompson)
Improving the spatial resolution and image noise in densely pixilated detectors for positron emission mammography
124 BOUDREAU, Chantal
(W. Parker)
The use of inhomogeneity corrections for inverse planned IMRT
123 BELEC, Jason
(H.J. Patrocinio, F. Verhaegen)
A Monte Carlo approach to the validation of a pencil beam algorithm used in treatment planning for conformal beam radiosurgery with static fields
122 ALBARET, Claude
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Automated system for Monte Carlo determination of cutout factors of arbitrarily shaped electron beams and experimental verification of Monte Carlo calculated dose distributions
121 HODEFI, Deborah
(N. Blais)
Evaluation of CadPlan for electron beam treatment planning
2003 120 TOMIC, Nada
(C.J. Thompson)
The origin of the "block effect" which blurs images in positron emission tomography
(W. Parker, E.B. Podgorsak)
Comparative study of megavoltage imaging modalities for dosimetric treatment verification
118 YUEN, Conrad
(M.D.C. Evans)
Characterization of the enhanced dynamic wedge
117 OLIVEIRA, Silvana
(H.J. Patrocinio, E.B. Podgorsak)
Comparison of three linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery techniques
116 HEATH, Emily
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Evaluation of the PEREGRINE Monte Carlo dose calculation code for 6 MV photon beams
115 DENISSOVA, Svetlana
(M. Yewondwossen, E.B. Podgorsak)
A gated breath-hold radiotherapy technique using a linear position transducer
114 BOUCHARD, Hugo
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Accurate dosimetry of intensity-modulated radiation therapy beams using thimble ionization chambers
113 LEVESQUE, Ives
(G.B. Pike)
Magnetization transfer imaging of multiple sclerosis
112 HOBEILA, Fadi
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Monte Carlo study of ion chamber response in low energy photon beams
111 DAVIS, Stephen
(C. Ross, J.P. Seuntjens)
High sensitivity lithium fluoride as a detector for environmental dosimetry
110 BRODEUR, Marylene
(W. Parker)
Verification of IMRT beam delivery with a ferrous sulfate gel dosimeter and MRI
2002 109 LAROUCHE, Renée-Xavière
(M.D.C. Evans)
Total body photon irradiation with a modified cobalt-60 unit
108 PASKALEV, Kamen
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Dosimetry of very small photon fields
107 AL-YAHYA, Khalid
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Implementation and validation of Monte Carlo treatment planning for lung cancer patients
106 STEWART, Kristin
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Accurate radiation dosimetry using liquid or air filled plane parallel ionization chamber
105 SHAM, Edwin
(D. Hristov)
Simulated annealing algorithm for inverse treatment planning
104 PETRIC, Peter
(G.B. Pike)
Quantitative multislice cerebral perfusion imaging using arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance techniques
2001 103 REINERTSEN, Ingerid
(D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike)
Robust registration volumetric imaging data
102 DOUCET, Robert
(J.P. Seuntjens)
Experimental verification of Monte Carlo calculated dose distributions for clinical electron beams
101 CAMBORDE, Marie-Laure
(C.J. Thompson)
Use of beta-gamma coincidence detection to improve the quality of transmission scans for PET
100 BELANGER, Philippe
(W. Parker)
MR based Fricke-gelatin dosimetry: Uncertainty evaluation and computerised analysis of measured dose distributions
99 RUO, Russell
(M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak)
Quality assurance of the DBD toolbox on a linear accelerator
98 DUCHESNE, Simon
