
Professor Edward Klorman is part of McGill's Bicentennial Digital Time Capsule

Prof. Edward Klorman sitting in front of a book shelf
Published: 22 July 2021

After 200 years of trail-blazing research and innovation, McGill continues to look towards the future. In the Digital Time Capsule, some of McGill’s top researchers craft their own answers to the question: What will be the biggest change in your field over the next 25 years?  

Edward Klorman, Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the Schulich School of Music and Canada Research Chair in Musical Analysis and Performance, whose work is at the intersection of music theory, historical musicology, and musical performance shared his thoughts as part of this unique McGill Bicentennial project.  

Time capsules offer the unique opportunity to capture a snapshot of an era while imagining possible futures, and it's exciting to have music research be a part of the conversation. Klorman is the author of Mozart’s Music of Friends: Social Interplay in the Chamber Works (Cambridge, 2016) as well as numerous award-winning publications. As performer, teacher, researcher, and author, he is sure to have an interesting response to the Digital Time Capsule question.   
Watch Professor Edward Klorman's Time Capsule on YouTube to find out how the trends he’s seeing through his research are leading to his predictions on music making in the coming decades. 

Though we find ourselves in a digital age where time capsules no longer need to be buried underground but can instead be concealed in the virtual cloud — they can still be sealed up! Be sure to watch the predictions from researchers across campus before the time capsule is shut tight on December 31, 2021, only reopening slowly over the next 10 years. 

You can join in the conversation by sharing your predictions for the future of innovation at McGill using the hashtag #McGill200 on Twitter and Instagram.   



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