Partner event - Student Interfaith Discussion

In support of interfaith dialogue at McGill, MORSL is delighted to co-host and promote a student-led interfaith discussion.
Please join Am McGill and the McGill Dharma Society for an interactive roundtable discussion on the 23th of March at 6:30 PM. Members of both clubs will be discussing issues of faith, identity, and religion from a personal and scholarly perspective.
Register online to attend.
About the participating groups:
Am McGill JewsofAMMcGill [at] (Email )| Facebook | Instagram
Am McGill is an egalitarian Jewish group on campus, whose mission is to provide an inclusive and safe space for all Jewish students at McGill. We host monthly Shabbat dinners and services, as well as events for Jewish holidays throughout the school year.
McGill Dharma Society Facebook | dharmasociety [at] (Email)
Just recently the MDS received full club status from SSMU and is poised to fulfil its mission to serve as the official campus representation for students belonging to Hindu and other Dharmic traditions. We are eager to see this group flourish and to encourage McGill students of all backgrounds to collectively learn and participate in Dharmic spiritual and cultural practices, traditions and holidays on campus.