(D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike)
An appearance-based method for the segmentation of medial temporal lobe structures from MR images
97 RIOUX, Alexandre
(C.J. Henri)
Performance evaluation of a picture archiving and communications system
96 LAMBERT, Denise
(M.D.C. Evans, M. Olivares)
Dosimetry of irregular field sizes in electron beam therapy
2000 95 THOMPSON, Heather
(B.G. Fallone)
Numerically produced compensators for conventional and intensity modulated beam therapy
94 BARKER, Jennifer
(E.B. Podgorsak)
A comparison study of multileaf and micro-multileaf collimators
93 BERCIER, Yanic
(D.H. Hristov)
A multimodality image fusion and localization system for radiosurgery treatments of arteriovenous malformations
(C.J. Thompson)
La tomographie par émission de positrons à l'étude de la réponse hemodynamique temporelle induite par stimulation cérébrale
91 GILL, Bradford
(G.B. Pike)
Multislice perfusion-weighted brain imaging with applications to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
(B.G. Fallone)
Construction and dosimetric evaluation of compensators for intensity-modulated fields


1990 - 1999

* M.Sc. degree conferred through Department of Physics
Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
1999 89 CORBETT, Jean-François
(R.A. Corns)
Local dosimetric modelling of radioactive coronary stents
88 CAMPBELL, Jennifer
(G.B. Pike)
Diffusion tensor imaging in MRI
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Scatter factors for megavoltage photon beams in various materials
86 HEGYI, Gyorgy
(R.B. Richardson)
Size determination of alpha-emitting particles using CR-39
85 DUBÉ, Frédéric
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Spiral irradiation in stereotactic radiosurgery
84 GÉLINAS, Dominic
(M. Evans)
Commissioning a dynamic multileaf collimator on a linear accelerator
83 AZNAR, Marianne
(C.J. Thompson)
Quantitative analysis of metabolic breast images from positron emission mammography
1998 82 ENGLISH, Michael
(S.M. Lehnert)
The role of glutathione in Cisplatin and 60Co γ-radiation
81 SIROIS, Luc
(B.G. Fallone)
3-D automatic anatomy-based image registration in portal imaging
80 ST-JEAN, Philippe
(T.M. Peters)
Computer guidance for thalamotomy and pallidotomy
(E.B. Podgorsak)
The use of a teletherapy cobalt-60 unit for stereotactic radiosurgery
78 DOIRON, Annie
(S.M. Lehnert)
Radiosensitization of a mouse tumor by implanted BrdU-polymer
77 CLONDA, Diego
(A.C. Evans)
Automatic thalamic labeling for image-guided neurosurgery
1997 76 OTTO, Karl
(B.G. Fallone)
3-dimensional anatomy-based verification in stereotactic radiosurgery
75 LACHAINE, Martin
(B.G. Fallone)
Monte Carlo optimization of a metal/amorphous-selenium portal imager
74 BOURQUE, Daniel
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Static conformal radiation fields in stereotactic radiosurgery
73 BERGMAN, Alanah
(C.J. Thompson)
The evaluation of a positron mammography (PEM) system using images co-registered with X-ray mammograms
72 ANCTIL, Jean-Claude
(B.G. Clark)
Experimental characterization of a low dose-rate and a high dose-rate iridium-192 brachytherapy source using the AAPM TG 43 dosimetry protocol
71 ROBAR, James
(C.J. Thompson)
Construction and calibration of detectors for high-resolution metabolic breast cancer imaging
70 BARRY, Devin
(E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans)
Dynamic wedge dosimetry on a dual energy linear accelerator
1996 69 ORFALI, Anas
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Verification of a 3D external photon beam treatment planning system
68 LACHANCE, Bernard
(R. Pouliot/U. Laval, E.B. Podgorsak)
