Employee's experience

Approximately 100 participants from five administrative and support units, plus the NMWPO itself, are participating in the Pilot Project. Some participants have generously agreed to share their early experiences:

"I am enjoying my experience with the New Models of Work Project. I am one of those people who prefer to work AT the office. The office is bright and airy with very comfortable and modern office furniture. Privacy for phone calls or meetings is available in the futuristic phone booths or conference rooms. The teams/depts working on site are friendly and professional and the NMW group are very helpful and accommodating." - Nancy Wong – Human Resources

"Being part of the New Models of Work has been invigorating. I love that I'm able to interact with my colleagues in a variety of spaces and also meet new people around the office. Even grabbing my morning tea is more fun at the NMW. So happy to be a part of this community!" - Megan Toth – McGill Office of Sustainability

"The New Models of Work Pilot Project team was instrumental in helping our team transition from a traditional work environment setup to the New Models of Work setup. They provided our staff with tools and training to aid them to successfully merge work home/work office balance. Any change can be met with trepidation and the Pilot Project came up with an office design plan that took all our functional needs into consideration, so that our productivity remains unaffected during our transition. Thanks to the NMW Project Team for listening to our concerns and supporting us!" - Helene Koonjbeharrydass – McGill Libraries (Collection Services)

"As part of McGill’s Graphic Design studio, I am excited to be participating in the New Models of Work pilot project. The new space at 550 Sherbrooke Street West is open, bright and beautifully laid out and furnished and privileges a human-centric approach with ergonomics, wellness and balance as core components. Best of all, the team behind NMW is continually striving to improve the space and how its users interact with it and greatly values feedback. As such, there is a much-appreciated sense that the space is adapting to you as much as you to it. I cannot wait to see what comes next." - Jean-Bernard Ng Man Sun – Graphic Design

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