Bruna Fernandes

Bruna Fernandes, BScN, RN, MSc

Faculty Lecturer
680 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC, H3A 2M7
Office: 2030
bruna.fernandes [at]


Bruna Fernandes completed her undergraduate nursing degree at the University of Alberta and her graduate nursing degree at Brock University (Ontario). She also has a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She has clinical experience working at a major hospital in Edmonton (Royal Alexandra Hospital) in General Surgery, ENT and Ophthalmology wards and out-patient clinics as a nurse clinician and as a charge nurse where she oversaw multiple quality improvement projects to advance nursing practice and patient flow. Bruna has been engaged in Nursing Ethics, Nursing Communication, Clinical Practicum, and History and Physical Health Assessment courses in higher education. Since her appointment as Faculty Lecturer at McGill in September 2022, she has taught in undergraduate and graduate programs.

In her classroom, Bruna adapts to her students' needs and strives to create an open and inviting atmosphere where students can focus on learning.

Areas of Interest

  • Nursing leadership
  • Nursing education
  • Immigration studies
  • Gerontology
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