Updated: Wed, 10/02/2024 - 13:45

From Saturday, Oct. 5 through Monday, Oct. 7, the Downtown and Macdonald Campuses will be open only to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Many classes will be held online. Remote work required where possible. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Du samedi 5 octobre au lundi 7 octobre, le campus du centre-ville et le campus Macdonald ne seront accessibles qu’aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel de l’Université McGill, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. De nombreux cours auront lieu en ligne. Le personnel devra travailler à distance, si possible. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.

AGM 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, via Zoom 16:00-17:00



1. Welcoming Remarks (Ante L. Padjen)

President Ante Padjen opened the meeting by welcoming all participants. Ante thanked the members for their interest and reinforced MURA’s commitment to provide activities and benefits to its membership. He explained that the AGM was still being convened under conditions of the pandemic (i.e., AGM online) but added that there are benefits to this in that attendance is simple and efficient over the internet and can also facilitate attendance for those members who live more remotely or abroad.

Ante then requested that someone move to table the approval of the agenda as presented. Lawrence Mysak – moved to table motion

Vikram Bhatt - seconded the motion

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed.

One member wished to see the faces of the membership and Ante explained how to switch to “gallery” view.

Ante then requested that someone move to table the approval of the minutes as presented during the MURA Annual General Meeting 2021 held on June 2, 2021.

Gregg Blachford – moved to table motion

Myron Frankman – seconded the motion

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed

Alfred Jaeger asked whether it is customary to list the attendees of the AGM in the minutes of that meeting. After some discussion with participation from Ante Padjen, Bob Stanley, David Kalant and Kate Maguire, it was decided that this is not necessary.

2. Report on Activities and Events (Kate Maguire)

Ante then turned over the virtual microphone to Kate Maguire for her report on Activities, Events, and the launch of the new MURA Website.

Kate reported that despite COVID restrictions, the various MURA activities remained very active online. In particular, the 3 existing book clubs continued to meet and a new fourth Book Club (Spanish) will convene soon.

Kate introduced the newest activity, pickleball, and asked Ginette Lamontagne and Henry Leighton for a report on this new activity. Henry said that the group has been meeting since January and the session is to end on June 2, 2022. Approximately 25 people signed up for this activity and there are about a dozen participants on any given week. The Cote St. Luc facility is very good and is enjoyed by all. Pickleball will resume in September 2022. Kate followed up by inviting the membership to join by simply sending an email to MURA.

Kate reported that the best way to find out about MURA activities is to visit the MURA Facebook page which includes posts from activity coordinators as well as participants in these activities. Suggestions for new activities are always welcome.

Kate then presented a slide listing the many events sponsored and organized by MURA during the last 12 months including walking tours, virtual cooking classes and more. She mentioned the latest in the series of walking tours of “le quartier du spectacle” scheduled for Wednesday June 8, 2022 (this event is full and there is a waiting list).

Ante added that it would be great that on future reports, statistics on participation be included. Kate responded that this would be possible for the next report. Ginette added that this information is currently maintained on the MURA website should anyone be interested.

Kate went on to report on the launch of the new MURA website which was launched recently on the McGill WEB platform using the McGill development toolkit. The old site was only hosted on a McGill server, but the tools used to maintain it had become obsolete. Kate invited comments and suggestions for improvements to the website. We would like to thank Kate for the enormous amount of work and meticulous detail required to design and convert to the new site. Well done, Kate!

Lawrence Mysak asked that communications related to upcoming events be better coordinated as he was unaware of some of these events until after they had passed. Kate said that there are several communiques for each event sent to the membership using email prior to the event. Also, these events are listed on the Website well in advance.

3. Membership Update (John Gradwell)

Ante Padjen asked John Gradwell, the new VP External, to report on membership.

John presented some statistics, most important of which is that current membership of MURA is at 534 members: a significant increase of 62 from last year. John welcomed the new members and encouraged members to solicit new members from within their constituencies (e.g., MAUT, MUNASA, MUNACA, etc.)

Ante thanked John for his report.

4. Report on Finances (Robert Stanley)

Ante Padjen introduced Bob Stanley, Treasurer for his report on Finances for 2021 – 2022 and Budgets for 2022 – 2023.

To start, Bob reported that the financial statements were prepared this year by Mongiat-Bernucci, the firm that is currently contracted by MAUT and MUNASA.

With respect to the financial statements for 2021-2022, Bob presented a slide that showed a $5,353 surplus of revenue over expenses for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.

On the revenue side, Bob cited 2 extraordinary items. An entry for $10,283 (other income) was reported and breaks down as follows. $5,000 was granted by the V.P. Finance of McGill University, Yves Beauchamp, to support MURA operations for items like software subscriptions and the like. The other $5,283 represents revenue received from CURAC (College and University Retiree Associations of Canada) as compensation for expenses incurred to produce the 2020 CURAC Online Virtual Assembly.

