Developing a healthier, more profitable food industry in Quebec

Published: 16 May 2024

As the cost of living continues to rise, our need for affordable, local, and nutritious foods has never been greater. Quebec’s food producers want to meet that demand — but how can they innovate...

Video: AI in milk production

Published: 14 May 2024

Dairy producers know that the slightest change in the behavior of cows can give an indication of their state of health. But since they can't be everywhere at once, artificial intelligence could...

What's with all the wild turkeys in Montreal?

Published: 9 May 2024

Wild turkey sightings are on the rise in Montreal....

New ECP3 greenhouse unveiled

Published: 6 May 2024

From left to right: Roseann O’Reilly Runte (Director of CFI, Government of Canada), Hugo Dionne (Québec government representative), Marie-Claude Bibeau (Minister of National Revenue and MP for...

Eating the way we do hurts us and the planet, study finds

Published: 6 May 2024

In an age of abundance and variety in food options, are Canadians eating better than they were half a century ago? According to a recent paper by researchers at McGill University and the...

SIS PhD candidate Owen Stewart-Robertson awarded SSHRC Doctoral award

Published: 3 May 2024

The School of Information Studies is pleased to announce that PhD candidate Owen Stewart-Robertson has been awarded a prestigious SSHRC doctoral award for the 2024-2025 year. Congratulations Owen!

Microgreens: Grow fast, eat young

Published: 2 May 2024

Pictured above: Greenhouse production of sunflower microgreens in biodegradable containers....

Chris Buddle: Artist, poet, conservationist

Published: 29 April 2024

Most members of the McGill community know Chris Buddle as a professor, an entomologist, a researcher, or a McGill administrator. But Buddle is a man of many more talents, which you can read all...

Quebec farmers have been protesting since December. Is anyone listening?

Published: 23 April 2024

Upset about high interest rates, growing paperwork and heavy regulatory burdens, protesting farmers have become a familiar sight across Quebec since December.


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