Directors of Nursing at McGill

The School for Graduate Nurses (1920 – 1973), then the School of Nursing (1973 – 2012), and now the Ingram School of Nursing at McGill University has benefitted from nursing leaders throughout its 100 year history. The following summarizes the formidable people who have take on formal leadership roles as Directors of Nursing at McGill.


Flora Madeleine Shaw

RN (Montreal General Hospital), Teacher’s College (Columbia) (b. 1984 – d. 1927; died suddenly in England on her way home from a convention in Geneva)

President of Canadian Nurses Association 1926


Anne Slattery




Bertha (Albertina) Harmer

RN (Toronto General), Bachelor Administration and Teaching (Columbia) (b. 1880 – d. 1934)


(Acting 1934 – 1939; Director 1939 – 1951)

Marion Lindeburgh

O.B.E., RN (St. Luke’s Hospital), M.A., DSc honoris causa (University of British Columbia, 1950) (b. – d. 1955)

President of Canadian Nurses Association 1941 – 1944

1951 (Acting)

Ann Peverley, B.S.

Annual Report 1950 - 51

1951- 1952 (Acting)

Elva Honey

Annual Report 1950 – 51

1952 – 1953 (Acting)

Edith J. Green

Annual Report 1952 – 53


Rae Chittick

B.S. (Johns Hopkins), B.Sc. Public Health Nursing (Columbia), M.A. Education (Stanford), M.P.H. (Harvard), LLD honoris causa (University of Alberta), DSc honoris causa (McGill) (b. 1898 – d. 1992)

President of Canadian Nurses Association 1946 – 1948

1963 – 1971

(Acting 1963 – 1964; Director 1964-1971)

Elizabeth Calhoun Logan

B.Sc.(Biol) (Acadia), M.Sc.N (Yale), (b. 1912 – d. 2017)

President Canadian Association of University Schools of Nursing 1972 - 1974


Joan Muriel Gilchrist

B.N. (McGill), M.Sc. (McGill), DSc honoris causa (Manitoba, 1993)

(b. 1928 – d. 2020)

President of Canadian Nurses Association 1976 – 78;

President Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing1982 – 1984

1982 - 1983 (Acting)

F. Moyra Allen

BN (McGill), M.A. (Chicago), PhD (Stanford), OC (b. 1921 - d. May 2, 1996)

1983 – 1992

Mary Ellen Jeans

RN (Hamilton Civic), BN, MSc(A), PhD (McGill), OC

Executive director of Canadian Nurses Association 1996 – 2001

1992 – 1993 (Acting)

Kathleen (Kitty) Rowat

B.Sc.N (Toronto), M.Sc.(N) (California), PhD (Illinois)

(b. 19937 – d. 2015)

1993 – 1995 (Acting) 

Sr. Barbara Anne Gooding

B.S.N (Mercy Col), PhD(Michigan)

(b. 1940 – d. 2016)

1995 – 2000

Laurie N. Gottlieb

RN (JGH), BN, M.Sc.(A), Ph.D. (McGill), Honorary Doctorate (Université Laval, 2016)

2001 (Acting)

Carolyn J. Pepler

B.N.Sc.(Queen's), M.Sc.N.(Wayne St.), Ph.D.(Mich.)

2001 – 2005

Dr. Susan E. French

N, BN (McGill), MSN (Boston), PhD (Toronto), DSc honoris causa (McMaster, 2002), OC

2005 – 2015

(Acting 2005 – 2006, Director 2006 – 2015)

Hélène Ezer

B.Sc., M.Sc.(A) (McGill), Ph.D.(Montreal)

2015 - current

(Interim Sept 1 2015-August 31 2016; Director 2016-)

Anita Gagnon

B.Sc.(CUA), M.P.H.(Johns Hop.), Ph.D.(McG.)


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