Spiritual Food and Rest

Many faith traditions teach that there are are two parts that make up a person: the body and the spirit or soul. Some also have teachings about how the spirit needs frequent nourishment and rest in a way that is comparable to the body. This idea raises a lot of open-ended questions. If our spiritual selves "eat," what do they consume, and are we aware of it? How can we explore and discover what nourishes us best spiritually? What does spiritual rest mean and how do we practice it? How is spiritual sustenance related to our bodies and our thoughts?

Spiritual food could include activities that nurture a sense of having an overarching purpose in life, that help us feel centered in the present, and/or that fill us with a sense that each day is rewarding and meaningful. It could also include things that help us connect with people, places, or other living things. Spiritual rest might include practices that help us cultivate hope and transcend fears and concerns that weigh heavily on our hearts and minds and that help us open ourselves to new possibilities.

What are spiritual sustenance and rest for you? Is it connecting with the natural world, playing music, journaling, spending time with animals, art, social gatherings, or intimate conversations with friends? Perhaps letting go of checklists and work concerns and letting yourself sleep long and be lazy? Is it meditation or prayer, religious practices, or exploring religious literature and podcasts? MORSL hopes this winter break will be a great time for you to rest deeply and replenish your spiritual life according to your desires and needs at this time. See you again in 2023!


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