On the expense side, a total of $16,014 was reported. Bob singled out the one-time expense of $4,816 which was the balance of expenses paid to produce the 2020 CURAC Online Virtual Assembly mentioned above. In the end, the online event netted a profit of approximately $500. Bob listed several events and activities that comprised the expense of $7,337 under Members Activities.

Net Assets were increased by $5,353 for a balance of $36,890 as at March 31, 2022.

The Balance Sheet shows a payable of $1,725 (Accountant’s fees) with an Available Balance of $38,615.

There were no questions related to the Financial Statements for 2021 – 2022.

Bob tabled a motion that the Financial Statements be accepted.

Lawrence Mysak seconded the motion.

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed.

Bob tabled a motion that the MURA annual fees remain at $25 per year.

Debbie Mercier seconded the motion.

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed.

Bob continued with the presentation of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. He mentioned that the budget proposal had already been reviewed by the MURA executive and the MURA board of directors at their meeting in March 2022.

Forecasted revenues are $11,576, which is mostly funded by contributions from participating staff associations to cover MURA membership dues.

Forecasted expenses are $14,660. Bob explained the planned deficit (revenues – expenses) is designed to spend some of the accumulated surplus that has built up during the pandemic years. Bob also highlighted a proposed expense of $2,500 to cover travel expenses for MURA executives planning to attend the CURAC annual conference.

Bob tabled a motion to approve the proposed budget for 2022 – 2023 dated March 9, 2022.

David Kalant seconded the motion.

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed.

Gregg Blachford asked about who can be a member of MURA when the proposed member was not supported by an association and wishes to pay the annual fee out of pocket. Ginette Lamontagne responded that there exists a category within MURA called Affiliate member. This category was created for members of the McGill health system retirees as well as retired staff from other Universities in Canada. There is an application process for this which requires the applicant to write a letter to the MURA board which includes a short bio and their wish to become a member. If the board approves the application, the applicant can pay the annual fee and become an “Affiliate” member of MURA which allows them access to all events and activities but does NOT grant them voting rights.

Ante thanked Bob for his presentation and complemented him on the precision and transparency of the financial reports.

5. Acclamation of the 2022-2023 Board (Ginette Lamontagne)

Ante Padjen then introduced Ginette Lamontagne to present on the 2022 – 2023 Board.

Ginette reported that a nominating committee for 2022 was struck consisting of Kathy Mayhew (Chair), Ron Critchley and Richard London.

Ginette went on to describe that, according to the MURA charter, members of the executive are allowed to serve for an initial term of three years and renewable for a second term of three years. In 2022, two positions, VP Internal, and Treasurer had become available as both incumbents had served the maximum two terms.

Ginette recounted the process related to the vote taken by the MURA membership to change bylaw 7A in the MURA charter that will now allow an executive to serve a third three-year term.

With respect to the Treasurer, the Board was pleased to learn that the current Treasurer, Bob Stanley, agreed to serve for a third term.

As for the position of VP Internal, Ginette described that role as responsible for all events as well as coordination and oversight over all groups that deadlines are met, to provide support for the VPs and board directors and other aspects of MURA. Rosemary Cooke, a recent retiree, stepped up and volunteered to serve as VP Internal.

Ginette them moved that the board, including the new members, be acclaimed.

Ginette Lamontagne – moved to table motion

Vikram Bhatt - seconded the motion

As there was neither an objection nor a request for a vote, the motion passed.

Ginette then congratulated both Rosemary and Bob for their efforts and welcomed them to the MURA executive.

Ante thanked Ginette for her report.

A summary of the board follows:


Ante Padjen President (2021 – 2024)

John Gradwell VP External (2021 – 2024)

Rosemary Cooke VP Internal (2022 – 2025) NEW

Bob Stanley Treasurer (2022 – 2025) RETURNING

Ginette Lamontagne Past President (2021 – 2024)


Patricia Forbes (2021 – 2024)

Bob Huot (2020 – 2023)

David Kalant (2021 – 2024)

Debbie Mercier (2020 – 2023)

Pamela Miller (2021 – 2024)

Lawrence Mysak (2021 – 2024)

Eduardo Pereira (2020 – 2023)

Saul Ticktin (2020 – 2023)

6. MURA Newsletter (Debbie Mercier)

Ante Padjen introduced Debbie Mercier to report on the MURA newsletter.

Debbie Mercier reported that the MURA annual newsletter will be distributed in the next 7 – 14 days.