A new penumbra generator for matching of electron fields
67 CORNS, Robert A.
(R. Richardson)
An implementation of the ICRP66 respiratory tract model in internal dosimetry
66 PISANI, Laura
(T.M. Peters)
Incorporation of video into an image-guided neurosurgical system
65 HOGE, Richard
(G.B. Pike)
Fast acquisition strategies for functional magnetic resonance brain imaging
64 FALCO, Tony
(B.G. Fallone)
Therapy imaging: Metal plate/film and amorphous selenium detectors
63 DEBLOIS, François
(C. Pla)
Implementation of 3D photon external beam dosimetry in the McGill Planning System
1995 62 ROBAR, Vlado
(E.B. Podgorsak, M. Olivares)
Characteristic angle-beta concept in electron arc therapy
61 FRENIERE, Normand
(E.B. Podgorsak, L.J. Schreiner)
Radiation protection characteristics of high-density concrete at 10 MV
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Dose delivery uncertainty in photon beam radiotherapy
59 PARKER, William
(L.J. Schreiner)
Brachytherapy dosimetry with Fricke-gelatin and MRI
58 LUKBAN, Andrew
(G.W. Dean)
Evaluation of SPECT/MR registration error from the internal landmark matching technique
57 LU, Erlian
(E. Meyer)
Radiation dosimetry computations for the planning of positron emission tomography procedures
1994 56 ZANKOWSKI, Corey
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Monte Carlo analysis of the 10 MV x-ray beam from a Clinac-18 accelerator
55 WANG, Xiaofang
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Depth doses and photon contamination of electron beams in heterogeneous phantoms
54 PICARD, Yani
(C.J. Thompson)
Improving the precision and accuracy of Monte Carlo simulation in PET
53 NARAYANAN, Sridar
(T.M. Peters)
Image analysis for the assessment of stereotactic radiosurgery
52 KELLER, Brian
(L.J. Schreiner)
Characterization of the NMR-based Fricke-gelatin radiation dosimeter
51 CHARLAND, Paule
(T.M. Peters)
Visualisation stéréoscopique d'images médicales
1993 50* WANG, Hui
(B.G. Fallone)
Automatic image segmentation and correlation in radiotherapy verification
49 MURTHY, Kavita
(C.J. Thompson)
A study of the effects of detector width and depth on spatial resolution in PET
48 VAFAEE, Manouchehr
(E. Meyer)
Evaluation and implementation of an automated blood sampling system for positron emission tomographic studies
47 PATROCINIO, Horacio
(L.J. Schreiner)
Evaluation of backscatter factors for diagnostic x-ray beams
46 COURTEAU, Pierre
(C. Pla)
Electron arc therapy dose calculation using the angle-ß concept
45 COMEAU, Roch
(B.G. Fallone)
The design and implementation of a three-dimensional computerized treatment planning system
1992 44 MARKOVIC, Alexander
(B.G. Fallone)
X-ray-induced currents and conductivity effects in a radiation-charged electret ionization chamber
43 CADMAN, Patrick
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Target localization and treatment set-up verification in linear accelerator-based radiosurgery
42* GAUVIN, Alain
(T.M. Peters)
Geometrical distortion of magnetic resonance images
41* BUSSIERE, Marc
(L.J. Schreiner)
Monte Carlo study of photon scatter for determination of depth doses at diagnostic energies
(C.J. Thompson)
Optimization of positron imaging systems through the use of tapered collimators
39 CROOKS, Ian
(B.G. Fallone)
PC-based contrast enhancement of portal films
1991 38 BISSONNETTE, Jean-Pierre
(L.J. Schreiner)
Percent depth dose for diagnostic radiology
37 AUDET, Chantal
(L.J. Schreiner)
NMR-based radiation dosimetry using polymer solutions
36 RYNER, Lawrence
(B.G. Fallone)
An electret dosimeter charged by radiation-induced ionization in air
35 MacDONALD, Brennan
(B.G. Fallone)
Surface charge characteristics of a radio-charged electret
1990 34* SIXEL, Katharina
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Physical parameters of narrow photon beams in radiosurgery
33 KEMP, Brad
(G.W. Dean)
Attenuation correction for spect imaging of the brain
(C.J. Thompson)
Measuring the depth of interaction of PET annihilation photons in scintillation crystals
31* PODGORSAK, Matthew B.
