Thriving in the Face of Doom: Workshop on Coping with Eco-Anxiety

Thursday, February 27, 2020 18:30to20:00

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the climate change crisis? Are you scared by the future or crushed by the weight of the environmental problems you’ve been learning about?ECOLE Meeting Room,...

Thriving in the Face of Doom: Workshop on Coping with Eco-Anxiety

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 18:30to20:00

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the climate change crisis? Are you scared by the future or crushed by the weight of the environmental problems you’ve been learning about?ECOLE Meeting Room,...

Finding - and Keeping - Your "Zen" with GEEC

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 14:30to16:00

In collaboration with the McGill Graduate Engineering Equity Committee (GEEC), MORSL presents simple tips for crafting personal sacred space at home, finding communities to support your mental and...

MORSL x - Feb. 15

Saturday, February 15, 2020 13:30to14:15

MORSL is pleased to be offering a workshop during the Regional Mental Health Summit this Saturday!...

Recognizing the Sacred in our Day

3 Jun 2019

Our fast-paced lives can leave little time for reflection. Yet moments of calm reflection help us appreciate the many blessings of life. As the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins once wrote, “The world is...

Cultivate Wellness

University can be one of the most exciting and rewarding times in our lives, but it can also bring a host of stresses and pressures. Cultivating wellness in all areas - including your inner,...

My Clearness Committee

3 Mar 2017

One of the most fundamental aims of my kind of Quakerism is having a pure intention: living our lives in a way that feels right and (usually) makes sense....


1 Mar 2017

For Indigenous people, Smudging is one of the simplest ways of purifying ourselves and our space. The Smudge can consist of one or a combination of these Medicines: Cedar, Sage, and Sweetgrass. It...


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