Updated: Wed, 10/02/2024 - 13:45

From Saturday, Oct. 5 through Monday, Oct. 7, the Downtown and Macdonald Campuses will be open only to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Many classes will be held online. Remote work required where possible. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Du samedi 5 octobre au lundi 7 octobre, le campus du centre-ville et le campus Macdonald ne seront accessibles qu’aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel de l’Université McGill, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. De nombreux cours auront lieu en ligne. Le personnel devra travailler à distance, si possible. Voir le site Web de la Direction de la protection et de la prévention pour plus de détails.

Annual General Meeting 2016 Minutes

McGill University Retiree Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 1st, 2016, 2:00-5:00 p.m.  475 Sherbrooke West

President: Ginette Lamontagne Vice-President (Internal): Joan Wolforth Vice-President (External): Henry Leighton Treasurer: Robert H. Stanley

Number of participants (66)

The meeting was called to order by the President who greeted and welcomed all the members to the AGM and the celebration of MURA’s first year anniversary.

I. Approval of the Agenda

Motion to adopt the agenda

Proposed by: Trevor Garland Seconded by: Eleanor MacLean Accepted unanimously

2. Adoption of the Minutes

Motion to adopt minutes of the Annual General Meeting, June 15, 2015

Proposed by: Gregg Blachford Seconded by: Tony Pfarrer Accepted unanimously

3. Highlights of the year

The President, Ginette Lamontagne, reported on the highlights of the last year. MURA now had 320 members. She announced that MURA had signed partnerships agreements with MUNASA and SEU as a result of which members of these organizations will be entitled to free membership. She added that MUNASA and SEU will provide an annual funding allocation that will bring a regular source of income to MURA. She took the opportunity to recognize the presence of the founding Treasurer, Wes Cross, in the audience who had participated in early discussions with SEU on partnership agreements. Kathy Mayhew reiterated the founding Treasurer’s excellent contribution, and Wes received a round of applause from the members.

The President informed the assembly that MURA had appointed a Nominating Committee for the selection process of new candidates to the Executive and the Board for 2016-17. She thanked Dr. Linda Jacobs Starkey for agreeing to act as liaison with the Macdonald campus and to encourage retired colleagues to join MURA. She was pleased to report that MURA was now the official member of the College and University Retirees Associations of Canada (CURAC), the federation of retiree associations of colleges and universities across Canada. This membership will bring added benefits to MURA members.

The President indicated that there had been a number of events, concerts and activities throughout the year and asked the Vice-President (Internal), Joan Wolforth, to present her report.

4. Report on Activities and Events

The VP Internal, Joan Wolforth, reported on the activities that have taken place and on some that will take place in the upcoming year:

  1. Yoga was offered in the Fall with Karen Hellauer as instructor.

  2. Bridge was proposed in the Fall and in the Spring but cancelled due to insufficient


  3. Book club has been meeting once a month - a wide variety of Canadian authors are


  4. Three Facebook workshops were given - 101 in the Fall and in the Spring and a follow-up

    201 for the enthusiasts, led by Gregg Blachford and assisted by Kate Maguire.

  5. Two workshops on health benefits coverage were offered in the Fall and the Spring by

    Nick Acheson and moderated by Kathy Mayhew.

  6. Membership in Athletics is now offered at half the staff price.

  7. MURA members are also permitted to register in the staff fitness courses offered at

    lunchtime to regular McGill employees.

  8. MURA hosted two concerts and receptions in connection with Homecoming in the Fall,

    and in March as a Spring event.

  9. Together with MAUT-RS, MURA held a Fall, Christmas and Spring luncheon-lecture, and

    an additional one is to be offered at Tadja Hall on June 10.

  10. A cycling group is about to launch its activities this summer.

  11. MURA produced one newsletter in the Spring and another one is being prepared for the

    summer to announce MURA activities as well as activities that may be of interest to MURA members that are offered by other groups and organizations.

As Dr. Wolforth mentioned that she was stepping down, the President thanked the VP (Internal) for her many enduring and valued contributions to the founding of MURA, including writing of the Constitution & the By-Laws, setting up of the activities and the events, launching of the Newsletter, and setting up a special relationship with the McGill Community for Continuous Learning (MCLL). The members present gave Joan Wolforth a well-deserved standing ovation.

5. Finances and Governance

The Treasurer, Bob Stanley, thanked the VP Internal. The Treasurer reported that he had represented MURA at CURAC’s AGM in Saskatoon in May. He believed that CURAC would bring significant benefits to MURA and its members.

a. By-Law Change

The Treasurer then asked the participants to approve a resolution to accept an independent financial review in place of a formal audit. An audit would cost MURA between seven to nine thousand dollars. Instead, an independent third party financial review would suffice.

