Schulich students distinguished themselves at the International Trumpet Guild Conference

Published: 15 June 2017

The Schulich School of Music was well represented at the 2017 International Trumpet Guild Conference, having more students participate in the Conference’s competitions than any other university. In...

Schulich School of Music graduates and students shine at the 2017 Prix d'Europe

Published: 5 June 2017

Many of our students and alumni performed very well at this year's Prix d'Europe competition.  Felix Hong, BMus'16, ArtDip '17, was awarded the 2017 Prix d'Europe grand prize from l'Academie de...

Laura Risk receives Governor General's Award for Academic Excellence

Published: 5 June 2017

The exceptional research of Laura Risk, PhD'17, has been honoured by McGill University. She has received the University's highest honour, the Governor General's Gold Medal.

Jazz composer Christine Jensen recipient of the Oscar Peterson Award

Published: 31 May 2017

Jazz instructor Christine Jensen, has received the 2017 Oscar Peterson Award from the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal 


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