
NeuRoc Lab is Joining CIM

The NeuRoc Lab is Joining the Center of Intelligent Machine (CIM) @McGill


Published: 12 Jan 2024

NeuRoc Lab is joining the CRIR and the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital

The NeuRoc Lab is joining the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal and the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital at Laval.

This will give us better access to clinicians and patients, putting our research closer to rehabilitation's needs.

Published: 12 Jan 2024

NeuRoC Lab featured in IEEE Spectrum

Our Lab was featured in IEEE Spectrum on our work in MyoSuite.

More about it in the IEEE Spectrum website.

Published: 31 Aug 2023

MyoChallenge 23 competition @ NeurIPS 23

The NeuROC Lab is coordinating the MyoChallenge with colleagues from the University of Twente, Northeastern University and Meta AI.

The challenge is based on MyoSuite and has one track on locomotion and one on manipulation.

The challenge is part of the competition track of the NeurIPS 23 conference.

For more information visit:  MyoChallenge 23 website


Published: 20 Aug 2023
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