Resolution for an Independent Financial Review

Be it resolved that the AGM ratify the decision of the Board of Directors, made at its meeting of March 21, 2016, to substitute an unaudited independent financial review for the year ending March 31, 2016, in place of the audited financial statement required by MURA By-law 1.d.vi. Proposed by: The Treasurer

Seconded by Henry Leighton Accepted unanimously.

b. Financial Report

The Treasurer presented the 2015-2016 financial report prepared by Services Administratifs et Comptables D.G. inc (Appendix 1). He pointed out that there was a surplus of $7,488 as of March 31, 2016 and that the second instalment of the funding from MAUT-RS was expected shortly.

Resolution to Approve the Financial Report

Be it resolved that the AGM approve the financial review for the year ending March 31, 2016, as prepared by Services Administratifs et Comptables D.G. inc., dated May 17, 2016.

Proposed by the Treasurer, seconded by Allan Oliver. Accepted unanimously.

c. Partnership Agreements

The Treasurer reported that MURA had signed two partnership agreements with MUNASA and SEU Local 800-Trades-Downtown. The intent of the agreements was to allow the associations’ members to automatically become members of MURA upon retirement. In exchange, MUNASA and SEU Local 800-Trades-Downtown will provide MURA with annual payments based on a rate of $6.50 per each active employee. Memberships in MURA provided for by these agreements will continue for as long as the agreements are in effect. These agreements, he commented, will help to build a stronger relationship with these organizations and simplify membership renewal starting September 1st. The Treasurer added that Robert Huot, President of SEU Local 800 Trades-Downtown, had been instrumental in bringing the SEU agreement to life. The agreement with SEU is serving as a model for partnership with the other associations and unions.

d. Resolultion to Approve the Annual Membership Fee

Be it resolved that the AGM declare the membership fees for individuals to be $25.00 for 2016-2017.

Proposed by: Treasurer Seconded by: Kathy Mayhew Accepted unanimously

e. 2016-2017 Budget

The Treasurer presented the proposed budget, Appendix 2, for 2016-2017 dated May 19, 2016, Rev. 1. The budget anticipated revenues of $9,359 and expenses of $7,200.

The Treasurer explained that revenues would be derived from individual membership fees as well as from agreements with associations and unions. For the next year, MURA anticipates a surplus of $2,159. He informed the audience that the cost of insurance and participation in the CURAC annual convention were two major expenditures.

Resolution to approve the budget for 2016-2017

Be it resolved that the AGM approve the budget for 2016-2017 prepared by Robert Stanley, Treasurer, dated May 19, 2016, Rev. 1.

Proposed by: Treasurer Seconded by: Eleanor MacLean Adopted unanimously.

6. By-Law Changes

The Vice-President, Henry Leighton, proposed the by-law changes listed in Appendix 3. The changes are summarized as follows:

1d v. - The requirement for an annual financial audit is changed to an annual financial review

1d vi. - A financial review is to be submitted to the AGM instead of a financial audit.

6c. - The date by when the Nominating Committee must be in place is advanced. The officer to whom the NC submits its report is changed. From the VP (Internal) to the Past President.

6d iii. - The officer to whom nominations from members must be submitted is changed from the VP (Internal) to the Past President.
6g - The Officer who counts ballots is changed from the VP (Internal) to the Past President.

The changes to by-laws 7c , d, and g are equivalent to those for 6c, d and g except that they refer to nominations to the Board instead of the Executive.

Motion to approve the changes proposed by the Vice-President (External) Seconded by Trevor Garland
Approved unanimously

7. Discussion

The President invited members to share their ideas about MURA activities for the coming year or any other MURA matters.

Kate Maguire emphasized the usefulness of Facebook. She informed the audience that a MURA Facebook group account had been set up by Gregg Blachford to facilitate communications with members and to announce various events. Judy Pharo concurred that Facebook was a convenient way to keep abreast of activities. Kate encouraged those who joined the MURA Facebook group to share their retiree experiences, announce activities that other members would enjoy, and reminded them that it is a closed group page - only members can respond to anything that is posted. She then said that additional Facebook workshops would be held if members request them.

Gregg Blachford suggested the implementation of a workshop for prospective retirees on the non-financial aspects of retirement. The President agreed that it was an excellent idea to be pursued with the staff associations and unions.
Ron Guttmann wondered if MURA could obtain phone plans at a better rate than what is available currently on the market. Several members commented that rates in Canada are inordinately high. It was mentioned that a better deal could perhaps be obtained through McGill.

Bev Tallant proposed that MURA offer CPR courses, as she believed that our members would be very interested to join. The President responded with enthusiasm at this suggestion and said that the MURA Board would follow up on it.

8. Elections

In the absence of other nominations, the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee was acclaimed.