(L.J. Schreiner)
Fricke radiation dosimetry using nuclear magnetic resonance


1980 - 1989

** M.Sc. degree conferred through the Department of Electrical Engineering
Year # Graduate (Supervisor) Research Topic
1989 30 FUNG, Andrew
(M. Cohen)
The role of filtration in diagnostic radiology
29 HENRI, Chris
(T.M. Peters)
Application of stereoscopic digital subtraction angiography to stereotactic neurosurgery planning
28 KHALFAN, Amin
(S. Lehnert)
Assessment of lung density changes following irradiation
27 VALCOURT, Sylvie
(E. El-Khatib)
Protection and dosimetry of lungs during total body irradiation
1988 26 RANGER, Nicole
(C. J. Thompson)
Evaluation of a masked orbiting transmission source for attenuation correction in PET
25 ROBERT, Normand
(H. Riml)
The optical CT microscope
24 DUZENLI [Moldon], Cheryl
(E. El-Khatib)
Electron beam inhomogeneity correction factors for lung density equivalent materials
1987 23 MITRA, André
(H. Riml)
Application of fast Karhunen-Loeve transform block coding to medical image data compression
22 DRANGOVA, Maria
(T.M. Peters)
Stereotactic neurosurgical planning using magnetic resonance imaging: Image distortion evaluation
21 SITOMPUL, Tiur ni Ari
(E. El-Khatib)
Effects of various configurations of attenuators on dose in homogeneous and heterogeneous phantoms
1986 20** PIKE, Bruce
(T.M. Peters, E.B. Podgorsak)
Three-dimensional stereotactic intracavitary and external beam isodose calculation for treatment of brain lesions
19 WILKINS, David
(H. Riml)
Standardized colour magnetic resonance imaging
18 MENON, Ravi
(T.M. Peters)
Quantitative spin-spin relaxation images in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
(E.B. Podgorsak)
X-ray photon contamination in electron beams used for rotational total skin irradiation at McGill, and a possible solution using a magnetic beam transport system
16 BLAIS, Noël
(R. Carrier)
Epaisseurs équivalentes de mannequins en radiologie diagnostique: Analysée par méthode Monte Carlo
1985 15 EVANS, Michael D.C.
(E.B. Podgorsak)
The influence of phantom size on output peak-scatter-factor and percentage depth dose in large-field photon irradiation
1984 14 DOUESNARD, Jean-Maurice
(M. Cohen)
Un outil de contrôle de qualité en medecine nucléaire
13 CLARK, John
(T.M. Peters)
Real-time image filtering for digital radiography
12 CALDWELL, Curtis
(G.W. Dean)
A numerical approach to the problem of the equivalence of counts and volume in cardiac nuclear medicine
1983 11 MERRITT, Robert
(S.G. Chenery)
The effect of scatter artifact on quantitative CT with the EMI 7070 scanner
10 BLAGOEVA, Rossitsa
(M. Cohen)
Calculation of dose distribution in a simulated body section in a computed tomography scan
1982 9 KWA, William S.Y.
(S. Chenery)
The influence of scattered radiation on the CT numbers of bone on a scanner with a fixed detector array
8 KODERY, Balachandran
(M. Diksic)
Preparation and evaluation of lower fluoroalkanes as myeline tracers
7 AZIMOV, Philip
(G.W. Dean)
A Monte Carlo routine for modeling gamma-ray scattering in a sphere
1981 6 MAWKO, George
(C.J. Thompson)
Coincidence time calibration for positron emission tomography
5 HERER, Arnold
(M. Cohen)
Integral dose
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Investigation des effets possibles des micro-ondes sur la réponse thermoluminescente du TLD-200
3 CONNORS, Sherry
(S. Lehnert)
Computer-aided reconstruction from serial sections: Investigations into the growth characteristics of the KHT sarcoma in the lungs of C3H mice
2 BEHMANN, Fadel
(E.B. Podgorsak)
Some aspects of film and ionization dosimetry for the measurement of high-energy electron beams
1980 1 MOSSERI, Allen
(M. Cohen)
Measurements for radiological quality control and for radiation protection in diagnostic radiology
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