Some of the content of the newsletter includes:

Report on Ukraine – Lawrence Mysak

Trials and Tribulations of Technology – Kate Maguire

Summary of lecture “Nutritional Issues in Older Adults” given by Dr. Jose Morais in March 2022

Debbie thanked Kate Maguire for her yeoman’s duty related to all the work required to bring the new MURA website to life.

Debbie also announced that on October 21, 2022, there will be an event co-sponsored by MURA and MCLL (McGill Centre for Lifelong Learning) that will bring David Johnston, former principal of McGill University and former Governor General of Canada, to McGill to address the McGill community.

Ante thanked Debbie for her report and encouraged the membership to start thinking about providing content for the next newsletter.

7. Members Survey Results (Kate Maguire)

Ante Padjen introduced Kate Maguire to report on the results of a recent MURA survey of their membership.

Kate presented a slide listing the most popular activities and events. Popular activities were the book clubs as well as golf, pickleball and cycling. Popular events were social gatherings, theatre, concerts, and restaurant visits. Information sessions, walking tours, lectures, cooking demos and day trips were also well received and appreciated.

Kate commented that despite the pandemic, virtual activities and events have seen increased attendance partly due to retirees who live remotely or abroad. For this reason, several information sessions and lectures will continue to be offered online which makes them more accessible.

Suggestions for new activities include a bowling league, volunteer opportunities, photography group, and lectures by MURA members in their area of expertise.

Twenty-two (22) people participated in the drawing for a fifty-dollar gift certificate from Le Paragraphe bookstore. The winner was drawn: Domnica Marghescu. Congratulations Domnica!

Debbie Mercier asked for an explanation of Volunteer Opportunities Info. Kate responded that members would like to know where they can offer their volunteer services within McGill or in Montreal at large and that MURA could perhaps provide an inventory of these opportunities. Alfred Jaeger added that the logistics should be focused on smaller groups.

Bob asked whether those that suggested new activities had offered to coordinate these activities and Kate responded that they had not.

Kate ended by telling members to not wait for surveys but communicate new ideas to MURA at any time.

Ante thanked Kate for her report.

8. General Discussion (Ante L. Padjen)

At this point, Ante Padjen opened the floor to the membership to ask any questions or offer any comments on matters related to MURA.

Lawrence Mysak suggested the reading to seniors is a valuable service and is often very appreciated. Also, senior residents often need help with pharmacy visits. Kate agreed and suggested a space on the MURA website to support this initiative.

Ante followed by describing an initiative already underway which matches members of the Medical Student Society Social Club and members of MURA, who due to isolation often suffered by seniors, require the help of others with tasks not easily accomplished alone or simply as human interaction. Students have expressed their desire to assist seniors not associated with their medical curriculum. Pat Forbes, Faculty of Medicine will soon be communicating with MURA to solicit participation from MURA membership for ten test cases. As an example, Ante talked of a student accompanying a senior to a concert or theatre event or consultation on computer matters or health matters.

Lawrence Mysak asked about the relationship between MAUT/RAC (Retiree Affairs Committee) and MURA. With respect to social activities, there seems to be some overlap between the two organizations. Ante responded that MURA had been in touch with the executive of RAC to better coordinate the “social” activities sponsored by the two organizations. Bob Stanley added that members of MAUT/RAC are automatically members of MURA. While MAUT/RAC is certainly entitled to run their own events, MURA events are open to all retirement cohorts (MAUT, MUNASA, MUNACA, SEU unions, etc.) of McGill University.

Richard London suggested that there may be some of us who would volunteer time and services to other members of MURA (e.g., plant a garden, mow a lawn, paint a room, etc.). He further suggested that could be nominal/affordable fees associated with these services that MURA could then donate to charity (e.g., food banks, hospitals, etc.). Ante commented that this might be a good idea but that the logistics required to coordinate such services might be complicated and are essential to the success of the program.

Ginette Lamontagne thanked Richard London for producing the minutes of the MURA AGM 2021 and that he has volunteered to produce them again for the MURA AGM 2022.

9. Toast to MURA’s seventh anniversary (Rosemary Cooke)

Before adjourning the meeting, Ante Padjen called on Rosemary Cooke, the new VP Internal, to raise a toast on the 7th anniversary of MURA.

A short pause was proposed by Ginette Lamontagne in order that members retrieve a libation. Ginette also took a moment to thank Kate Maguire for two terms of service as VP Internal and for all her contributions during that time. She also explained that Kate will stay on as the webmaster and coordinator of communications. Thanks, Kate!

Rosemary then proposed a toast to all the organizers and participants of all the events initiated by MURA over the last seven years and for all these events in the future. Cheers!

Ante thanked Rosemary for the toast.

10. Adjournment (Ante L. Padjen)

Ante officially adjourned the meeting but invited everyone to remain online to continue with informal virtual celebrations.


Respectfully submitted

Richard London, Recording Secretary

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