Oscillating Appliance for Postural Correction of TMJ Disorders and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Project Goal

A prototype of an oscillating appliance for the head and neck area, where the moving parts exert high frequency vibrations on the attachment sites of the muscles that are involved in parafunctional activity.

Clinical setup of oscillating appliance for postural correction of TMJ disorders and obstructive sleep apnea
Clinical model setup of oscillating appliance

Top view of model of oscillating appliance



Client: Prof. Natalie Reznikov
Academic advisor: Dr. Alexei Morozov
Student team: Yasemin Bicer, Bashrat Chowdhury, Sarah Ford, Esmee Smit-Anseeuw



The student team presented this project at the Canadian Society for Biomechanics conference in May 2021.

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