The President thanked the members of the Nominating Committee, Honora Shaughnessy, Linda Montreuil and Lawrence Mysak for their excellent work. She also expressed her gratitude to the founding Board Members of 2015-2016, and more particularly to the three members leaving the Board, Jane Amro, Eleanor MacLean and Joan Wolforth. On behalf of all the members, she expressed her appreciation to the Board members for their commitment and hard work this year.

The President presented the new Board to the Assembly: Nicholas Acheson, Steven Blagrave, Myron Frankman, Maria Keenan, Kathy Mayhew, Allan Oliver, Judy Pharo and Bev Tallant. She also presented the 2016-17 Executive: Kate Maguire, VP (Internal), Henry Leighton, VP (External), Robert Stanley, Treasurer. As per the statutes, she explained that she would continue to serve as President to complete her two-year mandate.

The President thanked all the volunteers for their many contributions throughout the year. She mentioned also the colleagues who translate documents Lise Gascon, Jacques Derome, Claude Guérin, Ginette Legault, Jacques Rebuffot and Janine Vasseur. She was pleased to announce that Tony Pfarrer had agreed to take on the responsibility of stewardship of the membership list and thanked Jane Amro for having set up the system so superbly and for her tireless efforts on behalf of MURA.

Eleanor MacLean thanked Ginette for her amazing work in the foundation and first year of operation of MURA.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.

Appendices 1 and 2 are filed as independent documents.

Changes To The By-Laws (June 2015)

Responsibilities of the Executive - Treasurer By-Law 1d v) be changed from

“Recommend to the Board the name of a person qualified to conduct an annual financial audit.” to
“Recommend to the Board the name of a person qualified to conduct an annual financial review.” By-Law 1d vi) be changed from

“Submit to the Annual General Meeting an audited report for the past fiscal year April 1st to March 31st.”


“Submit to the Annual General Meeting an independent financial report for the past fiscal year April 1st to March 31st.”

Election of the Executive

By-Law 6c to be changed from

“Each year, by December 31st, a Nominating Committee of three regular members shall be appointed by the Board. They will prepare a list of candidates for the Executive for the following year and report this to the Vice-President (Internal) by February 1st. There shall be at least one nomination for each office. The nominees must acknowledge their willingness to accept office if elected.”


“Each year, by November 15th, a Nominating Committee of three regular members shall be appointed by the Board. They will prepare a list of candidates for the Executive for the following year and report this to the Past President by February 1st . There shall be at least one nomination for each office. The nominees must acknowledge their willingness to accept office if elected.”

By-Law 6d iii) to be changed from

“Notification that further nominations may be submitted to the Vice President (Internal) under the signatures of five regular members. The nomination must include notice that the nominee is eligible to stand for office and consents to serve. Nominations in writing will be accepted by the Vice-President (Internal) up to and including April 1st.”


“Notification that further nominations may be submitted to the Past President under the signatures of five regular members. The nomination must include notice that the nominee is eligible to stand for office and consents to serve. Nominations in writing will be accepted by the Past President up to and including April 1st.”

By-Law 6g to be changed from

“Ballots received one week before the Annual General Meeting will be counted by the Vice-President (Internal) and a scrutineer appointed by the Board. Those elected will be decided by a simple majority. Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.”


“Ballots received one week before the Annual General Meeting will be counted by the Past President and a scrutineer appointed by the Board. Successful candidates will be decided by a simple majority. Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

Election of the Board

By-Law 7c to be changed from

“Each year, by December 31st a Nominating Committee of three regular members shall be appointed by the Board. They will prepare a list of candidates to fill eight non-Executive positions on the Board and report this to the Vice-President (Internal). There shall be at least one nomination for each available position. The nominees must acknowledge their willingness to accept the position if elected.”


“Each year, by November 15th the Nominating Committee will prepare a list of candidates to fill eight non-Executive positions on the Board and report this to the Past President by February 1. There shall be at least one nomination for each available position. The nominees must acknowledge their willingness to accept the position if elected.”

By-Law 7d iii) to be changed from

“Notification that further nominations may be submitted to the Vice President (Internal) under the signatures of five regular members. The nomination must include notice that the nominee is eligible to stand for office and consents to serve. Nominations in writing will be accepted by the Vice-President (Internal) up to and including April 1st.”


“Notification that further nominations may be submitted to the Past President under the signatures of five regular members. The nomination must include notice that the nominee is eligible to stand for office and consents to serve. Nominations in writing will be accepted by the Past President up to and including April 1st.”

By-Law 7g to be changed from

“Ballots received one week before the Annual General Meeting will be counted by the Vice-President (Internal) and a scrutineer appointed by the Board. Successful candidates will be decided by a simple majority. Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.”


“Ballots received one week before the Annual General Meeting will be counted by the Past President and a scrutineer appointed by the Board. Successful candidates will be decided by a simple majority. Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.”

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